September 13, 2012 (vol. 123, iss. 8) • Page Image 7
…, an academic and activist, is expected to form the county's first functioning cen- tral government since 1991, when warlords, overthrew a longtime dictator. JEFF CHIU/AP Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks in…
… front of an image of the iPhone 5 during an Apple event in San Francisco, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. Apple unveils thinner iPhone Missouri lawmakers rebut federal contraception mandate in override New…
… ushered in what he billed as "the post-PC era" - a shift that is causing people to rely less on personal computers and more on mobile gadgets they can hold in their hand. Jobs died last October the day…
… after Apple introduced the iPhone 4S, which was the fifth version of Apple's phone. There was little surprise in Wednesday's announcement. Despite the pains the company takes to hide its plans, the rough…
…Phone," said Tavis McCourt, an analyst with Raymond James. That's a contrast to last year, when Apple watchers were first surprised by a delay in the launch, and then by the fact that the iPhone 4S didn't offer…
… much new except Siri, a voice-activated assis- tant. The 4S, nevertheless, has been a smash success. During the first nine months that the iPhone 4S was on the market, Apple's rev- enue from iPhones has…
… exceeded $63 billion, helping to establish Apple as the world's most valuable company ever, as measured by its stock price. One thing that did surprise McCourt this year: Apple is launching the phone in so…
… additional space to expand the phone's battery, not make the phone thinner. Apple followed its usual script for the new iPhone's coming-out party. Apple CEO Tim Cook, Jobs' hand-picked successor, kicked off…