April 13, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 118) • Page Image 7
… pass icluded. Call Thomas Ca' 66;-0536 xt. 23;0tor fill out appl ic (a,35 S. Fith OE. *1PHAII MAINTENANCE Co. seeks __.al-cal iri/pat ciirg leaders and crew -;igrcbes. Good pay lots of hours MUST be…
… benefits. free golf. flxil ''IXh1ours. .\pll in p~eison. 73(0 Country Clu Road . 60 3-85l I . Computer Programmer/Analyst No experience needed!! WMS, a biomedical software firm in Silver Spring, MD, -employs…
… 120 programmers developing biomedical systems and software. SAS, C, C++, JAVA, ACCESS, SYBASE and many other languages. J Kleg nowledge of one computer Crogramming language equired. Paid OT and full ben…
… co in FRONT DES K CLERK P/T Spri g/Fall. F/T Summer. Customer service. computer usage, free bus passbhmnts pin ten ial Med- Inn, Call Sue. ()36-0100,1. I ai-4pm. FULL-TIME SUMMER prescool assistant…
… knowledge. event pr-ogranmimig experienice. and computer skills ar'e desired. Send resunme tot: Administrator Temple Beth Emneth. 2309 Packard Rd. Ain Arbor. MIl 4810)4. Fax: (7341)665-9237. TEACHER!. PART…