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January 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 78) • Page Image 6

…rtF, Nt1CH10- iL EMI:: ,. 'I A . .'; " . 30 THE. MiCHICA'N DAiLY ~W~ThAY ~ tR~Thf~fl l I1 i..1. cf " 1.\11 ali4.l, ,1i/, -i OtPI WOLVERINES LOOK TO CONFERENCE AT SCHEDULE 10 "1 MIC…

… HICAN MATMN DOWN TWOil STRONG EASTERN SCHOBOLS Prnceton andF.& M. Defeated by Powerful Wolverine Grappling Team. WIN BY LARGE SCORES Hewitt Continues His Victory Streak by Accounting I for Two Triumphs…

… from more experienced op- l ponents. The stocky Wolverine 1481 pound defender won the State A.A. I U. title in this weight last year and is looked upon as a favorite to start I the first Big Nine meet…

… i o r circuit forX team ole ntheir own floor toni he 1929 baseball campaign, show- The Wolverine "B"' teaml was sent through a rather strenuous drili ing the way for all the other slab yestegay…

… Lefty) Grove. smoke-ball State Normal school A Ypsilanti artist of the world champion Phil- last Saturday night will take t .liel adelphia Athletics, was second to r floor for the Wolverine juniors. the…

… exhibition of shooting itven by the Wolverines in Monday night's game against Illinois, Coach Veenker started his practice sessidn yesterday afternoon right where hl, charges started slipping the worst in the…

March 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…, were Captain of the Michigan swim- close behind with nine Wolverines ming team, who won his heat in, and a relay quartet qualifying for the 440 yard swim and also in the ti te finals tomorrow ,night. As…

…:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon the 300 yard medley relay when the when fire gutted the residence. The Wolverine trio trailed both Wiscon- interior was completely destroyed sin and Minnesota in the first…

… the Wolverine entry was or- of the big upsets of the meet so far. In his first match Gorcion was defeated by Gross of Illinois 5 to 4 in a closely contested bout which was hard fought all the way. Buck…

March 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

… their feats, Coach Cliff .Keen's Wolverine .mat- again this season. And. what is, men will turn their attention to more unusual innthis sport, both I the National collegiate meet at of these competitors…

… weapons, ty, the Wolverine tankmen who sur- while Dowsett may place in the vived the initial contests will swim first three in the epee. again today in the finals. A bitter battle is predicted with…

… kagc q) -i inacnt illuul ~i ! 'a ul 1 r i 1r v I-'1 showing which the Wolverines make in the Conference meet end-' ing tonight, but there are four men who are almost certain to go. Cap~- tain Hewitt…

May 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 161) • Page Image 6

…- petition, the Wolverine Varsity ten- nis squad is prepared to open an in- vasion of western schools this att- ernoon when it wll. meet the Bad- ger netmen at Madison. Following the Wisconsin contest the…

… form evident in the last two meets. Wolverines Favored Wisconsin has lost two consecu- tive meets in the past, and unless they show considerable improve- ment over previous performances they stand well…

… fact that Michigan has less veterans than the Bad- gers the odds are in favor of the invaders. With Beal, Capt. Ham- mer, and Brace playing in the first. three positions, the Wolverines present an…

… imposing front. Beal and Hammer are both experienced vet- erans and Brace, a sophomore, has been playing a sterling brand of tennis for the Wolverines thus far this season. Bob Clarke, Rollin Clarke, and…

… thin-dads the day's workout on the diamond for standings in the junior circuit are ftroonhbispropgramiyesthe assmhei-I[ afternoon in rprtion fr he ekh Wolverines. Coach Fisher had beginning to assume a…

… the Yanks have___ ate kept him out of the box. L .idles. He needed only two his three uld The Wolverines will workout on fourte pacernow after a bad start. NATIONAL LEAGUE. trials to take an additional…

May 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 161) • Page Image 7

…R r w V wvw ---V-w'-V7WTvw'V V 7.VV 7WVT rV - sWir I 15. 19M4'r T"I41HE MICHIGAN . D A I L Y PAGE SEVEN .'fy t '~o . niy :. '.'" -.-. .." . .x'.... 4.rn. Wolverine golf Team W ill Meet…

… the Wolverine golfers invade the Wildcat cotirse today with every in- dication of again chalking up a win. Coach Trueblood and his squad left Ann Arbor Tuesday for a day's practice on the Northwest- ern…

