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March 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…W1.. I-N. 114. UNIVENlSITY 01" IIIIGA , n. W1ail" \SATURDILAY, -MAR4CHI 141, 91. Pinch, TmEE CENTS. "CHRISTOPHORUS.'' three numbhers tha t tts rendered i'aesrStanley's Singers in Ui vt etefc,"'wsi h versity Hall. fa b-ii hiI'lt Molan d, the eiatng tiC large audience that itaths (1(1it a isital ii 1 lit iit15it. tll lst teitt onwa rd il iht iti it as opttr- litt - sit-tilt it-ast'vnil" ll a Ilaimusical treat. Thle Chora and" Al1n(1 isCII ie ina...…

March 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ortria towr f our stufdents Q 1II, ___ GE jT TATIOflC1Y f~ai~ci't Oey ittotmcciiit ieii~from the hoct that the prizes itleretiWdIEFRTl ETFU EK 'tiaia r~are seeo1 eorlistrvinfr, tile5ti Offer fiv e tons of taper of all kinds to 1)e soldkiv the pounditt1rt To lM UPNINP ~OCA I d ientsioifitef[. of f'itrill seek tohi \l ill rates. 'Ire our C('en ImeilLn'at2 cts1r Itmintahin the relIti tatin t itheir pliiitf. lonid lPaper,'t'hes...…

March 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY newU, fl131Y, flcAZI, THE TWO SAMSU MO Si1 nu VORiS&DEABST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE Si. TAILORS, WOK GALLEIIFOR andDELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. L- 3 23 South Fourth Ave. 1,L --L t. L ()f d1(3 '. of Al. should have ai Uni'vers ity of MihgnGuitar. P'rices lowest, Quality' highest. Guaraliteed ev(1} iiihfthe o ad 0(. Vilini 1i1l(1 Gitar Strilngs, 101 cts.; IBajo andi .Manolaini ot iogo. T' RA:D :E -! BFOOWN'S DKUG STOR'E 'o11N 1...…

March 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…-~ELif~l li A iLY"' SA'kLE OJ'F WATCHES MY ElNTIlREl:STOCOF01 L. T. LIM PERTN __11 Ah ;iui1Life is U ncertain! XI XX XX.XXIXXICX tC DEATH IS SURE. IIX,.:III TIM TAtBL X IX XXlanI _ LIII' cANN ARBOR from 1 C111 urtXI30X1 0XI.s3X, 55 ;,:':, II 11 . X1it.. XandI 1.11,...w: 411111110, On CX XI 11111 hetXXXXt i XIItheI 11111f 0 I- II IlciXXIXIIXI SiXXIX .i1 nsuIXXXIXXtXX.lXXXXXIXXXXI cCXXI0 I' 1ICAN'I at41,:.10,XXXXI I All 1,110031 nI XI~xIIXXXXXIX...…

March 14, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…'Ije IV.of ~n. Wail p. VOL. 1.-No. li6. The Contest Debate. j The ilelsate-Saturday evening be- tween the gntlemen representing Prof. Trueblood 's senior and junior law classes in Elocution and OIra- toreysvas a most interesting one. The lecture room was confortably siled andth le eiitlhusiastic audience cxcelied the Philadelphia Clover Cultb in interpolating bright tliotights, sit and raillery istso the: eloquent UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MO...…

March 14, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ,~{ graph and1 (aily newspaper. His "o t lecture closed with a strong picture of the cleat new<spaper. tie tihought inshdthe.t5- (S edoyenSeartd)dyrio that the time iras rousing, perhaps in the near future, when all newcs- THEU.,OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION tapers weould hand together to irork THE RGU PUIIQiNQMoues. in unity for the hightest endls antI - - - -- ;lwen the truth that is umahking men Jo i s; to the fart that...…

March 14, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Y !NEW1 GOODS! NEW GOODS ! yr OPlEN OU:IR of5i0OutlS SIRING' sad S MER SI IIINGoS aelivin1111 daily.1 We (claim1tOIlto ae the lbe''ts('1(40~~I1 ie iithet'markttthelws 5 P R T I~'' (.3- 1>LEE C I-( ' V E .A~ 11 1prics. D1)1)nsot bYaSo if~t iiSigle lPantt, o' Spig fOs C'c't lt 1111 .1. nI loutae seen oalut-ie A larb-e lin o Tuntks and1(]lags ialwys (on hand at The J. T. Jacobs Company, T E T O S MS ANN ARBOR. 27 and 2) MAIN S...…

