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March 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…itW ig n One hundred three years of editorial freedom Untti Vol. IV, Na 94 Arm Arhorr Michigan - Monday, March 14, C) 1994 The Michigan Daily NewApple computer *debuts this morning By SCOT WOODS…

… DAILY STAFF REPORTER The much-awaited Power PC mi- croprocessor will make its campus debut this morning. * Apple will present the long- awaited next generation of personal computers at a 10 a.m. unveiling…

… at the Campus Computer Showcase on the ground floor of the Union. The unveiling will be via satellite from Apple's California headquarters. Known as the Power Macintosh line of computers, the new…

Computing (CISC) chips, which include virtually all chips used in current personal computers. The Power PC microprocessor is the result of a three-year collabora- tion between Apple, IBM and Motorola. In a…

… machines can run Macintosh, Windows and *DOS applications at the same time. Apple claims the new processor can run Windows and DOS programs at a speed comparable to an Intel 486 chip. Jonathan Freeman, one…

… of three Apple student representatives on cam- pus, said, "It's going to be an amazing show." Food will be served while visitors examine three models featur- ing the Power PC processor. The new…

computers fall into the *medium-high price range, beginning at about $1,600 for the Power Macintosh 8100. One strong selling point of the Power Macintosh computers is that the basic operating system is System…

… 7.2, providing a familiar environment for old Macintosh users. The Power PC screen looks like any Macintosh. When Windows or DOS is in use, a new window opens on the System 7.2 desktop. Apple claims…

… its new computers outperform Macintosh computers emulating an IBM-compatible be- cause the Power PC chip is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) technology. "The technology is simple, and…

March 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 94) • Page Image 9

…PCTM technology is changing the face of personal computing. And so are Power MacintoshTM computers-the first members of the Apple* Macintosh* family to include PowerPC microprocessors. Power Macintosh computers

… deliver the raw processing speed once reserved for network servers and high-end workstations-making them ideally suited for graphics, Apple AV technologies, and computation-intensive applications. They also…

… most powerful Macintosh ever. Of course, the PowerPC advantage won't be limited to just Power Macintosh computers. Apple is bringing out PowerPC upgrades for many of its most popular Macintosh computers

…PC chip-and developers are writing still more. And right now you can choose from three Power Macintosh computers-the affordably priced Power Macintosh 6100/60, the mainstream 7100/66, or the 8100/80, our…

March 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

Apple's Power Macintosh line of computers. These new models combine the lightning-fast PowerPC chip with Macintosh ease of use. Virtually all of your favorite Macintosh software will work on the new Power…

… technology, representatives from Apple Computer will be in the Computer Showcase in the basement of the Michigan Union to answer all your questions. There will also be hands- on demos of the new Power…

computer capacity of the libraries, and to connect them to the growing information highway, are excellent. Another proposal is to dedicate four resi- dence hall cable channels to University pro- gramming…

… as in extremely important ways, such as making sure that the elevators run and that computers are avail- able and functioning. By maintaining and improving existing residence hall conditions, the…

… Macintosh computers. There is no need for costly software upgrades. Many computer software developers will be releasing new software that is specially written to take full advantage of the speed and features…

… of the Power Macintosh. These companies will be offering upgrades for as little as five to 15 dollars. In the past, computer manufacturers have priced new technology beyond the budget of most people. A…

… as graphics, statistics, and spreadsheets will run up to eight to 10 times faster. This much power has never before been available on a personal computer at an affordable price. Although they are…

… widely touted as the most powerful machine on the market, the Pentium-based PCs are an expensive outdated solution. The PowerPC gives Macintosh computers a large price performance advantage over Pentium…

computers. In addition, studies have shown that Macintosh users are 43 percent more productive than Windows users. Therefore, Power Macintosh enhances productivity to a new level. To introduce this new…

March 14, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 111) • Page Image 7

… SHARE 2 bdm. apt with 3 others. Call M 668-6906. KO. P..UT E VIDEO GAME - ATARI XE with 11 games. Freedom joystick. $80. 483-1894. DO YOUR HOMEWORK AT HOME! Apple 11± computer with modem. $200. 483…

… insuran- ce provided. 485-1848 John Shim. EARN $300 TO $500 PER WEEK reading books at home. Call 1-615-473-7440 Ext. B587, PART-TIME SALES HELP WANTED-- Egghead Software seeks computer- knowledgeable…

