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November 13, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

… Associate Editor Photo Editor Now's the right time to buy an Apple® Macintosh® computer system. Because right now you can save big on Apple's most popular computers and qualifying printers. And Macintosh is…

… the right computer to help you achieve your best, throughout college and beyond. So come in right now and check out the big savings on Macintosh. But hurry - these special savings last only through…

November 13, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

…-5912. ROOMMATES 4 1 BR of 2 BR apt. Winter Term. Church St. Park/Heat/H20-Femalepref. 665-5942. Female needs housing with the same. A.S.A.P. Call1665-0050 after 5PM. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE HI+ Computer 64K, Disk…

… COMMUNICATOR Part-time telemarketer needed at Network Technologies Interna- tional Incorporated, a growing computer so ftware comany. This position offers experience in both sales and marketing. Possible op…

… to work independentl in small business setting, WE WANT YOUClTom Roberts at 428- 8300. WORDSTAR- People for word rocesssing w/computer editing skills neededon a p art- time, on-call basis. Call Kathy…

….84 1.52 7. Personal 16. Tickets W 3 5.28 7.20 9.36 9.84 11.52 S 8 Cupid's Helper 17. Roommates J 4 7.04 9.60 12.48 13.12 15.36 ' 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. 5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 19.20 I I…

November 13, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

… the layout is similar to the Hypertext found in Web sites and other computer applications - all cross- referenced entries are boldfaced. The book is divided into 16 sections, ranging from "Architecture…

…- ing on the risks of temptation, the piece explored various scenarios between the dancers as they passed around a green apple. One by one, they confronted each other and the apple, executing slinky lifts…

November 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 56) • Page Image 8

… realize that it's just another human being who happens to be dead," he said. BARNEY'S FRUIT & VEGETABLE STAND S A RE APPLE CIDER 29c O9 W 77r WOMEN'S CRISIS CENTER IS OPENING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15 2nd floor…

… $1.39 3O35 Washtenaw across frmm e Oldsmobile -ADVERTISEMENT- BARGAIN c. z ondft Y. !d' The Assault on Privacy Computers, Data Banks, and Dossiers "The Assault on Privacy is an enor- mously important…

… book.... A well- organized, tightly reasoned, and thoroughly documented exploration of the inroads already made by computers on privacy - a pioneer work in a field that has vital impli- cations for the…

November 13, 1997 (vol. 108, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…-246-6648. ACURA INTEGRA GS 1990 mint cond. Elly loaded 83K. $7495 or best. 769-7245. TOYOTA, CELICA '89, 5 sp., white, sporty, sunroof, $3900, 996-0519. A ..~............ h APPLE COLOR Stylewriter Printer $179…

… Discount Computer Outlet. Sales and Service. Plain Talk Microhone $20, PowerMacs from $699. Buy, Sell, Trade, New, Used, Upgrade. 1739 Washtenaw, 482-0739. MACINTOSH CENTRIS 650. $660/neg. Monitor & printer…

… NAply' SCOREKEEPERS- 310 MA RD ANN ARBOR 995-0100 (ACROSS FROM BORDERS). $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. Free information. Call 410-783- 8274. ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Let it work for yowl For…

…-time teachers. Call Natncy at 761-8070. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, $6.50+/hr. Create your own sched. Valt computer & comm. skills. Flexible hours & fun atmosphere. Paid training. For application & info stop by MI Telefund…

November 13, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 27) • Page Image 11

… that and resume conversation about the Kardashians. SIMON In Michigan KAUFMAN news, the football team has a new coach, and people already want him fired. There's a series of Mac computer thefts in…

… February and the local news labels the suspect "The Apple Eater." That mild winter they said we were going to have didn't happen, but the University does get its second snow day in as many years. And finally…

November 13, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 46) • Page Image 5

… Engr.; Mechanical'Engr.; Prod- uct; Stress Analyst; Mathematician - with computer experience; Welding De- velopment Engr.; Mechanical Engr. for Air Cooled Heat Exchangers; and Steel Research Metallurgist…

… NO 8-9168 s1 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 82 BUSINESS SERVICES STUDENTS: Remember mom and dad, and take home U.S. No. one apples from Michigan, beautifully…

… boxed. Get your order in early. Apple Hill Or- chard on Willis Road off U.S. 23. J55 Reconditioned Vacuum Cleaners $15.00 and up J. LEABU SALES AND SERVICE 322 E. Liberty NO 3-3604 J59 Tailoring and…

November 13, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 47) • Page Image 7

… adapt to their congregations' needs. "It looks different in each congre- gation," she said. One of the suggestions is includ- ing apples or celery sticks in addition to donuts and coffee at post…

… electronic claims processing a plus. Duties Include: *On-site installation, implementation of software *Client training & support *Resolution of billing edit change & conflicts Qualifications: *Computer skills…

… for conducting research interviews. Ex- perience with IBM compatible comput- ers helpful. Keyboard/typing skills re- quired. Must be available to work a minimum of 16-20 hours per week in- cluding…

…. Call 734-332-1049 to register. PART TIME LEASING AGENT Friendly with people and computers. Reliable transportation a must. Please Fax resume to 734.663.3641. PhDs or CANDIDATES, any field Full- & Part…

November 13, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 51) • Page Image 11

