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December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…J> : t l 3Li 10 L ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1919. .1 ,XICANS RELEASE' MERICAN PRISONER (By Associated Press) ashington, Dec. 15.-The state de- nent was notified late today thatl erick Hugo, the American seiz- y bandits in the recent raid of tuiz, Mexico,' had been released had returned to Muzquiz. Condi- Supon which he wvas set free were stated in the message but the de- nent announcement said it was osed no ransom had ...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…xclusively entitled to the use for ches credited to it or not otherwise local news published therein, Lt Ann Arbor, Michigain, as second nard street. rds, if signed, the sig- but as an evidence of d in The Daily at the d to The Daily office. onsideration. No man incloses postage. .se the sentiments ex- ......'Managing Editor Phone z414 or roz6 r. .... ......Business Manager Phone g6o or 2738 , .t.. ....Ast Managing Editor .....................…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…I e84 to seculre AD'S TANK TEAM Y SW"IMZMERS JBETTER DS AT MEET SAT. IJRDAY fspecial transportation facilities to take the Clevrelanders homne in a body for the Christmas recess. HATS TO WEAK, HOSE Those who desire their' hats clean- ed and rebloeked for going home will Tease ' leave thorn at our shop as soon as possileI so we can have themZf out on time. We do Velour and Borisa- lino hats so, they retain their original fineness of textur...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…-1 asked to at o'clock on I gymnasium. play are g at 4 :Barbour Girls' Glee elub will be held at 4:30 FOR ATHENA 'OC1ETY TAL o'clock Tuesday .afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Faculty and studets are invited by dolls at Athena Literary society to..hear. Prof. There are still a number of dI. Leo Sharfman talk on public speak- Newberry hall waiting for University ing at 7:15 o'clock tonight on the women to dress them for the Christ- fourth floo...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…Ffinger Scr r j A.. THE MAUESTIC VIVIAN MARTIN "LOUISIANA" 0DADE. [ ~ l[ u.Be. , 3ti-Y 7--Owen tMoore n in"Pic- Star Comedy, "Tick Tick Quibbling,' trick excuses, and in- sincerity are very seldom met with in the interviews which students have with him regarding- their absences, declAres==tDan John R. Effinger. "I have , found" that the students are pretty square with me,". said Dean Affimger, "and' I think it always pays ,to- believe~...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

… e the names ents attend- iool at Y psi- II WHAT'S GOING ON State Normal sch d the University. Ju~u .LLe campu as a wnle In spite of the increased cost of e Michigan Union, a calendar materials and labor the price of the sity events, a list of Univer- directory will be the same as that es for women, and the names last year. he Parrot and the Eagle Ready-made clothes like the Parrot, are essentially imitators-lacking in individuality. No tw...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…M t' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1917. HERE r Change; tion in nt Jun- tor for ve very littlo are receiving wly. Sales of duced by th.' one-ton ord- for any one at-of 10 cars by Mg. Beal :ted to relieve ipon arrival. suffering be- .ty have been the fuel ad- may now be department order of their HOUSE STATES US, I MISSION SUCCESS influeince of America Albroad is Para- mouin - .Ssys Colonel to News- paper Men PERSHINC DOING DIF...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…tia Church Huron Streets CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State in which to impart iency and energy to which this war willj concentrate it in the e experienced organ- s been recognized by for ch a concentration of ad- action in this matter absolutely necessary and aestly call upon all those tribute either great sums he alleviation of the suf- istress which must inevi-' ut of this fight for human- aocracy to contribute to ass.-Woodrow Wilson. that a...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…ispired by Marchig as Students and Play Real Football ,said Fred- ho has just front. "The flat on your as over you. . is so great ttail a-ainst e a Aay fr'om :ther Michigan last May. They I then to France s training. In d at a training i, and were then n the arnbulance ses of that trip the alumni of ne, "and I want ity to tell them, were for their jEast Lansing, Mich., Dec. 15.-Co- eds of the Michigan Agricultural col- lege watched their gr...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…has , of C is aroni al circles >f sentime amping t critics s ill rema s already Here's M But thes ree that here to and vigo .rarsn ofvar sty The management of the Majestic is tten y Chiago A um us offering a varied program this week that will be likely to please patrons march tune, Against the brutal force of tyranny, of this theater. Tom Linton and his given a set 'Old Glory' leads the way. Jungle Girls appear in a miniature musical comedy ...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…I IpI1Rp I UUiL JLLLd lrull lglU PER TON IN FRANGE 1i 0 WILL MAKE MUNITIONS Your inspection - -- & Co. MAIN STREET OUR DRY CLEANING SERVICE Affords a method of practicing gen- ine economy. Renews the lii'e and freshness of clothing and other articles and thus obviates the necessity of a new purchase. TEST o'ur promptness as well as our workmanship on next STEAM IKS FOR NG too Smalfl or too 'AL Large P y"~ SHTENAW TRIO SHOI ,...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…A 'y dates I PL T9 Ulf' 1 e'. _ . ..-.. ..:x. -1 For wS But despite Eabrics in the clothes are on ifford to over- is trly Difference Others on 5 Rolls 15e 25c 05Cea., 90c ............. $1.1 SAVE MONEY sooner than others. and Group Pictures stions ICE "Sleeveless," "with ;" Army Shirts, and also those wonderful TS" in Black and Arrangements have been made by the Michigan Union for the following holiday party rates on the Michi...…

