March 14, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 90) • Page Image 6
… some extra money on your pocket. Make phone calls & no selling involved. Call Kris-, tin @ 665-5742. ACCOUNTANT IMMEDIATE opening. Full-time with benefit Package. Knowledge of computerized accounting…
…, $5995. Call Naylor, 662-3175. DODGE COLT 1993, red, 2-door, 5-speed, loaded, 45 mpg. 45,000 miles. $5,500 or best offer. Call 480-1168. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used & new…
… computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade…
… Shopping Center 994-1030. HEWLETT PACKARD Laser Jet Deluxe Printer. 12 pgs./min. Exc. cond. A real work horse printer. $375. 995-3276. a MAC CLASSIC 4 meg RAM, 40 meg hardrive. Some software & an Apple…
… Writer 1 printer, $500. Call George 426-0544. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only $599. Call Chris at 800/289-5685. 2 PEOPLE WANTED FOR lg. dbl. rm. in well furnished 8-person co…
… 820 Fuller. Extra lg. 2 bdrm. apts. (1000 square feet). L-shaped bdrm. makes ideal tnple. Closets to die for! New fum., carpet, & appl. Prkg., ldry., security, storage lockers, heat and water paid…
…., heat, May lease 973- 7368., -r r TWO BEDROOM APTS. Great locations, great prices. Fumished, parking, laundry. Call 663-3050. COMPUTER SALES person needed. Must have experience with computer components…