March 14, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New Wareracnos, Cornuer of Alain anid Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by p1' clug a O~ne stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL- ASTONISH YOU. Find, -7mm sm-r's IZV'y- STOR 265g tWt Ifsrtt"AVevus.City. T'Jle filumi tnito}," HJAT$ -AT- YOUR GIRL Would appreciate -a box of (loes Fine Chocolates' -AT CALKINS' PHARMACY. TRY IT. ALBANY LAWY SCHOOL. ESTABII1SHED 1...…

March 14, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…c j e . o , : . VOL. III.--NO. I11+. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. DR. CARROW'S LECTURE. The Inland League Entertained by an Interesting Lecture Last Night. The lecture before the Inland League last evening by Dr. Carrosv was well attended, and his subject, "Medicine Among the Chinese," was exceedingly interesting. He assumed control of one of the hos- pitals at Canton in 1376, and re- mained there e...…

March 14, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. regular coatch this season. inastnucth By Going; to Wtahr & \tiller's anti save fromt arc, hoc and 75e sintever}' Pubilished I Oig- (5 Stinar exe- m Hirngts the results from experience have pair of Shoes as swe most redce our stork to the cuuvnttleNetr, ., not jutified the add(itional extpenseotake riot for Spring Goods. THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ye~t ttteraunlidlates swill not tarts for - -p--- intelligent andls...…

March 14, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. AGREAT CLOTHINGSAEA SPECIAL EFFORT AlLtSU[JITS AT . OFF'. ALL SINGLE PtANTS AT {)FF. To% reocurc or,,-S/ocr! of TWINtE'R UOV DEII lfA1./1- f price uwill (10 i 1y ol/qo. See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY d REULE.' Ann Arbor Savings Bankfi WRDSFI:UE Ann Arbor Mitch. Capital Stock, tfoo 00,? Sorius, $1,0.0.00 Secure Rooms through Or (tie udte GenlBankngtacso'..® ATWA TER, othis (toite. (ReceivesDepoit, hoty...…

March 14, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY I EASY Agost lug CLIJETT'S NEW 31 5 ONLY $14.00. COLLAR. 11 11,1111 / 111100 11 LLOWS ON 5'ROL'OIITION. 001.1) 115 CALKINS' I PHARMACY. 15 South sti~tr2T~>p STAIRS. A.. - 1a NOBLJE -I- MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET2 _______________________ ANI) CORNER (IF sTATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. SEJCO~TJD S IM~EJSW~EXE~ BOO~S 7 NEW AND SECOND hAND. Our Stock will be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lo...…

March 14, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…tt8 VOL. IV.--No. 115. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 189-1. PRICu, TouocCENTS. THE WORK OF DR. CARROW. fred Russell, Detroit. "Publicity THE LAW OF ROME. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT Especially Fine Clinical FacilitiesanCoprtAbs,"Pf.-e- An Excellent Course Given This 111bl'155lt For the Study of Opthal- ry C. Adams. Year for the First Time,- ___ "a A hemetig ftlse asoia Papers to be Read. fM it Th'e exceedinsgly difficult opera.-S...…

March 14, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…_____________THE LI. OF M. DAILY. cester. May 2. Williams at Cambridr Published Daily (Sanclaya excepted) during May j. Princeton at Prinrets itiv Colect year, by THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION May 7. U.. of P. at Philadeiph May so. Brown at Canibridi Sabscriptona priea6:,.501 per year, invariably iMlay 1 6. 'Trinity at Carssbrid int advance Single copiea 3 cents. Sabterin- R 9 :rona rvdn tis may be left at she ofisce oftshe DAIL, My ....…

March 14, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. lEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN ST. IDirector an(d Manal-erl EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 4S EAST Il G' tON STREET. Good Won-k Gooranterd. Goods coiled for and delvered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. _ i . . T' S CEZ R2TED CH-RISTY - ENGLISH- HAT Norgi NOW ON SALE ATl ilsi 0_ A. TINKER'S, No. 9 South Main street, Soneo iently occopiedlby 100 Same,. = I -ARE TRE- Ofica CTRE, TE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.j Officia] Pho...…