December 16, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 65) • Page Image 1


December 16, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…N 1; a '. i ' ' - 'I f, }'fl ,j , ' , js ,"; M i l i l : _ y: ;/ , ;: ; ,, E Treat Yourself To A . Nelv Suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come in to- d:ay and selctL the cloth from our as- o o et oelegant and exclusive fabrics from the very best mills. The cost will not be unreasonable. And our reputation is a guarantee that the style and tailoring will be irreproach- aide. G.L. Wild Company Leading ITferchant Tailor State S ALL Phone 169 Your Roo...…

December 16, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…e College, Penn., Dec. 15.-Penn will lose only four men from its 11 squad by graduation in the IU hrlL I i Lu SPECULATE UPON MAZ.AND BLUE spring. They are Captain Clark, Mor- ris, Edgerton, and Oberlc. Of these Captain Clark was the only regular, Morris was substitute end, Edgerton played in the backfield in six games, and won the Lehigh match with his drop-kick, and Joe Oberle was a sub- stitute center. Our alarm clocks are good clocks. Cha...…

December 16, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…3E~ ARCI MA] ;.1 THEATERS w1 Fireplaces and Modern Equip- nent Add to Appearance of Lane Hall dy Lane hall, soon to be oc- by the Y. M. C. A., is present- homelike appearance. Only a al touches here and there are for completion. For the bene- he workmen, the great furnace >asement has been fired, but not of the coziness and cheer will Dished, it is said, by the large es, of which there are three i floor. ng into the basement, from the .e ...…

December 16, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…11 J4 AppropriateSitgson -W %W Dr: Grey Mochas, Tan Cap)es, nlu, \Voo andur Lined. Waistcoats $3.00t tii) Niwar efes iot ress Sets of Studs and I ii<Sit iu.,ai ad any. BATH a'dlCIQX O Tool Knit $5.00 to S,,7.0 .,1 _irc e"t $.0L: 12 I U I fps !M O1 1 GO. Mhr w- w i t I tk 1 ti1 r.i E- 1 f t r ,_ ,f I t C I . L.1 Full Dress Suits, Tuxedo Goats, in latest styles Also Silk and 'opera Hats the very Lisle 25c and 50c Si, ~ C t I~ O W...…

December 16, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

… W.v4r 'ais MERRY CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS CHRISTMAS CARPS Exactly like cut. All sizes aa to e. rit guaranteed New Lot Just Received. Dak r Dark ?grown Cordovans Also Skate Shoes for Men and Women Black, Tan Pearl $3.50 to $5 ENLARGEMENTS (from your best negatives) CALENDERS (for Picture inserts) L Y N D 0 N ' S 719 N. University Ave Open Evenings until 9 o'clock KODAKS BULBS - - 75c to $100.00 ... Hoffstetter's Walk-Over Boot Shop We...…

December 16, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY $1.b0 NEWS OF THE WOR THE CAMPUS RLD AND FS I"h Mich 1igan Daily Phones :-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEGRAPH SERVICE BY 1 NEW YORK SUN VOL. XXVI. No. 63. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915. PRICE FIVE C ._ Y ,.. ACTOR3 IN COMED CLU 3 PR ODUCT/ON, PIt1NCIPALS AND CAST SHOW UP WELL IN FULL REHEARSAL TICKET SALE BREAKS RECORD Humorous Scotch Comedians Furnisl Plenty of Amusement to Audience At the rehearsal...…

