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December 15, 1921 (vol. 32, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

… school on Saturday night. Mather has his men drilled for a stiff encounter with the Cincinnati five as the Wolverines are not underestimat- ng the strength of a team which al- ready holds a victory over…

… Ohio State. The Scientists are not expected "to furnish as formidable opposition as the Cincinnatians but the two gama should put the Wolverine five on edge for the games that are to be played during the…

… the Carnegie Tech. five in con- tests at Waterman gymnasium, Dec. 30 tnd 31. M. A. C. will be the first op ponent after the holidays to meet the Wolverines. The. Aggie five will en gage the Varsity on…

…, alternated at center. Purdue also has four veterans, including its two All-Conference guards, White and Miller, while Iowa retains five experienced men., Wolverines Promising Michigan's team has shown great…

December 15, 1961 (vol. 72, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

… also will enter seven wrestlers unattached. Last year Michigan entered only four men, but still finished second to Pittsburgh. TheWolverines will meet Pitts- burgh at Ann Arbor on January 6 in their…

… looks on. The two points did little to help the Wolverine ,cause, however, as the score in the background indicates. The Falcons won, 77-67. ROUGH GAME: Falcon Coach Notes Aggressiveness; Impressed with…

Wolverine Strength 4 I I Commenting on the roughness of the game Anderson said, "We expected this game to be rough. The Big Ten allows more body contact than we (Mid-American Conference) do. But we were…

… tell whose homecourt it was. -Daily-Bruce Taylor SEEKING THIRD STRAIGHT - Wolverine two-time Big Ten wrestling champ, Fritz Kellerman goes after his third straight win in today's away meet with Indiana…

… Tournament In Wilkes- Barre. Last year, the Wolverines finished second in the tourna- ment, STRIKES OUT: Manrs Fais To Sign I OPPORTU N ITI ES FOR EE, ME, PHYSICS AND MATH MAJORS AS FIELD SERVICE ENGINEERS…

December 15, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

… DECEMBER 15,1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY !AGN 8 'M' n de... Harvey Williams By JIM VOGT before he was forced to leave the Like to play center for the game because of an ankle injury. Wolverine cagers…

… for the Wolverines. Cleveland's Herb Score Voted AL's Top Rookie Swimming Enters 37th Year Here By ED BERNREUTER Swimming at the University of Michigan had its beginning in 1919 as an informal club…

… the Wolverine squad to continue their practice throughout the va- cation in preparation for their first collegiate meet of the year- the Big Ten Invitational Meet, held at East Lansing, January 7th. tr…

December 15, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

… best defensive effort of the seasoin to pin a 68-57 loss on Idaho's invading Vandals last night before a sparce and somewhat quiet turnout of 1,500 onlookers at Yost Field House. The Wolverines turned a…

… he main- tained his intention was "to make See MOSCOW, Page 3 on the year. Tidwell Sets Pace As usual, captain John Tidwell paced the Wolverine offensive at-j tack as he picked up 21 points to nab…

… scoring honors for the night. The senior guard, ranked third among Big Ten players prior to last night's game with a 24.5 aver- age, paced the Wolverine attack in the first half with 11 points, most- ly on…

… Tidwell getting all five of his first-half field goals in a nine- minute span and the Wolverines working their patterns almost to perfection, Michigan shot ahead and led by 11 points with 7:46 remaining in…

… the half. However, "M" started getting a little overanxious after that, com- mitting numerous fouls and mak- ing several errors, permitting the Vandals to close the gap. Idaho outscored the Wolverines

…, high for his team, and played the entire game until he fouled out with 1:09 remaining. Michigan lived up to its repu- tation of being a second-half team See WOLVERINES, Page 6 Ford FiRs In As President…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…'s Wolverines reversed form last night to hand a good Butler club a 73-48 basketball defeat before 3500 Yost Field House fans. Butler, respective two and four point losers to strong Ohio State and Illinois fives…

…, came to Ann Arbor a decided favorite, but watched four Wolverines led by Captain Mack Suprunowicz hit double figures , in the scoring column for a comfortable victory margin. e COACH ERNIE McCoy's club…

… nine points. Mack Suprunowicz paced a Wolverine offense which took command at the opening gun and was never headed. "Supy" count- ed, eight fielders and two free throws for 18 markers, rising to the…

Wolverines out in front to stay in the first minute of play. Butler kept it close until double baskets by Suprunowicz and McIntosh gave Michigan a 16-6 lead at the 10-minute mark. Four dogshots by Vander- Kuy…

… 400 students today were assured adequate transporta- tion facilities to Willow Run air- port tomorrow afternoon, follow- ing two hectic days of preparation by the Wolverine Club and local bus and…