March 14, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. A 25 CENT- T 0 0TH B" " U 8H 25Cet tth sht i t i se ds ITHIS IS A STANDING OFTER. Calkins' Pharmacy Afull 1 S v-ING iiMA N At the O1JTFITTES*S iieof $3.00 an $4.00 HATS intohttt latest Sprint lhapes. 'I ii otst Ltine ofl 'N et ( inIItheI CJ( l s t "'. MOOEL:o E & W2- MEENO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _______________________________________________AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, F__ CT==.A WEO R 1 --7 j= OR' TEXT BOOKS ...…

March 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…l e . of At. al. VO .N.116. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THUJRSDAY, MARCH 14, 1895. CONSUMIPTIVE STATSTCS. DR. VAUGHAN TALKS TO THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES Necessity of Hospital for Consump- tives Urged-Will Blot Out a Dis- ease Which Kills 3,000 Michigan People Annually. Tie joint commiiitt'iesof the lgisl- ture n 110)11lii alih liet lt.Lansig last night anidgave aohearig to the mnembes of the state boaril of heiat. Dr. Vaugan miade a requcst ...…

March 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THlE U. OF M. DAILY. I P'ublished tDaily (Sunday excepted) during tbe College year, by THE U.OE M.INDEPENDENT ASSOCrIAION, OFruCE: Timtes building N. MNain at., opposite, punt ofice. EDITORS. Ii. COLE-WAN. Lit. '97, Mianaging Editor. G. 13.H(I nuio, Law '96, Assitant. A. XV. SIrn, Lit. Spel., Assistant. NV. A. Sm'r, Late'Xli, Assitat. J. A. Lnilow, Lit. '96, Atbletic Editor. J. S. PExARL, Lax '9.9, Businesso Manager. 1I. NV. Leer, Lute '96, ...…

March 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…MJOHTOAN CJIA L Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 194. nail and Ex. 350 Mail........84C N. Y. Special... b 15 N. Y. Secial.... 7 a Eastern E.. 1 25 N. S Limited-_. 9 2 A. M. Pacific Ex-i.. .21 Atientic E-.7 47 P. N D. N. Express.... 5 405 Western Ex.3 1 G. R. Express ..110 Cii. Nt. Ex.---0 2. G. R.Ex-. . W Ross, iR. W. lAES, G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Ag., Ann Arbo T., A. A. & N. X. RY. Taking effect Snday, Ag. 1,,1894, Tainsseave Ann Arbor on Centr...…

March 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…Schalier's Hookstore!, Formerly with Gleorge Wahr, 19 E. Washvineton St. Headquarters for everything a. Student needs in the line of 'rext-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. M.ARTI SHALLER, IE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washing n at. oe block east of Main at. 995 LAWuTS!o HAVE YOUR VW. ANOJDS, Jeweler. AW TRAC7l tttaf; MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of nuwm a Delsarte. Saturday, 14 .m,en temanbegnn erselass. Tuesday. 7:35 ...…

March 14, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…i1 e tt* v ' In Vol,. v t No. its. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDIAY, MARCH 14, 1~S4. JOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. > g s iN ~ELECS Et IW TOFICER }1S. LARGE CROWD PROMISED W yILL PROFP.11TIIOMASL1UEVP H10 - -(". Tickets Selling Well for Indoor :41 ANUAIEEINYPCEPLEMeTnih. COLUMIA WANTS HIM TO COME V piit fe a it lhe fu'r ( LCAN CLUB LAST NIGHT. ___TO NEW YORK it444 ~ fn~ r t i ees(cnn e. T liijl c iou 11(1' iib e ioinu ifartP"li l l i 01 hail' cied...…

March 14, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…TILE U. OF M. DAILY MAKEA RDICL CANG. jiiologybotany, ciemiry, or tshyei. Jfarnty, or famly rloititire, isse- ____.__The remaining amont m itereuied islisionsidlerilig a siil ar stel. The COLUM BIA CAHNGES REQUIRE- sides i hors of attemdlit is. to to invs'w, as it resilies the V'Veelyi, Pul'uished Ei olyktoaye r'oo.edt sduring MVENTS FOR A. B. DECREE. ie iheetssfo e hotgiatonnn aegattt' te Colet.. ye ,r, at --I fle iheetvs ru n t tXie15thruh: ...…