… searches when you can't sleep. The straining glow of computer screens replaces dreams. Your father most likely still likes you. He thinks he is being helpful. He thinks you need to be reninded, prodded like…

… to dissect others, but assume they are dissecting you. Wear paranoia like a blanket. Hold your breath whenever the computer freezes. It all goes so quick. Blink. And it's over. -Scotts column earlier…

… amount of exercise also play a part it the fight against the Freshman 15. Still craving late night candy bars and ice cream? "Grab an apple or handful of carrots, instead," Blackburn suggested. With all…

November 13, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

… campus locations, studios to seven bedrooms. Contemporary in every way -Resident shuttle -Exercise room-featuring stairmasters & treadmill, life-cycles & aerobics -Study Lounge w/computers Recreation Rooms…

….995.9200 ( Equal Housing Opportunity. 6/7 BEDROOM TRI-LEVEL 2 bath., cathe- dral ceilings, skylights, new kitchen + carpet 2002, access to exercise + computer facilities, beautifully…

… modem bldg. near CCRB, $675/mo. 996-2836. AVAIL. NOW/JAN. GORGEOUS 2 bdnn. townhouse. All appl., own wshr./dryer. Great loc. near med. campus, river, hiking. $800. 734-546-8578 or AVAIL…

… Tonic go-with **COME MAKE MONEY!** Roaming in the Jungle. Call Mary for details 586-264-0676 or email at DR. COMPUTER repair, setup, upgrade, tutor, graphics, virus repair, ref(s) (877…

…) CPU- COMPUTER; wwwDoctor-Computercom 4 A S C S A D II E U A M A D L O R( S O N E S R I PE C R I S S C R O S S E S P N A N E H A I R R A S H L Y P E R H A P S S O M E P O S E R F R I O A P R R I F F R…

November 13, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

…-May -08 ($2950/mo.) or Jan.-May '08 ($2000/hse. or $5001rm.) Major appl., cent. A.C., prkg. Call 734-649-0190. Aartments Available! 1 OR 2 bedroom apts avail. Spectacu- lar location! Close to Campus. Lots…

… in microwave, dishwasher, disposal " Beautifully furnished * Close to CCRB * Exercise Room, Rec. Room " Study Lounge w/ Computers Models open Daily 741-9300 AVAILABLE FALL…

… - Automotive dent ID (non-organizational non- 040 - Computers paid unless prior billing privileges a, Mastercard, American Express, 04 -coroe J Display advertising, pease cal one 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 3…

November 13, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

… remodeled, spacious, parking, great location and clean. Available Fall 1999. Call 994-3907. 5 BDRM. HALF HOUSE May-May, new. Kitch., 2 bath, electric, pluming, heat, appl., flooring, w/ prkg. All rooms pre…

…, private, locking room within a luxury 6 bdrm. penthouse. Your own cable,,phone & computer modem lines. Beautiful-marble baths, state-of-the-art security system. High ceilings, completely new building with…

… interview after 2 p.m. 662-8485. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses…

November 13, 1995 (vol. 106, iss. 30) • Page Image 6

… officers. -Analyze input and output data. -Assist in the defining of problems. -Provide user support, system backup, data processing and other computer related tasks. -Possible special project assignments…

…. We require: Experience with SQL program- ming and DOS Windows. We prefer: Graduation from high school, sup- plemented by college level course work & training or experience in computer programming…

…. 820 S. Main St. Call Julie at 741-9644. Call soon!I 1 RM. AVAIL. in 2 bdrm. apt. Jan.-Aug. Inc. prkg., ldry., heat, H20. $406/mo. Fully fum., appl., & close to campus. Fem. only. 425 Hill St. 995…

November 13, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

… * Develop Comprehensive Exam Strategies Classes start: Wed. Jan. 8th; Sat. Jan. 11th; - _ V_ _ _ _1 V_ / . 2 BEDRM APT. newly remodled, clean, new appl., sky lite, ceiling fan, near kerrytown, pk . & W…

…, & Panama City! Call 998-1366. EARN HOLIDAY CASH! Part-time helper to assist with setting up a computer laboratory. Call 747-2773 ask for Jackie. HOLIDAY BREAK POSITIONS Due to Christmas Rush, National Firm…

…, computer furniture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159, & much, much more. Free delivery. Call 313/ 475-1130. RESUMES, APPLICATIONS, AND DISSERTATIONS. 10…

November 13, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

… person with good people skills ar computer knowledge. Will train. Conta Carolyn at 668-1100. MAIL ROOM HELP WANTED: Part tis position (20-25 hours a week) available wi flexible hours in our growing Ann Arb…

…. availability to wo at the gift shop, hotel desk, and on set ul Please stop by the gift shop for an appl. SCOREKEEPERS is now hiring part-tin short order cooks. No experience necessar 310 Maynard. 995…

November 13, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

… Sequence in Southern Jordan Chronology, Geology Typology," noon, 2009 Museums. Theater & Drama-Bag lunch lec., Peter Ferrang, "Dramatology: Remedy for Bonehead Theater," noon, 200 Lane Hall. Computing Ctr…

…:30 p.m., Wesley Found. Lounge, 602 E. Huron. Dept. of Mech. Engin. and Appl. Mech.-Yoram Koren, "Industrial Robots," noon, 325 E. Engin. Bldg. College of Engin.-Darsh Wasan, "Enhanced Oil Recovery with…

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