March 16, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 124) • Page Image 12
…. M. Sanders, "Quantum Effects In Low Temperature Fluids," 2046 Randall Lab., 4 p.m. International Night: foods from the British Isles, Mich. League Cafeteria, 5 p.m.t Computing Center: "Introduction to…
….m. International Coffee Hour: 1024 Hill St., 9 p.m. General Notices As of April 2 regular public tours of the Computing Ctr. willbe offered only at 3 p.m. on Sunday; arrange tours for other hours by calling Mrs…
…., 212 SAB. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grand Rapids Yacht Club, Grand Rapids, Mich. Instructor needed to teach beginning and advanced sailing; further info. available. Waverly Schools, Lansing, Mich., info. and appls…
…-6338. UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GE- NEVA, Grad, study program for 2-3 weeks; study working of UN; appl. deadline Apr. 10. LISLE INTERNATIONAL offers pro- grams to promote the understanding of worldwide human…