March 14, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. w MICHIGAN GENThAI A MAN WITH MONE-Y TOUR Time Table (Revised) March 1_1806. EAST. PM WEST.A VE O N ON W E L Mail and Ex - I IS3 50 Maill--------- a lienteis..the 51 cotic the super~ior of mny -so ci le i gh Ii wheels, N. Y. Special- 00 N. Y. Special...731 loRa lieadbiaso h esa EasternsE a-_10 12 N. S. Limited...- 9 L cR25iKigsilia o vici Atlantic Mx-___7 300Pacific E---.-12 i1:LCCC1P N 9 U.NExpress----.5 40 Western...…

March 14, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…TflE U. OF M. DAILY. DO U INTEND TO GET A ofi o Pair of Pants FOR E STIV.? Jos. . 1olauf Merchant Tailor, Will giv'e yoga Perfect Sattisfaction. Prices lRelsonathie. 10 E. Washington St. 2dSernester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. ri ESI SUm INS N AET TLS I E Fi -for Spring),f ndl sumnmer Suits -- 'LIHE T11.J 'LO(R'j In an izdvertiscrnent is soid to 1 Ti? ~ be w2 EN,~ u~'T.I~ teoirth umoie than a clm of glitte in generab...…

March 14, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 116. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1898. PRC-3 CENT._ A t W ild's IIG ECUR. hiv doithe est t e c. They sll) Wisconsin's Teams Questioned }~t ITEESIN LkIJ . attendthe elections and hee isth Sprig slectonsJustarrvedremedy, I we provide the satesafet- The Chitago Times-ier ald of yester- Srn seetosusarieiRobt. LaFollette Closes the Good guards for the primaries that nov Sr-day contains the following, dated at from the East...…

March 14, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVEII3ITYLOF MICHIGAN DAILY. f ti/ Women's League for the benefit of the g(+ women's gymnasium fund. Mr. Rober- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during .the College ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN Orice Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and WVilliam Sts. MANAGING EDITOR . F. TOMAS, 0L. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. 1. HAs, ' .. EDITORS 11, I. SILLMAN, 10S L., Ahletics. E. L. GEssu, "iS L. G. D. HDmirs.'0. humLasLAM, '00. T ...…

March 14, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF TMICHIGAN DAIL. 1898 - - Spring Novelties -l- - 1898 Negligee Shirts, Madras, Percale and Cheviots. Finest line of Spring Neckwear in city. Gloves, Golf Hose, Fancy Half Hose. Compares with others. Money saved is money made. Men's Furnishings! OUR GOODS GUARANTEED M A We Buy The Best. KINDERGARTEN, IN'.Ho.nQUARTERS) CAFING DISHES, FULLER & BERANEK, JUST OUT Call and See Us, f 0COK ~ A L R CHOPIN 9TH NOCTOURNE TEA0 LOKETLEI le...…

March 14, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…xiE UIVE{RSIT OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Storo Opening Day.. A of Sprig i Saturday, March 5t4 KNOX Swell CHRISTIE Spring HAW., Hats... YOU ARBPNIE --______ GIOODPEDSTRET W. J. BOOTH. Pres. W. Aeeoso, 1st Vice-pres J. V. SRHEEHAN, 2d Vice-pres. JOHN C. WAT~z. Asst. Cashier. State - Saviiiys - Bail. Transacte a general Banking busi ness. Cor. lain andi HuoneStreets.. Capital, $50000. Surplus. $30,000. Transact a general banking busisess. R. lino...…

March 14, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, NO. 121. Nef at 11111k> ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 1=1, 1899. THRinECVENTS. NO GAME WITH CHICAGO. n u U in nn(hf IMPERIALISM. DR. HUBER'S DISCOVERY b. fl. Vv'I L u tjU The Annual Game is a Thing oil A Speaker on This Subj~ect Hard Proces That Standard Works on the Paat. to Secure. Phijsiologtj Are Wrong. Wil tatwehav DW orwNas received f'rsn Chicago Ward was receivesd yesterday by Dr. C . Carl Ilubter, assistant pro- 1 a...…