March 15, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… wrecked the prison shops, .iInr ecent years concerning the work naw, Wisconsin, in 11:35 to d a llrad the n in an Acton was promied Ilterastr he has been carrying on at the uni- score the Wolverine's lone…

… in the custody of J. A. Burs- student's meeting in the evening of a successful Wolverine inva- The fourth convict wounded was iy, dean of students, for action by there will be a discussion of "The sion…

March 15, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

… final standings were Ohio State and Northwestern, who tied at 1 5/6 points apiece. Chicago brought up the rear with a single marker to its credit. Runs on Wolverine RELAY TEAMS EKO Mile Relay Quartet c…

…---~~~~ Several Wolverine Runners Take Places Against Leading Mid-West Trackmen. CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Mar. 14-Eddie Tolan, the sprinter with a tardy start but lightning finish, carried Ja the Maize and Blue 'in the van…

March 15, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 117) • Page Image 7

….RCH 15, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE VEN .. i* _ ... D.OUGOVII"O if I 165- E ' -r-) ll ,T.D SRT DEFEATED Distance Star Runs at Relay Carnival Ren1inder of Wolverines D Bouts in Semi…

… the freshmen who can swim, will be 50-yard sprint. Fenske and Ladd of allowed to choose the other activity the Wolverines each gathered six 'that will engage two of their aster- points, Fenske winning…

… different sports. the Big Ten meets. The Wolverine Dr. May and his assistants have quartet of Marcus, Smith, Klint- given instruction in track events worth, and Ladd stepped out to win including sprints…

May 15, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 161) • Page Image 6


… stickrsniths. Since however, the Wolverines been hitting at as strong I unless a decided change tter takes place the Mich- egation is going to be in battle. ,fort to make it a clean' -r Coach Otto Vogel's .ch…

Wolverine, Players. Ideal weather went a long wiy yesterday afternoon iinmakingth Varsity practice matches full o pep and interest, but there wa.; more than mere weather in the conditions of this session, for…

…- tense, and the third set was full 0 of deuce games and nice. playing. 1 £Continued on Page 7) -- t Three off iowa's heavy hitters, who scored three of their team's five runs against the Wolverines ear…

… manner. WOLVERINE CUBS TO,, UN IN MEET Freshmen Defeat Varsity Reserves, 10-8 as Wistert Limits-Subs to Eleven Hits probably play either 27 or 36 holes.} The Detroiters started the season with great…

… at the position. The of the Wolverine lineup n the same as it has been ier Conference games. h Iowa's pitcher has not nitely announced, it is t eitheraStempelor Bush, the former, will work ie…

May 15, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 161) • Page Image 7

… entrenched scheduled with the Ilini for tomar--fo so many seasons. B6ston is row, 2 Wolverine thinclads will nonrmaly the best baseball town in leave this afternoon at 1:20 for either major Itague, and a…

… Mc- back and forth on the practice up- Dermott in the pole vault. per and 'lower h'ian matches. Wolverines Hope For Victory. DERBY ENTIES .Johnstone expects this feature of this team to make the…

… Chicago court HORSE DISTRICT OWNER squad yield a Wolverine victory in Equpoisd ....... E. . .....Whitney spite of their outstanding number- Twenty Grand . E. .......Greentree one man, Captain Scott Rexinger…

…. However, as their times against Indiana, from whom they took a defeat, would seem to indi- cate that in team strength they are about equal to the Wolverines, pos- sibly possessing a slight edge. The…

March 15, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…AY, MARCH 15, 1932 THE MICHIGAN DATLY A,,MA~~ 1,132T E MI H G N AL 111@4 rA IPJIJ I oli'll 11111111 Sextet TOMPKINS TO PLAY HIS FINALCONTEST Wolverines Will Seek First Win of Season Over Maroon…

…" Hoyt's Wolverine track team to come through in the finals of the Big Ten meet was a distinct disappointment to all who follow the fortunes of the Maize and Blue closely. However, there 1 c is much that…

… can be said to help ors must keep going for another The heavyweight title will be at alleviate the distress, two weeks drilling constantly for stake in the semi-finals as the First, the Wolverines were…

… the other divisions. he has played every minute ofev- ed with fireworks. Both boys are ever accomplished, indoors or out- The Wolverines, at Chicago last cry game. . ___ _ doors, and the fastest ruu in…

… him for scores. Chapman's injury over his eye has partly healed and he will be back in early-season form. Wil-. liams will be at his best with sev- eral weeks of fast practice in back of him. Wolverine

