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January 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- XIX. \ANN'.R Mld NIHIGANX, SXDA.j\I'\ldY 7, 1()()(. OBERLIN LOSES TO MICHIGAN'S FIVE Score Was a 'Te at End of Each -r HalIf; Extra Time Rounded Out Score to 27-25. 1 1I~ .- ( rc . ' 2t \f > sMfisgiss i1;dc>. 11°cnl~tr ~a 1r11h111ll ICSISTITCANDIDATE SHFOR clas" rela' loam, classtrack nmanager. STDN ONI tnt!s list year. 1I .Wahrod tot is t pintth enir° dct~eSSi \ ebscrrsociety. JosephliPristeau, var- one isse. he ...…

January 17, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…ThleMichigan Dail Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, January 17, 1908. Vos,.XVIII. No. 80. DEBATING TEAMS he of the Adipi debating club, took sprtng an was in te Sargent contest AR j IT EA I E Io eruirary ie is editor-in-chief of lilt he 'i Syllaix, and a mmbr of Aleph Northwestern Team Arrived Yes- A.B degree, intending to enter te law depairmcint S a i enest fal. terdy-Jdge Swan wil be C'scl(GeorgT. ''Paher of the Moderator. Nrthwesern sans sai...…

January 17, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…I The M4ichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICIGAf>N, TIRIRS)AY, JA1NV.IaR 17, 107. VOL XVII. Noa. 8o. STUDENT COUNCIL SUGGESTS WITHDRAWAL Carefully Considers the Conference Question, and Then Sends Reso- lutions to the Senate. Studentsasn geneoral lavses- 5005anx- iously tooting foran expresatsino opiniaon itesalt fasra-n(estion5051frons heir reparesentative bosdy, the stut(1st Coucitsl, anowsoa-that body aslsoen.t After long and careful consida...…

January 17, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily V'ol-.X VI. ANN ARBOR, IIC1GA. k \VWBDI'SI)\V, I A\K lidN "17, tfoo('. No. 78. f BASEBALL TEAM IMUST wellxxxxofi xhxe siy for keeping up DEFEAT CHICAGO cxxxlas xox.xiux y lttrfrmCo \,' \11ixs'. hard wxokxwii start the lnthusiastic Meeting of Baseball Can= ixx rsicla tec care is loxxered. That didates Last Night-Work xmein i'wl'b i oodxplan toiwork Satns February 12 nt i fe uimit tx eaci dap until i ten --c-- to itart y...…

January 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUIESDAY, JANUARY 17: 1905 No. 7 6 A LURID TRACK SUIT REGENTS TAKE ACTIONj BASEBALL CANDIDATES! NORTHWESTERN FRIDAY '4"ick" Keeler Says tie Will Run in the F~resh Soph Meet in a Suit of fellow and Blue Trunks. Anti=(irrX Stanud Made by Regents List of Aspirants for Baseball Hionors at lDectn l)Lr -leeting==Prof. Patter- As (iiven Out by Captain Bird=- Representatives From Eivanston vs. Michigan in D~ebate- ...…

January 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Mic higan Daily Vot. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICE., SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1904. No. 78 NEW TRACK ATH[LETES. ATHLETIC MEETING j MINNESOTA DEBATE. The University Athletic Asciation__ Promising Matrial Among the New heltraniomthant meeting ayesterday Michigan Debaters Won Annual De afternoontl at wich an amendment Men-Exceptionally Large Num was made to the constitution provid- bating Contest at Minneapolis- ber of Freshmen Candidates ing for appoi...…

January 17, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. gKEOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICI., S .TI THOMAS DIXON TONIGHT School of Music Quarterly -- A mlass (mtng of the stude-nts of Famous Orator and Author of "The 'tile ~ioeroty Scoot of Mnsir has is-onaucal(led for $Saturday aft(-(-to((at Leopard Spots" on the -4 ci -k aoMle Scooltof Musit- to ils- S. L. A. Course Mss the question of estatotsinisoa - osojoal quarterly un(1r1'lhe nlie Ttien iownt Ito-S nor, las ntor -ndotof tihe...…

January 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…ku YA.AINN ARBOR. iMICHI., FID AY, JANUARY 17 1902. NO. 80 MUSEUM OF INDUSTRY White Awarded An honor. _vHON. BIRD S. COLER Prof. Worcester Entertained. l11OVation to be Introduced For 11he'su11t1of I1 110 (11111111111 FiX' lvol Benefit Of Students in Higher 1ro.,talos. to 11at i~lmt'rf ho Coiotnerai Cootrses. foothi 1l1te 1mwho soutld oud 0001 im- s l' I Ile c'o:[tti m 1 o :0011 to1wi111 1111 II 1'ltig tih w l-. nl -Jrv Inl o l iln a in f l Il...…

January 17, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…be 'of PI!711 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR,. MICH..; THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1901. No 83 Announcement Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. u BR . WILD GO., roS E. Washington St. WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to...…

January 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… 'Of 94 Pauu VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, M~ICH., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1900 No. 81. TRC CANDIDATES. io their repetive classe urging ATHLETIC BOARD MEET. W- -L them to come out od beefit by t e___ tthsSotcoaching given the 'Varsity mateial. Eastern Baseball Trip--Sinking Fn NaqEncouragementstohiSpr The maters of wrieting codbox- Scheme--Western College Fn TT Sport Brings Oue a Large Field. ig were broght top a0 they air n- Athletics. The results ...…

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