December 16, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY .... . . t ' n . ' o ' S 1, . , . Y o THE BEST DRESSED MEN have their clothes made-to-measure. It is not a fallacy to say that clothes reveal their origin even to the casual observer. And there's an air of dis- tinction to our clothes that can come only from years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied your friends, why not you? G. H. WILD COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State St. Flowers for Chri...…

December 16, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC-HIGAN DAILY ;6 " 1 I i h '' .' ' ;; , I , ji I a- lh v.v. Ni..}(ttY rlilYf41 .. ^. Mf4ffft RV yl Yrtftv1N V; raw.. .' I lfR/. "!v. Y V r. t 41 r rr ; ,p' !Yl 6. I i THREE TEAMS TIED FOR IRST HNRS Six More Games Will be Played Indoor Baseball League Before Christmas In the SOPH LITS LOSE BOTH GAMES Six more indoor baseball games will be played before the holidays break into the season. The games will be played toni...…

December 16, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…r 'THE MICHfG.AN DAILY kham Gives Advice to Embryo Writers--Favors Poets' CI I MI AIPan-Americans to O ENTD M eet This Ionth I S SIR I Will Hold Second Scientific Congress IM Iat Washington December 27 to January VES WRITING OF POETRYJ IN FRESHMAN RHETORIC CLASSES R6ES COURSE 11 LITERATURE xplans Socialistic Tendency in His Writing; Advises Against Going to New York "A young writer needs to do two iings," replied Edwin Markham when sked...…

December 16, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 63) • Page Image 5

…THi-E MICHIGAN DA1L'Y ..... _a._..._ : ,. 4 _ _ irr ,. 7 -- " Y , 1 f O° ' ,1 .. p " .;:u Hake Christm Last all Win When you're ,out looking for your Winter Overcoat, just pay this store a visit. We don't ask you to favor us, but we do insist that you'll regret slighting us. There isn't a finer, smarter or complete showing of Overcoats than ours in Town and we'll show you prices that you can't heat any- where. B uya supply of Columb...…

December 16, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

…TAEFAITCH'lfllN DATL A wma fm - t -__ ' sw S'FI E SPECIAL - HURRY WHITNEY THEATRE THRDCMAY 16 KLAW AND ERLANGER present Hare the Call I just received 150 Calendars for 6xio Vertical Picture Inserts by mistake in shipping, and by an arrangement with the manufacturer I can close them out at only 33c each-the regular price is Soc. They are beautiful sepia, separatly boxed, and just the thing to use with an enlargement, or we have some...…

December 16, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…Ok i The Michigan Daily i SUIISC1IBlE tiOWT $200 $2.00 I 0 - -- -1 1 --- nz., Vol. XXV, No. 68. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA1N. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1914. rICEF IVE CE 1 MIMESTO PRODUCE NOVEILVAUDEV1ILLE Show Tonight in Hill Auditorium First of Kind Ever Staged By University Students SIX NEW FEATURE ACTS WILL COMPRISE EVENING'S PROGRAM Well Known Performers Seen in Other Campus Productions Combine for Big Entertainment With the ...…

December 16, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…irH;D M'1CH] . DAILY "I'H~ MICH DAILY for the Xmas holi- evailing styles in and colors includ- Calcuttas, Bengals, ents, Empires, Pe- sets, Lyntons, Club garments made in fit you and be long Vy L, . , l _ : _ ' - --, r,'l '1 l tl , cif i7 D CO. ors State St. s I STMAS GLFTS PRESENTS BEFORE LEAVING FOR HOME. JEWELRY SONG BOOKS CELETS COLLEGE SEALS 00NS PILLOW COVERS HATPINS BANNERS BRASS DESK SETS, $2.50 iP. HARRISON FISHER GIRLS, $2...…