March 14, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…1 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f'. Certifield Athletes. +4+ ++6 44 6.++ +~ PbihdDil(Sundas ecepted dring te ivig to everymailIwFoYOUs FAIL THE College yaa at awarded a 'Varsity "C" ant engraved ILN RS THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. certificate o"sigle esiyigt 9FF^.: Te nlad res, enn~gBle;.this fact. This "°slingle" is soiie- To find it anywhereAN ARO BtIO'honta 147, thinlg which the athlete will posCses MAAIGEnT~. long after the sweater ...…

March 14, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. + + HJD+B A D THES NEW TAILOR: + +++++++++f++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ + +++++++++++++++ ++++4 +++ ++4. ++4+ 4++++++++++4++4*444444 4..4 MIGHIGRN6[ENHRL Cl CENTRAL STAND)ARD) TIME Taking .Effect Aug. 14, 1898. Mil and Express .. ........3e7P.M N. Y. & Boston Special ........458 " 21 Fast Eastern ....... ......9 43 " Atlantic Express ............745 A.X . Detroit Night Ex press. .......55 Grand Rapids Express ....…

March 14, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

… 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEIVES' LAW BOOKS Cooley's Taxation High, Extraordinary Remedies Hollands. Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence vol. Mechem, Cases on Agenc Elliott, Municipal Corporc, Elliott, Cases on Private porations 'TERM GO To StablE FR Art FR Fin 217 S 4t I1 WILL - GIVE ers Art Store 20 per cent Reduction to all Students fNovelties and of the U. of M. on goods purchased e Frame Mouldings. at my -tote. Ii ve....…

March 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…be 'f>of 94 Paii~4 VOL. X. Spring j Announcement 0. H. WILD & CO. We have just received 00r line of spring woolens for men' wear. It includes everything in staples that are suilabic and de- sirahle for the season. Wec 're also shiowinig foil ranges in nov- elties, in doality antI style to sitit the most exactingtastle, consisting of lop Croa ts, Suit- iogs, Fancy Vests and Golf' Trouiserinios. We invite you to call andl inspect our linie .a...…

March 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Pobit bed Daiy (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ores c: The Inland Prss, Henning Block. Both Phonesc 117. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENO Ecoocnx, '01 L. BtUSIN~dES MANAGICI. EODITIORS. AIl le:IIos ..0.G.). 11uccooo, '01IE T. R. Wootow.'00 b. A. ii. McDouco st, '01 E A. G.BnaWEcsc'02. E. J. B. WcoOO,0 L.J. MoOTOC sE','00, W. 1),ICK'EY', '00cM, Birds in the Museum. AGet ma'F...…

March 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. A SPRING TOP COAT-AND WANT THE STYLE-FIT AND FINISH OF ONE MADE TO ORDER--WE HAVE THEM-LET US YOU W ANT SHOW YOU-$$12.00 TO $20,00 A A 11 Y O ATMAIN SRE MICHIGAN CENTRALITERSTMKSO The Niagara Falls Route." ! lteutscblev, the ^b~ototapner. Mnohsal CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ti W O Sd Taking Effect Nov eme-r19, 5199. 1 f (t ii' p Dotroit Night SEtpeS ,A.. . ,. . Atlantic Expesso ... 1a Sch s osph flohmass.j .s'Is...…

March 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…Hopkinson Sm ith's Works Caleb West, Master Driver. Iom Grogan. IThe Other Fellow, Short Stories. A Genttlemnt Vagabondt, andl Some Other. Ae Day at Lagoewe's, andi Other flays. C'otonel (Carter of (artersvitte. AS White limbrellial exico. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. {Gi r $10000 In Your Inside Pocket Is wnhat}oo ratset on'attsuit ovoatatoourtorer bytus. 5e gtaatee a pefc for o sa.aland ttseeo noobligationttoots'. Oortimmttseos'ortt~...…

March 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSLU)Y, MIARCH 14, 1901. No. 124 ..Our Special Line of.... CLOSE CONTEST ASSURED otut to yell for his tean Saturday night, BET O SOES 1____ It will he thle hottest track battle OJCS7 .M KR Foregn nd D mesic iev ~t'fought. Chicago wrill he ini the Foeg- ndD m si Chicago is -Stronger While Michigan i i(;o conidition. Never before has Student Claims IThey Are Detrimental F B I Sis Seriously Weakened in stls sllsiid t...…