… reservations," he said. MEANWHILE, Don Greenfield of the WolverinerClub reported late yesterday afternoon that his club has six cars available to take students out to the airport and ex- pects students and…

… scheduled Grey- hound buses and by volunteer cars, the Wolverine Club will charter special buses. He urged students to sign up for rides from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. today at the Club's booth at…

December 15, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… easily turned back Washington (Mo.) before 4,000 fans at Yost Fieldhouse last night, 88-58. The win was the third straight win for the Wolverines, who drop- ped their opening game to Pittsburgh. Washington…

… night. The Sioux played a hard checking game which the Wolverines were unable to crack. Ten minutes after the first goal was registered, the Nodaks scored again. This time the goal was made by Ed T…

December 15, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

Wolverine Quintet Whips Ypsi, 36-16; Natators Varsity Five Gives Poor Exhibition; Penn Loses SwimmingMeet, 51-23 Swimmers Take All First Places By NORM MILLER Save for a brief but prolific out- burst of…

… scoring at the start of the second half, the Wolverine basketball team hardly looked like the same quintet that swamped Michigan State a week ago as they slopped thei way to a 36-16 victory over a hap- less…

… that made the Wol- verines look so poorly. But the Varsity's performance last night was far below par for a team that opens a stiff Big Ten cam- paign within a few weeks. The Wolverines' passing and ball…

… room intermission, because the Wolverines appeared a rejuve- nated team at the' beginning of the second half. Fitzgerald, Mike Sofiak and .Bill (Continued on Page 4) Swimming Team Overwhelms Penn…

December 15, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

… houses necessitate ene dr under thir bel, the living in dormitories, or sororities, l iving. in a limited group that Wolverine cagemen will make their makes for a small circlerof friends second bid to…

… dormitories. Indiana field house at Blooming- (By Associated Press) I- ton and came out on the short end LONDON, Dec. 14.-The condi- of a 34-26 count. tion of King George tonight, 48 Wolverines eulsedbefore…

… hours after an operation had beenFNI A year ago the Wolverines invad- performed for draining the affect-TTed Philadelphia for a game with ed area around his right lung, was the Penn five but were repulsed…

… ago with the single ion of Joe Truskowski, who en named to team with Bill at forward in the place of Bald. Wolverine mentor has been ually juggling the lineup hout the past week in his to uncover the…

December 15, 1946 (vol. 57, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

… when the fireworks were over, all-American Bronco guard Hal Gensichen had poured in 30 points, 49 fouls had been called, and the Wolverines were on the short end of a 65-61 score. In a Pier Six type of…

… basketball game, four men, three Broncos and one Wolverine, were out on fouls. Lou Lang, Erwin Fitzgerald and Bob Smith of Western and Mack Suprunowicz of the Wolver- ines fouled out in the hectic final period…

…. Wolverines Start Scoring Michigan opened the scoring on a set shot by Bob Harrison and they dominated the early part of the first half. The Wol- verines led 16-10 when Don Bo- ven, Bronco center, hit with a…

December 15, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…:LINDBEG COMPLETES SECOND ,: lhlPrri nIPUT Anniiirr AT PA-NJ'! O' AE C11AMPIONS AAST WITH 15 WINS LAST YEAR OF' GIVE WOLVERINE LINEUP Chap tman, Raber ylI Start Gaulle; Qosterbaan, garriga, McCoy .fake Up itest…

… the Panthers. Raber and Oosterbaan pre paired at the forwards; McCoy and .ptain H larrigan are paired at the guards; an Chapman is slated for the pivot positios. A glance at the Wolverine start- ers…

December 15, 1938 (vol. 49, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

Wolverines are conceding nothing. They trounced a favored Michigan State team last week and have been polishing their attack since then with Notre Dame in mind. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan is leav- ing by train…

… with a selected ten-man squad this morning at 8:57 a.m. After the game tonight, the Wolverine con- tingent will again take to the rails for the trip east on the first leg of their annual Christmas…

December 15, 1936 (vol. 47, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DEC. 15, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Goodfellows Raise $1,675 In'36 Drive To Aid Needy Here Family Welfare Bureau Will Buy Necessities Immediately Contribution Of $25 Made By Wolverine Dean…

… above that of the first annual Goodfellow Drive, conducted last year. The Wolverine, student cooperative- restaurant, voted last night to con- tribute $25 to the fund, according to Don Murdock, '38…

December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…'s Swimmers Take Four Oll AfS E1Vf +vtr never stepping on the University favorable. President Ruthven and uva or. eveno ventIITorrell, lanky Wolverine center, seal on the floor of the lobby of Mayor Staebler…

… f................0 0 0 0 Torrell ............... 4 1 2 9 Justice rg (c)..........0 0 1 0 Coombe lg.............1 1 3 3 Murdock staged their duel in the last half of the period with the Wolverine

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