…- MACINTOSH COMPUTER PROGRAM- MER needed to work on custom program. Kim 764-8850. READ ii THE DAILY CILASSIIFIEDs Achieve Your Maximum Score with EXCEL " 6 Class Sessions focus on the actual exam. " Video t…

March 14, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 112) • Page Image 7

… HOME! Apple H+ computer with modem. $200. 483- ,uj i jcf ttt f Z Summer SubleltI ssuel Friday. March 29 * It's the most widely used source for Spring and Summer rentals. * It's inexpensive! Only $29 for…

…-1848 John Shim. PART-TIME SALES HELP WANTED- Egghead Software seeks computer- knowledgeable salesperson for 8-20 hrs./wk. contact Ron Fredericks M-F 10-7. @ 769- 8133. SALES/MARKETING FRUSTRATED? Recently…

…(sgl). Call Jp 930-0354. NEED FEMALE IMMEDIATELY TO SHARE 2 bdrm. apt. with 3 others. Call MM 668-6906. COMPUTERS VIDEO GAME - ATARI XE with 11 games. Freedom joystick. $80. 483-1894. DO YOUR HOMEWORK AT…

March 14, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

… some extra money on your pocket. Make phone calls & no selling involved. Call Kris-, tin @ 665-5742. ACCOUNTANT IMMEDIATE opening. Full-time with benefit Package. Knowledge of computerized accounting…

…, $5995. Call Naylor, 662-3175. DODGE COLT 1993, red, 2-door, 5-speed, loaded, 45 mpg. 45,000 miles. $5,500 or best offer. Call 480-1168. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new…

computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade…

… Shopping Center 994-1030. HEWLETT PACKARD Laser Jet Deluxe Printer. 12 pgs./min. Exc. cond. A real work horse printer. $375. 995-3276. a MAC CLASSIC 4 meg RAM, 40 meg hardrive. Some software & an Apple

… Writer 1 printer, $500. Call George 426-0544. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800/289-5685. 2 PEOPLE WANTED FOR lg. dbl. rm. in well furnished 8-person co…

… 820 Fuller. Extra lg. 2 bdrm. apts. (1000 square feet). L-shaped bdrm. makes ideal tnple. Closets to die for! New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., ldry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid…

…., heat, May lease 973- 7368., -r r TWO BEDROOM APTS. Great locations, great prices. Fumished, parking, laundry. Call 663-3050. COMPUTER SALES person needed. Must have experience with computer components…

March 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 6

… 1617 Washtenaw: TV, VCR, computer, porch and dinners made every evening. 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. ap.703S. Forest. Free prkg. $265/mo. May- ay 662-7691. 1003 PACKARD 4 bdrms. $1520 + util. Fall lease, 2 bdrms…

… NEW AND GENTLY USED BRAND NAME FURNITURE! Twin mattress set $88.00, Cocktail & 2 end tables set $88.00, Computer desk $88.00, Queen mattress set $98.00. Four piece bedroom set $158.00, Queen sofa…

…. $700-$750/mo. No smoking./no pets. Also 1 bdrm. in 2 bdrm. apt. avail. Now through Aug. $337/mo. Call 996-3539. LG. 2 RM. EFF.'S & 1 bdrm. apt. on central cmps. starting at $425. Util. incl., new appl

…'S COLOSSAL computer sale. Sunday, March 24, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wash- tenaw Community College's Morrs Lawren- e Bldg. New/used hardware & software; kids table. Vendor tables $40, admission $4. 3131971…

…-4835. 2 & 3 BDRM. furn./unfurn. @ 1600 Packard. Fall lease. 769-7025 until 8p.m. 2 1/2 BDRM. HSE. avail. July. Fum. w/appl. 10 min. walk to Diag. Ref. req. Prkg. No util. $1000/mo. 995-0453. 2 BDRM. BI…

March 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

… listings. A+ COMPUTING. Call for discount software prices & free catalog 800/878-1354. ANN ARBOR'S AMAZING colossal com- puter sale! Sun. March 16, 9:30-4. Wash- tenaw Community College's Morris Lawren- ce…

… Bldg. New/used hardware & software. Vendor tables $40, adm. $4. 313/971-0990. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell, & trade quality used and new computers. Incredible deals! 486s and Macs as low as $350…

….m. LG. 2 BDRM. APT. just blocks from IM Bldg. Fully fum., balconies, heat & water incl. Prkg. & ldry. avail. Call 668-1100. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL-Eff. I & 2 brdrm. semi-fum. w/ appl. & prkg. avail. $475…

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