May 13, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 2) • Page Image 7
… HOME INFANT CARE - Responsible ROOMMATES priot, 20 hex. pr week, MyF, to cre foe 6- week old infant. Old West Side loe 1 mole ROOMMATE NEEDED for Fall:6 bdrm. from campus. 761-1306. hse., new appls., 2…
… per hour. 662-1122. COMPUTERS PRO-CHOICE ARTIST seeks to interview IBM PS-2 VGA $1299. women who have had, or seriously con- NECMultispeed. Laptop, backlit, $600. sidered an abortion. Confidential…
… busy family with three young boys begin- 7 mung July or August for one yer. Minium APPLE 2C witi monitor and sofiware -$550 45 hours/wk:- tome hours flexible. Car, good or best. Scribe printer - $50. 313…