October 13, 1988
(vol. 99, iss. 26)
• Page Image 6
…. COMPUTER MDSE. AMIGA 1000 w/ keybrd., monitor & mouse. 512k software inc. $750/best 747-1620. Mac Plus and 3.5 drive, $1800. 665-6730. HELP WANTED ACT NOW SAVE THE ENVIRON- MENT/aStop water pollution, clean…
… or Part-time, 663-3090. EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE assistant. Flexible hrs. Salary, bonus,. commission. Telephone & computer expenence a plus. 663-8686. FRESHMAN WOMEN NEEDED for re- search project on…
… Militarv attacen 11 Clinton's canal 12 Receptions 15 Seasonal toast 18 Ludwig - van der Rohe 20 Blackthorn 23 Most indolent 24 Fills the hold 25 Eleve's milieu 26 Chiffon and voile 28 Apple pudding 29…
…. Roommates 4 8.00 10.60 13.20 15.80 18.40 90. Student Svcs 180. Computer Mdse. 5 10.00 13.25 16.50 19.75 23.00 Advertiser: F ELP WANTED Janitorial Position available immedi- ately at Student Publications…