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November 15, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

…-up serv- ice. 973-0760. cJtc SPECIAL CERAMIC TILE - Bath 5x6x4" materials and labor. $189. Call 483-4615 cJtc TUTORING, EE, Statistics. Math, Computers. Call Walt, 994-3594. cJtc HARRISON TICKETS for sale…

….m. only. 35H1114 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Vector Research, Inc. has a full- time position (will consider 3 time or more) open for a computer pro- grammer. A successful candidatei will have good working knowledge…

…-Requiem lusic For The Classic G ves-Piano Sonata No. I uhotnik-Silver Apples C 'he Play of H-erod Bizet-Sym. In C/Jeux D Pelemann-Four Cantatas Yankee Organ Music Kenakis-Akrata/Pithopra Stravinsky-Music For Pi…

… Mussorgsky-Songs imerican Brass Music vandolin Music A. Nonesuch Christmas Nielsen-Sym. No. 5 Computer Music Javanese Court Gamela Tibetan Buddhism A Persian Heritage ir Q artet Guitar Of The Moon 'Enfants S…

…" composer 10 Autumn 11 Others: Lat. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 4 Frnc nos 1 olto 12 Volition 13 Cabbage 18 Leporine animal 23 To - (every- one) 24 Spiced apple drink 25 Actress Dressler 26 Jot 27 Thrifty one…

November 15, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 60) • Page Image 6

… relief for any occasion. 663-1245 before noon. cFtc AFTER THE FALL APPLE JUICE $2.69/gal. KERRYTOWN PANTRY, 407 N. Fifth Ave. cFtc CONSERVATORY RESTAURANT at Second Chance, 516 East Liberty, open for…

… between 12 and 2. 43H1115 - . i -- ig 20 T- i a -6-9- 31 I I I I r PROGRAMMER -Operate an Inter-data computer and act as a consultant for users. Programming ranges from Fortran applications to…

November 15, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 60) • Page Image 7

… effective and we'll push those more." Computer meetingset The University Computing Center will hold a general users' meeting at 3 p.m., Nov. 21 in Room 1025, Angell Hall. Aaron Finerman, the center's direc…

… & raspberry juice " SUNBURST yogurt & orange juice " APPLE BLOSSOM * PAPAYA yogurt & apple juice yogurt & papaya juice " PINA COLADA " PROTEIN PLUS-a frozen yogurt & pina colada juice yogurt shake with wheat…

November 15, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

… airline ticket, Detroit; Seattle. Can use in or out flight. January preferred. Dave 663-7153. 78P1118 is FOR SALE: Mini Computer, 8K Commodore Pet. Call Bill 994-0453, noon-5:30. 04B1119 BARGAIN! MUST…

… annum range. Generous retirement benefits. Exec. works at home, other trans. provided. No formal appl. needed, but persons desiring to be considered should begin immediately to contact the approx. 80 mil…

November 15, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

… Form and City Life in Peking," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room. Computing Center - Forrest Hartman, "Programming for the Layman, part 1: Important Programming Concepts," 3:30 p.m., 165 Business Ad…

Apple Pie," noon, International Center. Russian and East European Studies - Bill Zimmerman, "A Report on the Soviet Interview Project," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room. Psychobiology - William Uttal…

… Wednesday, November 16, 1983 Any time between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Michigan Union Ballroom Seniors/Graduate Students: BS/MS in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Math, Mechanical…

… Engineering, Technical Writing, Accounting (BBAs only) and Finance (MBAs only). Please bring 2 copies of your Student Information Form or resume. Co-op Students: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering…

…, Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Technical Writing. Please bring 2 copies of your Co-op Information Form. Learn about IBM permanent and co-op opportunities throughout…

November 15, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

… knowledge of Apple and IBM computers. Must be available to work after- noons and Saturdays. Send resume & cover letter to Computerland, 1898 W. Stadium, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. *DISPLAY* Act Now! SAVE OUR…

