April 14, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 119) • Page Image 7
…/wk.. M- F. Good phione etiquette. organiizational skills, and previous office exp. helpful. $7-8/hr. DOE. Call Wendi C? 763- 3265. P/T ADMIN. ASST.- responsible, hard- working,.~ computer skills. 647…
…. Apple (01 131It Mich. Union. SW IMI NGN PO)OL service. and coist ruct o mu ion pay Cfor hardtworking. self momiivamicd people to work in the NW l)FTR( IT SU-BS Must he trustworthy and deilcundable. 248…
… W~illimav Da Camp 248-932-2123. Computer Programmer/Analyst No experience needed!! IMS, a biomedical software firm in Silver Spring, MD, employs 120 programmers developing biomedical systems and…
… software. SAS, C, C++, JAVA, ACCESS, SYBASE and many other languages. Knowledge of one computer programming language required. Paid OT and full ben- efits. Nice working conditions. BS degree and 3.0+ GPA…