October 17, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 30) • Page Image 2
… accom- plishment ic InfoNet, a joint project between IBM, Apple, the University and 17 other technology firms. In- foNet is a computer network which provides conference information, way-finding, and…
… Arbor stores' money went toward the central corporation's profit, but speculated that none did. In other words, she said, Domino's franchises like those in EDUCOM Continued from Page 1 "Apple, IBM, Ne…
…XT, all of the companies involved with higher edu- cation computing are here in force," said EDUCOM Review editor Shel- don Smith. The event has proven to be a feat of planning and logistics. In 40 to 60…
… substantial physical extensions to the U-M computer network infrastructure, such as fiber optic cable between buildings and within buildings," he said. University students may enter the conference grounds…