December 15, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 71) • Page Image 1
… best defensive effort of the seasoin to pin a 68-57 loss on Idaho's invading Vandals last night before a sparce and somewhat quiet turnout of 1,500 onlookers at Yost Field House. The Wolverines turned a…
… he main- tained his intention was "to make See MOSCOW, Page 3 on the year. Tidwell Sets Pace As usual, captain John Tidwell paced the Wolverine offensive at-j tack as he picked up 21 points to nab…
… scoring honors for the night. The senior guard, ranked third among Big Ten players prior to last night's game with a 24.5 aver- age, paced the Wolverine attack in the first half with 11 points, most- ly on…
… Tidwell getting all five of his first-half field goals in a nine- minute span and the Wolverines working their patterns almost to perfection, Michigan shot ahead and led by 11 points with 7:46 remaining in…
… the half. However, "M" started getting a little overanxious after that, com- mitting numerous fouls and mak- ing several errors, permitting the Vandals to close the gap. Idaho outscored the Wolverines…
…, high for his team, and played the entire game until he fouled out with 1:09 remaining. Michigan lived up to its repu- tation of being a second-half team See WOLVERINES, Page 6 Ford FiRs In As President…