January 15, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 78) • Page Image 6
…rtF, Nt1CH10- iL EMI:: ,. 'I A . .'; " . 30 THE. MiCHICA'N DAiLY ~W~ThAY ~ tR~Thf~fl l I1 i..1. cf " 1.\11 ali4.l, ,1i/, -i OtPI WOLVERINES LOOK TO CONFERENCE AT SCHEDULE 10 "1 MIC…
… HICAN MATMN DOWN TWOil STRONG EASTERN SCHOBOLS Prnceton andF.& M. Defeated by Powerful Wolverine Grappling Team. WIN BY LARGE SCORES Hewitt Continues His Victory Streak by Accounting I for Two Triumphs…
… from more experienced op- l ponents. The stocky Wolverine 1481 pound defender won the State A.A. I U. title in this weight last year and is looked upon as a favorite to start I the first Big Nine meet…
… i o r circuit forX team ole ntheir own floor toni he 1929 baseball campaign, show- The Wolverine "B"' teaml was sent through a rather strenuous drili ing the way for all the other slab yestegay…
… Lefty) Grove. smoke-ball State Normal school A Ypsilanti artist of the world champion Phil- last Saturday night will take t .liel adelphia Athletics, was second to r floor for the Wolverine juniors. the…
… exhibition of shooting itven by the Wolverines in Monday night's game against Illinois, Coach Veenker started his practice sessidn yesterday afternoon right where hl, charges started slipping the worst in the…