October 13, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 28) • Page Image 8
…-Interview/disc, "Showcasing Your- self to the Employer," & library tour, 4:10 pm, CP&P,- 3200 SAB. 764-7460. *U-M-DBN-Course starts, "Back to Work," 9:30 am- 12:30 pm, computer Lab, Downriver Comm Conf, Southgate. 593-5120. U…
… Arts Rm. 665-7399. Microcomputer Educ Ctr-Workshops: Choosing a Micro- computer, 1-3 pm, 4003 Sch of Ed Bldg. Programming in dBase III PLUS, Pt II, 1-5 pm, dBase III PLUS, Pt II, 8:30 am-12:30 pm, 3001…
…:30 am- 12:30 pm, 3001 Sch Ed. 747-2424. Minority Org of Rackham-Mtg, 5:30 pm, 172 Rackham. 763-0044. Mich Gay Union-Mtg, 9 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe. 763-4186. Mech Engr & Appl Mech-MSA Sem III, S Braun…