December 16, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

….10AN DAILYV. $5.25 TS A1LUMNI ASSOCIATE IN RECENT PERIOD Effect (Consolidation of 'Groups from Different Departments Eight Years Ago MICHIGAN ALUMNUS COMMENCED IN 1893 AS PRIVATE PROJECT gan Alumnus for life without further charge. ,\ ;\ as r t a x ; rte. F . T ,t ,. 1,l } _ r i . _ .L / , dl and Purchasers of X in Town Toques PARTY GOVERNMENT IN TIHE UNITED STATES OF AWERICA. New Years Gifts CHARLES D. WILEY Publications of Harv...…

December 16, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…T ME MICHIGAN DAILT FOR XMAS AKE HO E A CLASS P'IPE Own Make - $3.50 "3 B" - $2.50 VSTON Bw oso 5FORYQUIR DEN5 8u8tiful College Pennants YALE and HARVARD Each 9 in. x 24 in. PRINCETON, COR- NELL, MICHIGAN ' Each 7 in.x 2in. 4--PENNANTS, Size 2x30 -4 Any Leading Colleges of Your Selootion. All of our best quality, in their prbper colors, with colored em- blem.,- Aither assortment, for limited time, sent postpaid for 50 cents and...…

December 16, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN LAILY n-Bloch $25 Suits and Overcoats r Men are the BEST Made-Ready Dthes in the World at that Price -Plain statement of a plain fact. Has been so through three generations. Will stay so. -Why best? Because they do not stop (as does the usual $25 suit) at good fabrics 2134 good style; they contain the best possib 1workmanship. -Without that the best of fabrics won't stand, the best of style won't stick. l i - ASK ANY COLLEGE O...…

December 16, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…TliE MICHIIGAN DA.LY I on Talk-Over Foot wear I New Parisian I Last l H L.K _ER I For a Merry Xmas Let Me Suggest A Book of University Views-containing fifteen 6x8 and ten 4x6 choice pictures in hand colored at only $i-oo, or in Sepia at only 85c. Then I have other views of Ann Arbor also -suitable for framing-a picture of your class or one of the Penusy Game would please. Kodaks and a Choice Line of Calendars L HAND PRESSING ...…

December 16, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…',, .I 1 Vil p1J .Igan F 00 Lk1 r I*OE TI i LIS 0 1' 4w ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. PRICE FIVE VHAS T FAME EVENTS FOR TODAY Engineering Social Club Dance at Ion. Fresh Pharmic Smoker at Union. Senior Lit Class Meeting in N Physics Lecture Room. Senior Engineering Dinner at Un Michigan Daily Dance at Cou Club. un West nion. ntry Filibert Roth on Equal Pale 1914 JmHOP IS 1FORBIDDEN BY SENATE'S. VOTE IUniv...…

December 16, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…II Christmas Gi THE MICHIGAN DAILY ftsOfficial newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every mornng except Mon- day dringthe nivesityyear T Ill THE LEADING ERCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the t tailored suit possible he most suitable price. >rkmanship the best. ry suit built to fit. r stock of woolens of highest quality. The rest assortment in the' to select from. IIe With CO. 311 S. State St. ROIT UNITED LINES NN ARBOR TIME ...…

December 16, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…I Kodaks s black rubber soles. proper dress shoe le Tango. =a new lot of tan ersoles. Prices from up to $6.00. We have all the Eastman Ko- daks from the Brownies for "Kids" up to the "Specials" for experts. See the liw Kodak gift case that is being advertised in the magazines-$15-oo. We have it. Come in and book it over. Xmas Candies Every lady friend likes can- dies and she appreciates them more if they are WHITMAN'S. Come in and get a "...…

December 16, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…anD Sale off on mackinaws and raincoats off on all odd trousering off on all overcoatings in stock 1 0° off on all suitings 6 First Ch ce Christmas Gifts No.1- Kodaks--All prices from $i.oo to $65.oo. The Vest Pocket Kodak at $6.oo is the one that will please the most fastidious. No. 2- A New "M" Book, better than ever-same size but improved binding scheme. Sure to please- he would treasure it," or "she would be delighted." No. 3- Phot...…

December 16, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…TURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1911. DINERS LITTLE DISTURBED BY FIREMAN'S WARNING. NATURE I "Your house is on fire," announceda a fierce visaged fireman, who entered the dining room of1 the Lexicon club at 621 South State street during the din- ner hour last night. "Is it?", cheerfully inquired one of the members. "Well, boys, let's go out and look at it." And the club adjourn-. ed to the street where they watched the department extinguish a slight ...…

