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March 13, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

… teams and four individual entries will make up the Wolverine contingent. Mueller pulled a fine sprint on the last turn to win by a yard over Dalton Seymour yesterday for the fourth place on the mile relay…

… anchor Both of the IVichigan relay teams are expected to give competition for any aspirants for relay honors In the individual events the Wolverine entries will be made up of Pottle in the pole vault…

Wolverines in the all-conferene meet Fiiday and Saturday in Chicago. All of . these men have been fencing as number one men throughout the entire season in the foils, epees. and sabre respectively. In view of…

… the records of the? Wolverine sw rdsmen picked to at- tend this meet, Gordon probably has the lest chance of winning a Big Ten title. This Maize and Blue fencer has not been defeated so far !this season…

…, Captain of the Wolverine Con- in the three Big Ten meets on the ference champion swimming team, Michigan schedule thus far. who will swim in the 220-yard free Gordon also has the advantage style event in…

… total of 71 1-2 points to 32 1-2 made by the Wolverine youngsters. This se-' cond meet of the year brought out the fact that as a team the Wol- verines are only mediocre, but there are several outstanding…

… time' of 5.4 sec. Egleston brought the fourth place to the Wolverines in 5.6 sec. being nosed out by John- son and Lausche. The 40 yard high hurdles which were run in the fastI time of 5.5 sec. went to…

… JohnsonI while Egleston the Michigan hurdle! artist won third place with 5.6 sec. Eknovich one of the most out-f standing men on the Wolverine squad for several years took the two long sprints in fast time…

May 13, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 159) • Page Image 7

…~plish more th'an Holtzman, who had a :streak of1 wildness when he hit the plate onI batting and field practice. Today two successive pitches, was the the Wolverine mentor plans to put worst of the lot. Besides…

…) counted for the winning team. 2nd SEMESTER TUTORING Throughout the game the play of 1MACK TUTORING AGENCY the backs was such that indications 1310 S. STATE.13PONE 792'? for a fast Wolverine backfield next…

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