… '79 OLDS OMEGA. New brakes, tires, muff. Reliable, $500/Best. 482-2156, eves. **DISPLAY COMPAQ Portable Computer- 2 drives, mint cond. w/ software: $800. 769-5705. Computers, IBM & clones, printers, etc…

… for more info about us. I LOVE ESH VERY MUCH. JUGS & NAN-lots of orchids to the scummi- est quadaround-check the drawer for apples- don t forget your room duties! MASS MEETING for volunteers to help w…

… rpom. Af- temoons- dishwasher, cleanup personnel for catering kitchen. Call 761-2525 for appoint- ment. **display** *COMPUTER SALESPERSON* Part-time position for someone with sales ex- perience and…

… DELIVERY SERVICE needs drivers with cars and people to answer the phone. Part time. Call 747-7044. COMPUTER/AV users facility on Medical Campus needs part-time help. Leam/use computers. Will train…

November 15, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 52) • Page Image 10

…-performance Macintosh IIfx.Just combine any of these exceptional computers with an AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor, and you'll be getting a system of lasting value. Not to mention great savings. Hurry in today for…

… Macintosh systems. ,' - Buy Apple's new Macintosh*IIsi and an AppleColor TM High-Resolution RGB Monitor now through January 5,1991, and save.* The Macintosh IIsi is Apple's latest pcwerful, affordable…

… system. It's built for people who want perfonnance and need affordability. At 20 megahertz, it can even do serious number crunching at an impressive speed. And like all Macintosh computers, it's easy to…

… a closer look at the new Macintosh IIsi system and the other Macintosh II systems. Then choose your Macintosh, your monitor, and see how much money you'll save when you buy now. Apple Holiday…

… Promotion NOW thru January 5th Stop by the Computer Showcase TODAY S . . . , _ NORTH CAMPUS 769-5511 Broadway CENTRAL CAMPUS 761-1111 East Ann St. WEST & SOUTH QUAD AREA 761-9393 Packard at Dewey F…

November 15, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

… counties. 4-drawer files from $39, chairs from $5, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159, & much, much more. Free delivery. Call 313/ 475…

…/360-0223. i2 BEDRM A'I. newly remodled, clean, new appl., sky lite, ceiling fan, near kerrytown, pkg. & W/D. Must see! Avail.Dec 16. Only $625. Call 996-9920. 2 BEDROOM APT. Free laundry & arking. Near Arb…

… Ojibwa 22 Computer wiz 23 Hispaniola nation 24 Decline 25 Devious maneuver 29 Nursery attire 32 Cabot or Coe 36 Compadre 38 Conjurer 40 Fraught with danger 41 "Hulk" Hogan et al. 42 However 43 Light source…

November 15, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

….-Aug. Incl. prkg., ldry., heat, H20. Fully fum., appl., & close to campus. 425 Hill St. 995-4762. 10-12 BEDROOM HOUSE near campus, parking 663-1370. Available May or September 1996. 5 BDRM. house- 2 new baths…

… BDRM APT Gre ATIONS- Fall '96 apts. and houses.. 00. FOOD BY PHONE HOLIDAY BREAK POSITIONS. National SHARP COMPUTER GRAPHIC designer Delivery Staff firm expanding for the holidays. Full and needed part…

… Acco unt Excutiv FLXIBLE, MARKETING ASST. wanted 8-10 hrs./wk.a- PART TIME HOURS for mailings & clerical work. Some mkt. at The Michigan Daily's research. Must be computer literate, PC & Classified…

… & Government jobs $21/hr. + & 7 mo. $6/hr. Mon.,Wed. 3-7 p.m. Own, t benefits. No experience. Will train. Call 313/ trans. NW A2 (on bus route). 930-9932. positions include computer 913-5082. CHILD CARE NEEDED…

November 15, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…,500 each, were taken from an unse- cured computer room in the building. The stolen computers include one Packard Bell model and two Apple Macintosh computers. DPS has no suspects but staffers said…

… reports stated. Maintenance was contacted to clean up the graffiti. Hard drives stolen from SAB Three computers were stolen from e Student Activities Building on onday. The computers, worth approximately $4…