May 15, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…-run rally in the sevenths in- ning, the Wolverines came from be- hind to win, 7 to 5. Wistert in the third inning after "Lefty" McKay had faded in his first Big Ten start of the season, with three…

… meet was the only one that the Wolverines have lost all year. Captain Jack Lenfesty won all of the points the Maize and Blue squad secured, by taking 2 1-2 points from Berry while Bob Kep- ler, star…

March 15, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

… Wisconsin big goose- eggs. In the 400-yard relay Michigan, Northwestern, and Illinois ought to Finish in that, order. A Wildcat, a Wolverine, a Gopher, and a Buck- eye should finish in that order in the 200…

… Northwestern will take the next two places - maybe - with Minnesota fourth. The Wildcats and Wolverines are due to split the 220 free style so that both receive five points with Iowa last. Larsen Promises…

January 15, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…- cured all of the material. Jablonski At Head Of Varsity Scorers Wolverines Lead At Half, But Foul Shooting Is Again Weakness MADISON, Wis., Jan. 14.- (Spe- cial) --The University of Michigan basketball…

… team met its third consecu- tive Conference defeat here tonight, losing to Wisconsin, 34 to 20. Although the Wolverines ran up a narrow 11-10. advantage at the half on a courageous recovery, displaying…

May 15, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… enough to give1 the Wolverines a 1-0 'win over West- ern State yesterday behind the effec- tive pitching of Berger Larson, who scored his second shut-out in his last four starts. In whitewashingl the…

May 15, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…- petently handled, and no Wolverine netter was forced to more than 6 won games in any set. Bob Ander- son, playing No. 1, defeated Sar- genti in a short match, closing on the long end of a 6-4, 6-0 score. Sar…

…- genti had taken two more games off the Wolverine No. 1 player the last time they met. Sherwood and Arnold battled with the same results yesterday as came out of the Ypsi series earlier in the season…

… re- peatedly. Only after a prolonged series of volleys were the Wolverines able to break through to win, 6-3, 12-10. Dean, paired with Anderson, played the top doubles posts. It was with- out too much…

… Michigan, indoor c favorites to repeat ou first double win, has b ionship aggregation a sophomore class ever ti tition under Coach Heading the Wolverin are Stan Birleson, Cla Howard Davidson, Bob Stiles, Sam…

… Stoller and all place winners at th ference meet and all e peat for points outdoo; With Owens pacing Ohio State, four other petitors have formed1 a Buckeye team which to stop the Wolverines are Charlie…

… telegraphic relay meet with Wis- e indoor Con-, consin and Ohio State, the Buckeyes xpected to re- winning first place piling up 48 points rs, against the Wolverines' 43 and the the way for Badgers' 25. first…

…, igan weightman, had the best jave- et four inches lin throw, hurling the spear 172 feet. Other Wolverine firsts were won by formances last John Morgan in the pole vault, clear- diana has ap- ing the bar…

… were encouraging the Wolverines with lusty shouts and even riding Buck Slavin a little. Along about ncon Wally Weber' started telling us how he was the orig- inal ice-carrying full-back, teaching the…

… between first and second of the most disastrous single days a Wolverine links squad has had in aOX SCORE long time. I BOX IC R The depleted five-man team of Woody Malloy, Dana Seeley, Cal Markham, Larry…

January 15, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…. Purdue-Kessler (5), Young, Malaska, Lambert (2). Officials: Referee - Lane; Umpire - Young. I-M Sports Michioan Six Entrains Today For Minnesota, Wolverine's Small Sextet Hopes For Split With Gophers…

…- ier for the three Wolverine "Go- liaths." Much to the dismay of the athletic department and Pull- man company, Michigan will travel to Minneapolis Jan. 25. Matmen Leave Today For Final Eastern Jaunt…

March 15, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

Wolverines Defeated By Iowa,_39-37 Michigan's 5-Year Reign As Big Ten Swimming Champions Ended Record Is Broken In Medley Relay Northwestern Third With 21 Points And Illinois Fourth With 19 By GEORGE ANDROS…

… the Wolverines 39 to 37 in the 26th annual championship meet. Northwestern was third with 21 points, followed by Illinois 19, Chicago 18, Ohio State 15, Minnesota 131'/2 and Purdue 22. The turn of the…

… by Clay- ton Brelsford and Ray Fink in the mile, which carried Michigan through to victory, topped by a brilliant relay victory for the Wolverine team' of Fred Stiles, Harvey Patton, Frank Aikens and…

… meant the meet. Don Lash of Indiana, the favorite, found the going too tough for him at the tenth lap as Staehle and Stone passed Tom- my Deckard of Indiana, leading the field, and the Wolverine pair was…

