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April 15, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…, Director led the institution's Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering and was a professor there since 1977. Director said he now looks forward to working at a larger, more research…

… Arslanovski, was able to Ommunicate Friday with her class- mates in Grand Rapids via the, Internet and a quickcam camera. "Personal computers can be a valu- able tool," Arslanovski said. "We can Bone…

… on their way to southern Lebanon and that they will strike Israel abroad as well. First woman to deliver Golden Apple lecture By Patience Atkin Daily Staff Reporter For any student who ever wondered…

… what the "f' word means, tonight's Golden Apple Award lecture may shed some light on the subject. Carol Boyd, this year's recipient of the Golden Apple Award, will deliver her ideal last lecture, titled…

… of Nursing, said she assumes that the "f' word refers to "feminism." "At least, that's what she said," Hinshaw said. Previous Golden Apple recipients in- clude English Prof. Ralph Williams, his- tory…

… Prof. Sidney Fine, chemistry Prof. Brian Cnnol n h~is torv Prof Tomn polls University students to select a Golden Apple winner. "It's a campuswide selection pro- cess," Kraut said. He said that this…

November 15, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…,500 each, were taken from an unse- cured computer room in the building. The stolen computers include one Packard Bell model and two Apple Macintosh computers. DPS has no suspects but staffers said…

… reports stated. Maintenance was contacted to clean up the graffiti. Hard drives stolen from SAB Three computers were stolen from e Student Activities Building on onday. The computers, worth approximately $4…

March 15, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 6

… all premium- & pay per view channels. 913- EXCELLENT SELECTIONAOF NEW AND GENTLY USED BRAND NAME FURNITURE! Twin mattress set $88.00, Cocktail & 2 end tables set $88.00, Computer desk $88.00, Queen…

… & eff. 1-2 people 1 block from Frieze Bldg. Fully fum. Varsity Management 668-1100. *SUBSTANCE FREE CO-OP* Gregory House at 1617 Washtenaw: TV, VCR, computer, porch and dinners made every evening. 1…

…'t miss out. Call Today! 761-8000 2 & 3 BDRM. furn./unfurn. @ 1600 Packard. Fall lease. 769-7025 until 8p.m. 2 1/2 BDRM. HSE. avail. July. Fum. w/appl. 10 min. walk to Diag. Ref. req. Prkg. No util. $1000…

…. $337/mo. Call 996-3539. LG.2 RM. EFF.'S & 1 bdrm.apt.on central cmps. starting at $425. Util. incl new appL, prkg. avail. 747-6895. MAY LEASES avail. Contemporary stu 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. CMB - 741…

November 15, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…-Koo-e-Koo 17.5" mntn. bike w/front shock. NEW condition. $500. Call Steve at 971-0428. NISSAN MAXIMA '88 Loaded. Excellent condition. $3500 or best. 313/481-0774. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT…

… Incredible deals on systems, monitors, priners and accessories! 486s as low as 5599. Macs as low as $199. Limited supply! 313/994-1030. MACEXCHANGE COMPUTER Outlet. Sales, service, parts and upgrades. Buy…

… positions ASAP. Full-time/part-time/ weekends available. Call 971-6122 10-4 p.m. TANFASTIC NOW HIRING for all shifts. Appl at 627 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. TELEPHONE work setting appointments0 for insurance…

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