November 15, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…-Koo-e-Koo 17.5" mntn. bike w/front shock. NEW condition. $500. Call Steve at 971-0428. NISSAN MAXIMA '88 Loaded. Excellent condition. $3500 or best. 313/481-0774. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE BACK TO SCHOOL BLOWOUT…

… Incredible deals on systems, monitors, priners and accessories! 486s as low as 5599. Macs as low as $199. Limited supply! 313/994-1030. MACEXCHANGE COMPUTER Outlet. Sales, service, parts and upgrades. Buy…

… positions ASAP. Full-time/part-time/ weekends available. Call 971-6122 10-4 p.m. TANFASTIC NOW HIRING for all shifts. Appl at 627 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. TELEPHONE work setting appointments0 for insurance…

November 15, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…. 5-40-hrs. around class. $12-15 hase-appt. Guaranteed income in customer servtce/aalcs Scholarships - conditions appls. ('all 971-6122 l-W wxxx ork1orStudents con CAPITAL AREA LITERACY (oliiton seeks…

…. 33.6 Modem.CD Rom. $550. -all 761-9959 ask for Kay. MACEXCHANGE The Mac Specialists. Sales, service and upgrades. Experienced Mac technicians. 1775 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. 734-482-0739. w urban-computer

November 15, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

… friendly person with good people skills and computer knowledge. Will train. Contact Carolyn at 668-1100. LIFEGUARDS NEEDED: Dexter Community Pool. Starting Pay is $8.25. Please call (734) 426-1935 , John…

… with flex. availability to woi at the gift shop, hotel desk, and on set up. Please stop by the gift shop for an appl. SCOREKEEPERS is now hiring part-time short order cooks. No experience necessary. 310…

… skills required! If you have a desire to learn and grow with our rapidly expanding global company, join our team of enthusiastic Travel Advisors. Training is provided, but computer skills are recommended…

November 15, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

… West Side. 1 and 2 bedrooms. Must See! Call Res. Mgr., Johm at 623-6414 or 668-6906., !!6/7 BEDROOM TRI-LEVEL!! 2 bath cathedral ceilings, skylights, newly remodeled kitchen, exercise & computer

… & AATA pass included. Fill out appl. @ 350 S. Fifth Ave. or contact Diane @ 734-213-8592 ext. 243 or EOE. LIFEGUARDS NEEDED Dexter Community Pool. Starting pay is $8.25. Please call…

… school junior. Pay is competitive. 734-678-2998 or 734-994-0550. 0 A 0 SKY-TECH COMPUTERS Your #1 Source for Discount PC Parts HOLIDAY SALE THIS SUNDAY! Super Savings on PC Parts, Systems, Cables…

…. For info call 203-977-1720. WORK STUDY POSITION IN SCHOOL OF NURSING business and finance office. Develop interpersonal, organizational, professional, office, and computer skills. Responsibilities…

November 15, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…. room, study lounge w/ comput- ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi- dent shuttle to North Campus and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. May & Fall. 741-9300. ABSOLUTELY LARGE…

… 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath, wshr. and dryer, ample prkg. A steal at $1700. Avail. Aug. '05. 310 Berkley…

November 15, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

…-6 bdrms. May-May 08 ($2950/mo.) or Jan.-May '08 ($2000/hse. or $500/rm.) Major appl., cent. A.C., prkg. Call 734-649-0190. PERFECT ANN ARBOR LOCATIONS! LOTS OF AMENITIES! hooseiiromaquietsetting…

… ontracts are available- 025 - Parking 25% discount when 030 - Automotive organizational, non- 040- Computers ior billing privileges 045 - Techno 0gy , American Express, 04-Tcnlg AmercanExpraa, 050…

November 15, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 51) • Page Image 11

… has since the printing press, the telegraph and now the iPhone. Compa- nies like Apple and Google have spurred a marvelous upheaval in how., we - the short- attention-span, oversaturated- ANDREW with…

… unaware of it happening. Studios actually tighten their pockets come release time and lower translator budgets. It's called "machine translation," and it involves complex computer sys- tems that take sounds…

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