April 13, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 133) • Page Image 6
… $500, 439-7580 after 5:30. 2 DOUBLE BEDS, chairs, TV, dining set- take your pick. Great condition. 663-8119 after 6pm. BRAND-NEW Aple Ima e-writer letter quality printer, $9U neg. Cal 764-1691. COMPUTER…
… APPLE He, monitor, and printer. Software included, with great word processor. $300 for a great package. Call Jim at 663-9757. LOFT FOR SALE. For 2 people head/head. Sturdy w/carpet. Best offer. 764…
… Mudbowl. 2 large bedrooms, A/C, laundry, small porch, new fum. Rent $200/rm. Call 663-9731. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, Central Cam- pus. Appl, prk. $229 obo. 662-3077 Cheryl. GREAT DEAL park. laun., g. room…