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May 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

… per minute fell on the east Beirut suburb. Five cease-fires were arranged and disregarded, Beirut radio said. 6 I 6 6 Apple computer sales are high at the 'U' By GREGORY HUTTON The University's own…

computer store has received over 1,000 orders for microcomputers from students and staff members. As part of a deal made with Apple Computers Inc., last winter the Univer- sity sells Apple's Lisa and…

…. "Apple expected about one-half the orders it did receive," Marks said. "They just opened a brand new factory to produce these computers." The deal is part of a growing relation- ship between the company…

… resale. Although the staff's time is spent primarily selling the computers, ac- cording to Marks, the computer center is more than just a store. In addition to having demonstrator models of the Apples that…

… and the University. Last fall, the College of Engineering purchased 800 computers at substantially reduced prices. The MacIntosh can be purchased from the Computer Education Center on the third floor…

… of the School of Education Building for about $1324- $1400 less than retail. A 20 percent down payment is required with the order. University officials are hoping that close ties with Apple will make…

… it easier for professors to purchase the equip- ment and use computers, while the company is hoping to tap into the huge market of college students. Two dozen colleges and universities have a similar…

… are for sale, the center offers courses in basic com- puter skills for those with "computer anxiety." The center is "open to the entire University community for all types of instruction," said Elaine…

… Cousins, an advisor of the center. "We operate to help students and faculty choose which programs are best for them, as well as which computers would best be suited to their needs." Member of the…

July 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 23) • Page Image 9

… some of Comden and Green's best songs, their other accomplishments are worth noting. For instance, before Frank Sinatra recently revived his career with his tribute to the Big Apple, he sang about "New…

… and a computer to speck of light corresponds exactly to a coordinate the special effectsstar in the sky. The planets, which are The second thing you'll notice when bigger, brighter, and move around in…

October 13, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

… SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, Macintosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck, odd sizes. Largest supply in area…

… MARKETING RESEARCH FIRM. Some typing required; computer terminal experience helpful. Part-time hours; day and evening flexibility necessary. $3.50/hour. Call 973-9033 during business hours. 45H1014 WANTED…

April 13, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 155) • Page Image 10

…, beautiful rosewood. Plus new plush hardcase. $445 or best of- fer. 995-5454. cB0413 APPLE II-C starter systems $1199.00.90 day warran- ty. Computer Reruns (used computers bought and sold), Tues.-Fri. 1-7, Sat…

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