… earned in the two-mile, however, the Wolverines added the relay win, five seconds in- cluding the points by Brelsford, Stone, Birleson, Stoller and Osgood, a fourth by Fink, and a fifth, by Davidson in the…

May 15, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 161) • Page Image 7

…. ANDROS Fishman To Be On Mound Another individuai opponent of the PhiB.D.iWinscEasilyt9-2; same caliber as the ones that caused Phi B.D. Ws Easily, 9-2: For Wolverines; Seek him so much trouble last week…

… spring when the Wolverines jour- poor support. He allowed eight hits chalked up eight wins. so far this neyed to Champaign to meet Coach and kept them well scattered. year as compared to only one loss…

August 15, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 40) • Page Image 15

… Berwanger of basket- ball, one-handed the Wolverines for 16 points . . . The overtime thriller that nipped Iowa in the bud 31-27 . The younger Townsend's 13 points that held Indiana for a half as the Hoosier…

…'s won again, 37-22 . . . The two imposing wins over the Illini as the Wolverines keyed for the Purdue squabble . . . Kessler, Malaska, and Young going berserk as Purdue's in- dominatables downed Gee…

August 15, 1936 (vol. 45, iss. 40) • Page Image 18

… snake dances up &, e Sto , the campus main street, and over the campus. Fierling Il. Yost, Michigan's Grand Old Man, and many of the old-time Wolverine athletic heros spoke to howling students in Hill…

… supremacy. Ritchie and Ever- hardus, whose flashy play last year was one of the few highlights of the season, are the two most favored at the present time. All in all, the Wolverine lineup this year presents…

December 15, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Goodfellows Raise $1,675 In'36 Drive To Aid Needy Here Family Welfare Bureau Will Buy Necessities Immediately Contribution Of $25 Made By Wolverine Dean…

… above that of the first annual Goodfellow Drive, conducted last year. The Wolverine, student cooperative- restaurant, voted last night to con- tribute $25 to the fund, according to Don Murdock, '38…

January 15, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…'s fast skat- ing Wolverines ip the initial clash of a two-game hockey series. Indications are that Coliseum of- ficials will be hanging out the S.R.O. sings by 7:30 p.m. at the latest and that when the…

… Golden Gopher's Ray Bjorck and Michigan's Vic Heyliger bat the opening face-off at 8 p.m., there will not be a rafter in the arena without its quota of ardent fans. Eddie Lowrey, Wolverine mentor…

… at 8:30 p.m. as spitq the fact that he is suffering was originally scheduled. from a severe cold. With Fabello in! Though NBC engineers have not uniform, the Wolverines will be able yet decided whether…

May 15, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

… Purdue By 4=3 Score1 Johnny Simithers Pitches Wolverines To First Win In Four Big Ten Starts LA FAYETTE, Ind., May 14.- (Spe-1 cial to The Daily)-Michigan finally broke into the win column, after three…

January 15, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…1 as the title seeking Wolverines tangle with Minnesota's slightly tarnished co-champions at Minneapolis. Nettled by two defeats in as many starts, the Gophers will strive to annex their initial…

… Conference win against the high riding visitors, twice victorious in Big Ten strife. The Wolverines have chalked up victories over Illinois and Ohio State in impressive fashion while Wiscon- sin and Indiana…

December 15, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

Wolverines are conceding nothing. They trounced a favored Michigan State team last week and have been polishing their attack since then with Notre Dame in mind. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan is leav- ing by train…

… with a selected ten-man squad this morning at 8:57 a.m. After the game tonight, the Wolverine con- tingent will again take to the rails for the trip east on the first leg of their annual Christmas…

February 15, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… Field House record and four dual meet records fell last night be- fore the onslaught of one of Michi- gan's greatest track teams as the Wolverines administered a 77-18 lick- ing to a weak Michigan State…

… House record and established a new dual meet record as well as establishing the Wolverine team as a very definite threat to Ohio State's Big Ten mile-relay supremacy. Wes Allen accounted for the other…

February 15, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

… entered the al lap and maintained that lead win in 1:58.8 as five of the first : finishers were Wolverines. Stan Kelley, who finished second Gedeon in the high sticks, won e low hurdles easily in :07.4 as…

… game. Pick Deh- r took advantage of the disability wever to score 16 points and per- rally whip the Wolverines. lherL_ and if Jim will be back in Ifon again Coach Bennie oster- an is at a loss to say. It…

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