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April 14, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

… for gay partners. The Lotus Development Corporation became the first public company to introduce benefits to same-sex partners in 1991. I.B.M., Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Intel, Apple Computer

… violence. This group of citizens has an uphill battle against ignorance and intolerance - and they have just been dealt another blow. Last week, Ross Perot's computer services company revoked health coverage…

… and increased diversity, this act is unacceptable and unfair. Perot's corporation was the first to reverse a trend among many businesses, especially among the computer industry, to grant bene- fits to…

… clothing), yet decries homosexuals for their sins is quite simply a hyp- ocrite. WILWAM WALSH RACKHAM Comments in Golden Apple article were 'inappropriate' TO THE DAILY: The Daily's article about this year…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

… courses include under- graduate courses, athletic camps, music technology camps, computers and sev- eral continuing education sessions. The catalog is at the University's fice of Academic Outreach. German…

…, 763- L "Golden Apple Award Lecture," INFO,, and CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the University community…

April 14, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

… MAY to Aug. 720 S. State. A/C, prkg., ldry. Rent neg. 747-7057. 2 BDRM. IN 3 BDRM. apt., clean, A/C, new appl., prkg., idry., State & Packard, price neg., May-Aug. 913-9244. 2 BDRM. MAY-AUG. 1217…

…., full kitchen. $1050. 741-9708. 726 OAKLAND 2 bdrm., wshr./dryer, prkg., great for 3 people. $600, 668-8937. 839 TAPPAN #4-2 bdrm. prkg. May - Aug, Call 994-7096. *1 01 'I COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy…

…, sell & trade quality used & new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We…

… warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. IBM LAPTOP 486 Warranty, fax/modem, 4 RAM, software. $900 or best. 913-5833. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599. Call…

April 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

… 764-0648. ONKYO TX-904 stereo receiver $275. Pin- nacle PN-8 speaker 125 watts. $275 Futon & Frame $200. 1 yr. old. 663-7866. SPECIALIZED Sirrus racing bike. Like new w/cycle computer. $300. 761…

…. Big enough for 5. 1700 Geddes. 741-9300. NEAR CENTRAL & Hospital w/appl. eff 1&2 bdrm. $385-$775 prkg. avail. 747-6895. NOW 1S THE TIME... Time is running out to find your apartment for May or September…

April 14, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 114) • Page Image 9

… new Apple' Macintosh' Classic' II computer makes it easier for you to juggle classes, activities, projects, and term papers- and still find time for what makes college life real life. It's a complete…

…- ngs Nc you reaze why it$ so mporta~ to raie'he Ro^Kin LSAT Preparotion curse. irst you -oke a free diagnosac test. Then access to our computers and study programs. ?lus. ve offer the twoday LSAT…

… most sophisticated applications with ease. And its internal Apple SuperDriveTM disk drive reads from and writes to Macintosh and MS-DOS formatted disks-allowing you to exchange information easily with…

… almost any other kind of computer. April 22 is the In addition to its built-in capabilities, the Macintosh Classic II can be equipped with up to 10 megabytes of RAM, so you'll be able to run several…

…E ClassicUI. last day for students to order a computer this term. 9o I …

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