March 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…Pubishedi Diy (Modas ecepteddrig Coe ea. a. THE[ UNIVRSITY OF MICHIGAN Moos \OtFICE BRACH OFFICE Ags ldg,)t:0 nSt. 33 S.btate Sreet. Botht5'Phioes 13. Nw Stte 'Phtn 12. MANAGING EDITOR, a.I. IHAS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, 1'.1\ F1,T~ ,U _ .-,.EDITORS: AoTH~Tont': EDIT'OR:. - CA S. DORo::'01 A.H.MncDOCALIto'E G. L. Hontn, 'OE 'alts,K. SA BI00'03 W. A. KststH,'0 I S. H. N~oosoWs, 04 Wi. P. C'tuIsv, '010, W. A. BenucTn~, '03 E. 1. HouS o, '03 1(t t ...…

March 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…I THE Lfivtrn8ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4"1 $1.90. m Or We are offering, for the remainder of the weep only, one lot ofT straight brim, raw edge, soft hats, either black or pearl for $1.90 These are absolutely the swellest spring shapes out. Others 4 will ash $2.50. They're in the window. -s+0sxv s ? x 7 x y '' G' OOSEEO ,Y 114AI"TEE f 4'3?3? 3? 3 3 i? 33 3 3 33333?33J3333::334" 3E:E3 33??3 1i3?3 :?. 3ay~ Michigan Central0 M. MARTIN... FUEi Aarni...…

March 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY S PECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLY mne... Writing Paper y the pouned at 25C Azuire andt Cretam Wove. Entreloipis to match 10c per package, 3 packatges 25c POSTER BOARD, PHOTO M UNTS. TYPEWRITE3R SUP DUES. Sheea & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. YOU call get a IOT LUNCH NOTICE We have our roost excellent line of seasonable WOOLENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS and CHEVIOTS on the table waiting your inspection. Wie wtll show you nearl...…

March 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…qF Aim ,h i i'.A. Vj~tST Y z.ANN A 0ORMICH., FRIDAY, MARCH 11,.102 THlE CELEBRITY BALL CLASS DEVELOPMENT ~Co1'Id Ciiip or Work Has Proven to codAnnual Ball ofthe Daily News Was O1ne 0()i xcflnt in the Prettiest Parties Ever Given i n Ann Arbor "'ni im tnn' r-+. 141's t 1't 11111;; 11t" '{ II 1,trit, li moil t11' r11! 1'liiti 2111 1"t .. -tluittt liiir ll:llr t tl;lltt "! + li i I't tilsit 1" 1. ;iti t't'+'Itltl::, l tl: Tilt Illltt l"ttl Irti"...…

March 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…iLII , -I 1 - TANLAIl NV f AP <) C -- Lu 7 < z C)n 0s S MiCHIGA -[Y-1 wSPuss. , Ec' A. I Gt ; S ".l. 4itiE5 yy '+ t{ { ALP P t1 1 Nr -I117 1 I k - l - r- 1 11+- II I'a l tI . f 1 1i fi I . N. ~1 Al' iti ' "3I 2 II iilt '3 ET T'ii I- 1 APfiti i3,I -'-1111 .t~..'t'' I - -i \ 'ttll i tt'4P--- 3 1 1 .\":ills1111 I t: ~i h 1t ; fir llt !k11111 4P IIII)3111 II P 3 ! iI, -I IP I' IiL Il PI XIII 1ttt"11 l:I I'.Ss - ! ftElit~ I i I l II I t'1- I.'t . +...…

March 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…"*+++4. 4 44+ 4 a 4 + +4-+A AH, BUTF THEY ARE DANDES! *1* . 4. J . 200-202 S. Main Street. ~Df1V~S, RYfiN & IUIIJLL rI TAtLORS CHAS. DtETAS FY EXR F ~F ILT I F' NWR 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET This space belongs to Good Oovernm-e I) Club EGYPTIAN DEITIESo 'NO better Turkish Ciga rettes can bemade." B - Cork !T~pped.} Our ln fr 1O ~iCILUMI3I STf2A NS, 011....[ GfH JJI I , ll.... U Eno FINE ART GOODS Framning.a Spec ity. IOur "stok is now. almost c...…

