May 12, 1922
(vol. 32, iss. 161)
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… York City. Pr of the committee in charge, the ', each man having played match yesterday afternoon at ted his Wolverine opponent, and won series of letters to Wilfred B. Shaw son Blanchard has been active…
…, Warings I g nine points in the The Wolverine, although playing a sets by the scores of 6-1, 6-3. The possible in the University n the de- Professor Blanchard will be accom-yTK,will fair game, was…
… outsteadied by his more Wolverines were stroking deep and partment of the Alumnus called "iWith panted to New York by Mr. Herschel sylvanans and Kennedys, ;ug-of-war teams are experienced opponent and dropped…
…, but pair. The Wolverines played well to- V E nf.'nats Prof. C. H. Van Tyne has charged No stags will be admitted to ti Mar OFenth, W. H .found that he was no match for the gether and had their Ohio…
… opponents - that members of the Student council, fair and corsages will not/ be 11, E Wark, K. F Wolverine captain and lost by a 7-5 ion a continual go. The. match was and Vernon . Hilery especially, par…
…. Verduin, R. . Wolverine to win his singles matches, afternoon was mor than pleasing an helobme raha requosts an invstiga- be treated in the May Issue wns, W. F. King, A. 3 defeating Park of Ohio, by the…
… scores possibilities for a successful Eastern -tiony i i 7vnrsty officials in ord- Michigan Technic, which is to I Iranlich, C. 3. Totte, of 7-5, 6-1. The Wolverine was press- trip nof* look exceptionally…