December 16, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…TE ~ lMICHIGAN DAI. 2,. Street ISP LAY of Exclusive Styles nd Trousers. So. State Street NT TAILORS ewri tcrs SAle Or Re'nt FEWNITINGre j . MORRILL ).State Street STMASI S Harrison Fisher, American Belles Phillips, Gallery of Girls Harrison Fisher, Fair Americans Harrison~ Fisher, Calendar Private Christmas Cards MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS AT LOWEST CLUB RATES Sheehan's STUDENT'S BOOKSTORE le are the original makers of niglish clothes. None ...…

December 16, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

… LI J A.LW LI ;8S id send t direct E Grinnell Bros. have a very large stock of Mandolins, Guitars and small music boxes from $2.00 up; just the thing for a Christmas gift. Call at their warerooms, 120 and 122 Liberty street for anything in the line of music at lowest prices. 62 tf W. J. SIMONSON, Mgr. NOTICE! To Automobile and Motor Cycle Own- ers:-The 1912 automobile and license number plates are now being issued. All owners should make ...…

December 16, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…I) iat to (Continued from page 1.) cording to Dean Vaughan, is no reflec- tion on the present management. The regents appointed Dr. Lillian Welch, of Baltimore, to give a series of three lectures before university women. The lectures will deal with physical training and sex hygiene, and will be given on three successive days. Professors Get Lem-es of Absence. Prof. C. 0. Davis, of the department of education, was granted a leave of absence t...…

December 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…Vo. i] A N RB R Mi c i NnFiIiAY I :F"81 8Xx.(i V -d, xxL ANN ARBOR., MICHIGAN, FI l D:AY I)I ;C'Ia;. II31?h to, jcpo. :\ . 62. MYSTERY SHROUDS EASTERN TRAVELS Director Bartelme Silent to Possible Results of Jnnket as SEEMS PLEASED WITH OUTLOOK iil ull i ,~r iiitltiiil i 11 < ii lllt )r ii l \"li t i i t "vl1 te111ar; ) te Ai l 11tc [ig 'tht A t °c 1 1 eU cr c lo isitt I'II)NN liii's 01,li1,x1) (ix ci)x IN NSxONCi NI iN. vaiou ilK Ill...…

December 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…ICI SI I ...1 ms:_.....' S Ii.l ' t ttet ~Btw d N ) rtw THE MICHIGAN *DAILY h hM sCGN nhaet~er sttltedactivities iiii' dIrcte ion. M ticigaii itutllit lit 'uIiN "itit. ifl vI uui Ot ntt( . ,v ______________________________________ it takes time for lthe tudtiracluti t Kart liiTitus if waunt ith hihweaeiltll hr tartu I. Ftitl tu itis htimetohg H W if lte IK.. 'ourers t'Professour Rtlei ani o 'Ic ii ?t tat .. t. et 'eV. Store i ...…

December 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…_____._.___ -- M2_m ._ A DA Y.. FOR Arm i.Arbor's-eain ° .u carht. Ip ottlose CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING <111 tfllcr ii /his olttt It 1u/ be /i ai l/'r i r i/ +t . C1S/i ihours AVAINTL?,D It' anted it 011CC -\V a i 1 clerk tir Chis~tmas o lidaysi/ with 0 ex eee ill ux/1/1 ///sil1 os. all at hAl/~i- c 1i 1 l ss Co ( f 1 . 6162. LOaSp. I.s -to gol1 w tch, 1tO 111 cae./0 ,g W0,1s t'k ulit 5,6 So.State St., pik 18. De ar.61-62. FOR SATE. 62. / 1 t" ...…

December 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…Our i / AA 0 d Iles in __ O. jO o.7 it C a and 4ioms 5 r i: 9 Suitale I i'P cr ' .r , i ir.1 .._ _... _. _ ,. .....n rr P THE MICHIGAN D~tii { UNIVI3RITY NOTICES gt ittChristmta soialtt] it 411 ac iv itd.t Cotne it iii i il lt it ig of freh lat clas t I 1111 tt 1 :1) . m , r om . ti~tin 1'csla t igat ii \ m no in c li rhc 'Jj i ic froad th er i aImett p durorg-the Christat. acti iCin~ innatninandIianapoih li ' Itolayatt1;:oo, t...…

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