March 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…Tied M[CI140NN lIJLa NE WS Better (Than Ever, j47//7 ~DROY ..&rt& rStock #3efTcr trirrnonireo.. SetrWmanship, f. ears agpo jFive1)ollars was the stalidard price for a hat. To- dayaMaxi can he had for THREE., IAWE Fulyuaranteed -Ahat made with particular are for particular trer. WAGNER CO., LATE51 SHAPES JUST IN, Sle Agents __ ,. y _ ; 1 i i''II I ! y t lir C- , . PiGKwtGK BilliardI PdFlors ad BowliWUgBETTE THP4 N EVER 07 NORTH V0N If. IV oVE U...…

March 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…TN" D.oor N. DAILY. VOL. 'XIII1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1903 No. 121 TRACK CONTEST TONIGHT French Lectures MARSHALL WINS The lecture delvered Thursday I_____ Michigan Meets Illinois in Waterman aftertoni nTappan H1a11 by Dr. DeotYugMnRcie Frs Bent (IeIBordes Olt The lasical tstYugMnRcie is G~ymnasium-Visitors 'Expect to Age," ws the firt of a Foriso f lpt- Honors in Annul Oratorical Con- Hold Wolverines Closer lie letures in Fre...…

March 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THIE UNIVI7IIiI'I'Y (OF' NCI 0 11Ni ID IN 11THE U. 0f: A IL's i, t,'- { Spring Post 01f0c, F'IttCI'E'r[ t.t ,tir't' )zrl-t j t. Y r)1 !fIr rt? 1 +ttt .I r'+i r H R tip C 24M tilt. C')] '~,rt 1"t;tC !.t the ti :' l1 .1t - 1 w Io a'ef:It Io IM N G*IFI01' li' lN. i d'~tt: 11,/j 1.1't2 ;f !1111(' to ,;t \111 1fi1 1',,:( l i, l 11g, 1 14, so fl*" Work. A Student's Dictionary The Office Standard abr1igdd lictionary' pub-1 alel'raeS' rind1conIveni- (...…

March 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…'7E ll~lsIY II 11'll I OF1 ' '/ TA - .y 11 LY -Xt X JALACLA1 A-.05 LAST X.x 60Tmoj~ RDR l, J. a dKNICKLRJ300KEk T'T ith l) l.1 i lle)111 IiJ I I I ILoII sevs oetcftihi ~a~ oisa;teW ilb pcty.115M. F. DOWLER, Agt, dv stimiates. Plea s id sug easilia Phon 65. Ofic, 42 Manar St ~'~ ' #0 H. LU TZ, Jeweler. Phone___657____office,___402__Maynard___ St.__z Sping C1 thing H I*( 1 (111~11)"th ii et 18S Ii t ATH LETIC ALMVANAC icuni -111 1 11 1"1lii .. I...…

March 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…THlE NIV ERSITY OF MICHIGIAN DAILY. Puritan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $3.50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $ 0 PURIII1N 8tiO[ 6O.9 1III8&MFIIN T1RfT1 RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's We Sell PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLHW'S. w arcolo r Paints DW*icknser Cor. Mlain and Huron St. Phone 3S9, 3 ringsI IUi. *uie T p wies CONSULAR POSITIONS CALENDAR A (Cotn,4' ta ]rtoe) Saurda,ax.lareh 1--II lini~Sic1 01hii DeFRIES LN 'PAMAY liojL i'' ...…

March 14, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan 9 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHiIGAN,\ \\ 'i)\l 'I):ST,-\ A R \d(II r4, r()0() XVI. c I, E Vs. RESERVED SEAT SALE BEGINS THIS AFTERNOON Record=Breakinlg Crowd Expected for Indiana Meet-Four=Mile Relay Team to Be Picked April 21. The reserved seat sale for the Itndiana imeet wil begin this afternoon at 1 :30 at D irector Baird's office. As with tite exettionof teVtisconsitn meet onet ~t k 1 ula ttis will he the only chatnct tosethtvarsity ...…

March 14, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. eBi $ I he ollege 1ear, at117 lu \'as 1911016 1 ste. 1Be11 p1hone1 892. lb 665 phnel76. LEADINGManaging Editor, CLYDE L.. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS Atleic........a.nce1. Oslsrisy WExchn's........alsE. WinsAeadl' a er of Men's Clothes. iorsAOAE Allthe iatest London styles 111191Allel Franklinl C. Palks and fabrics for any and all Arthur5 C. Poun~d. F" Gorge A. 0s 111.14 ldC.Smoitih 'm ' eriN. S...…

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