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September 15, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 7) • Page Image 10

… ,G MACWTS GeEAT AEQCAO. OOJlt (111fNIN In what will surely be the easiest test of your intellect this term, Apple invites you to try winnfing a free Applex Macintoshk Plus personal computer merely by…

… finding it in this drawing. Well even give you a hint: It s not the table, the lamp, or the chair Now you're on your own. To register look for contest details where Macintosh computers are sold on your…

September 15, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 7) • Page Image 14

…Page 14- The Michigan Daily -Friday, September 15, 1989 V tsrlC)n. Brilliant work. Apple's most powerful personal n computers enable you to create it. As your scintillating thoughts pour out of…

… at the Michigan Union on the ground floor. With Computer Kickoff prices, you can afford brilliance. Brilliant Options *. Mac Plus Mac SE* Mac SE/30* Mac IICX All Mac SE models now have Apple

… your genius mind, you can instantly edit, organize, revise, even changefonts for that perfect paper. What you see will be brilliant. Kickoff Sale. Come to the Computer Kickoff Sale Hands on Display…

…'s "Superdrive" to read new MS-DOS OS/2 and Apple II files. cemtos r A a: …

September 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…' autumn in an apple orchard More than a thousand visitors are expected to come to Wiard's Orchards ins Ypsilanti each weekend until late October. Taylor resident Carol O'Neal makes a new friend at the…

… petting barn. Ypsilanti resident Ron Hoge climbs an apple tree for hard-to-reach McIntosh apples.. Photos by Karen HandelmanM hij ackers MASERU, Lesotho (AP) --South African police killed three hijackers…

… enrollments are increasing rapidly, the University must adjust the budget to make room for the added students, Kennedy said. Also, he said, next year's budget proposal reflects computer improvements these…

September 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

… priority tod are left," fire operations are expected again in the U-M students, fculy and staf can take advantage of 41% -58 of retail prices on Apple, IBM and Zenith personal computers through U…

… theWhpoderi sring that havfer id A decsinl beginn tmadtrr inthw.ek 4 4 4 4 4 Save Big Bucks on a Persona Computer! weathe UNDATED - Cold National Park, and firefi hot spots. But experts…

…-M's Computer Kickoff Sale. To help you decide on a system, take a test-drive and talk to a representative at the *~~D HanOnisla in the Michigan Union Mal l0am - 6pm Call 763-6181 for more information, or pick…

… book/order form at: Alil Campus computing sites Campus Information Center, Michigan Union Computing Resource Center Photo and Campus Services Order your computer today! Editor in Chief…

September 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

… part of some unenlightened individuals: they discriminate on the basis of race. Such people are said to be racists, people who are bad apples in a good barrel and should be admonished. But what if the…

…. Bringing in letters on personal computer disk is the fastest way to publish a letter in the Daily. Readers who cannot bring their letters in on disk should include their phone numbers for verification. Call…

September 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

… NEEDED in internal medicine Hematol- ogy/Oncology for Fall/Winter '$S. Office work, computer experience desirable. GREAT PAY! Inquire soon. Call 936-5290. ACT NOW TO:SAVE THE ENVIRON- MENT Join the…

…. Flexible hours in your field. Call now: Supreme Course Transcripts Inc. 996-2386. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE assistant. Flexible hrs. Salary, bonus, commission. Telephone & computer experience a plus. 663…

…-7380, 8-5. WORK-STUDY positions avail. day hours. Appl m person at the Michigan Theater 603 E. Liberty. An equal opportunity employer. WORK-STUDY LABORATORY ASSIS- TANT needed. Pharmacology Dept., Keiki 763…

September 15, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 4) • Page Image 11

… /... 1,., ___r.+ ____ to' t°' r p ..._ ' . r. : fi tilimil iti mm - -+ i L r F777NT- imp Macintosh personal computers have been getting quite an education over the past few years. From faculty…

… Macintosh SE. And the Macintosh II. The SE is a direct descendant of the Macintosh Plus-the computer that's performing brilliantly in school even as we speak. Like all Macintoshes both larger and smaller, it…

… slot.So you can add cards that let you do everything from tie into the campus computer net- work to work with data created on MS-DOS computers. Now; between the Macintosh Plus and the Macintosh SE, most…

… of the fac- ulty and administration will find all t the power and flexibility they may ever need-a condition technically known as"happiness" mance personal computer, we present the Macintosh II. The…

… great programs that made Macintosh a hit on campus. For example, Kinko's Academic Courseware Exchange, Apple's faculty journal, W/lxsfor theMin4 and academic conferences. So if your department is actively…

… re- cruiting computers, we suggest that you review the qualifications of any or all the Macintoshes. Because our family is ready to make a huge contribution to the college ' of your choice. …

September 15, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

… hurt academic image BusiNEss Questions About Computing at U-M? A .... s"s - , - - We Have Answers! Come to- An Introduction to Computing Resources on Campus Wednesday, September 17, 3:00-5:00pm Rackham…

… MBA's,have helped improve students' scores by as much as 250 points!! IBM-PC version in 5 diskettes. Apple lie version also available. Price: $99.95 (Includes postage). See your local dealer or contact…

… help get you through college. And help you pay for it. Because unlike college. they're surprisingly affordable. Calculators Audio, AN Equipment Banking FOR COMPUTER TERMINALS! Heres on ideal, famous…

… with Touch Tonesor Pulse dialing. Automatic redial key. Automatic computer sign-on. Automatic screen on/off. Typewriter style keyboard. Full ASCII characters. 40.80 character line selectable. Four…

September 15, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 7) • Page Image 11

…'re in a hurry stop by for an apple. The newest restaurant concept in town Michigan Union Food Commons Why go anywhere else? WE'RE HERE FOR YOU Once again, this week marks the beginning of the annual…

… Force at Wyoming 18. Northern Michigan at Central Michigan 19. Sonoma St. at San Francisco St. 20. DAILY LIBELS at Mt. St. Helens Handheld Computers for the Student or Professional. Pwrcheeies a tCe e…

… PARTICIPATING DEALERS FOREIGN CARS Featuring... CUSTOM DUALS Personal Pocket Computer PC-1500A 8K RAM standard $165.00 Features: The PC-1500A incorporates 16K bytes of system ROM and 8K bytes of user available…

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