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November 12, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

… The Michilgan Daily Vog. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, : _'\"):\1. \t)1'I 111I I R 12, 19 ENGINEERS PUT SI IRT ITI'TTPS SCOIRPFIFOITV ALL-FRESH DEFEATED LAWS TO RU i Ax .'~A-4- -v i -u R ti N FINAL G~AMEl bin Class Game 6 to 5 and Tree PO0I NTfS GIN 0171O10 STATEfI Aided by OfficialslHedelburg De Laws in Front of Their feats 1909 Men 21 to 16--Lane own Building. __p in Stellar Rfole. lniet raiton %er use ad heBarlow's Run of One Hundred !7 .....…

December 12, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA\NI l X ) 1 II 12, 1005. VOL. XVI. No. 62. - -------- --- JOE CURTIS ELECTED 1906 FOOTBALL CAPTAIN Gireatest Tackle in West Will1 Lead Michigan Football Team in 1906-Election Unanimous. 'Tse vindicatiiont of Joe Curtis front ants untgens~tlmaliyrontdtuict iteChti- caotgamesswssscompttedtla stteventing. Whn is ttmstatus twithsont at dissent- ing voic chose tiltscataitnssof thi l fosotbatll tcam.Thlel (onl...…

January 12, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan -Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAIG+ CR) \X , J .1~\RYb 12,100(). VOL. XVI. NO. 74. No. 74. TRACK CANDIDATES TURN OUT TONIGHT Captain Ramey Exhorts New Men to Attend Meeting Tonight- Prospects for Coming Season. m- CP.tIOtICiIP. ttAt li. Now is the timeit for te cass of loogt t show its isyalty and11its saetthe1 il univlesrsity. Tie firsitieetig ofth ie cat- tiidate-s fr tiet ob track teamt will ite hedint XVs~rtsiasgynssnasitttt at...…

April 12, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily tfOL. XVIL ANN ARBOR, MICHIG'AN. IIVRSDAY, APRIL, 12, 1906. No. 14 1. AR ELS IBREAK(SVWORLD'SA N F'i\10M OI 'II ISA 1 C E(+ he smAnn A lor Press, former ly RECORD IN PR(ACTICE lknon as Paker & Snder, are negotiat ingfora ste il aynard sret IfI preenplans ar carisedoutilthtle will Giaint Athlete Throws the Discus bildl i f~ine o 11printngofie onthils About 149 Feet-Excels World li tt ittitr. Iflie Aitti:\elhorePes Record...…

May 12, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Jr0L. XVI. AN N ARBO]I CAMPANARI AND MACONDA WIN SALVOS OF APPLAUSE sireltproing0 beyond cvil his mastery Artists Recalled Again and Again of the technique of conducting which by Enthusiasts - Orchestral enblles him to wor his wii in the Works of High Order and Well smallestsdetil as wel as in te geerl Rendered. effect ot th whoe Grc sntl.asistig soloist,t iiutlusisiireachcled its height lst maie a isappyselecion in the Ros...…

October 12, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…- T 0~i * - ti Q O . . 0 . i 7- H z H MEO z z - f, . "" ..-. jy .- .- ' J '1 v P 1. 'I, 'I:' i .. ) ) o,= E .- 4 c1 .x 0 ! fem. 77 (. ....' .-. .mil 1: .- l ^ ' J V ..+ f. v J Y r, -rte + v '' i r. L. r " °^ r s .,. rr >f _ ? i, ~ v , / .-.. ir; f. . :r . ; 'J, _ r -rte + -. "1: F + r N 4 -i . j S-w ^, _ .;. ,-.- . y N c f .v "" Lam.. -i .., _ "' r "' ;>, ~" ~ .-. "' 1 ... ' _ is ; ' ,+ , '' "' " -+ *4 …

December 12, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Mi chigan Daily ANN ARBOR, Nl~ ~ .IIlf I)AY. 1)1<2 181k 13, it VOL. XVII. THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL PROJECT REVIVED School Would be Separate From the University-Under Episco- pi Direction. 1Te founing oth ieologica ein ry in Anm Anot, where students ma prepare for the ministry while takig work in the University. is at project claiminig micih interest at tiepreset ime. Bishiop Williams of the local Episcopal diocese recentil advocated stch a pl...…

January 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… The MihgnDaily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOI7R, :1III I kAN, SNAxI 11)AV, .A X NI \Y 12, 1)a7. Nix. 76. TILDEN ADDRESSES ENGINEERING SOCIETY 1 'iRAC~K iPRACTICiix ili;IiNS TOIlIXY Lecture on the Importance of Tests pxxi i ll tac clxvioiiof 1107. for Tensile Strength of Steel 1 -cri rwrkin the Xc xixxiixini om and Concrete. m xxxii xxxiiin praiicex for xold xand new trct Im n i ll he N xxrx isly iusihedi The ii eni rinx''ig' faculy, xaddressed I...…

February 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… - - «' C ' '' C "; u ' H .a GZ v ' ... H y N I ,., c f: 'r f , - ._ .i M v bit ..i b w - C} p :J 7'x c n ^ ^/ 'f. f. :r: /. r r. "-" "--. - - - - . CCU r : Y . " . 0 f F~ 04 cd, r. ' , 1 / ..b '/ :/: "r ;, .--. r i '- ED: _ ^r ~- .^. ' f. ~r -Y w r f 77 7 r .. .. v ." '..' '.. . :. ' r. .. .. r ., .... 44 J w. , r f ^' Imo. , "_ r " " .., s ^- ^= 77, .- ..: . _ ._. .._. ,.- "---. .-^ .-. - .+, - ... ' f' ._. , r .- ... !' .. ...…

April 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The MichignDal \cLk. XVII. No) . UNION MINSTRELS GO TO DETROIT TODAY The University Show Is Being Made a Society Event- Low Railroad Rates Are Open to All. Ths atron tie n 1ion \ infrl ' take the 4 '104 \icigit en k tr ri n for 1Det1o11, and(thisi> ecnilnlifat 8 o'clock tici ll app1 lear11at ill mni c 11.111.iiii-ilThe \\c'lii heu lihigan 'iou iii andtll ,, it 1wiltllhe 11eqtuall iided bk'Mccn t111 Iw ra izionis.i li 1115 411 The seal i li...…

May 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XXII. ANN ARBt( IN. MNIHIG.\N.UNAYM\AY 12, 1007. N H) i)i I _ _ _ .___.._ _ _ - --. _ _.. } GARRELS SMASHES fee 2inhe. TAr h a ~ MAY FESTIVAL ENDS ad aathowof tla ee inc s. at DISCUS RECORD aairit a th :; <. ards:th he WITH GRAND OPERA tidfrscnbthaailintg tclear the ____ Track Events Are Run in Slow ba'tthshigt. 'Samson and Delilah Meets After tie formtal met.ia dual ct st a Time-French Shows Lp Well wa hldrit ara...…

October 12, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…The Mich igan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDANY, OCTOBER 12,11907.N. 7 Vot.. XVIII. No, IT FARMERS WILL PUTJ UP SCRAPPY GAME t Coach Yost Looks For Close Con-1 test Today-Magoffin to Fill Hils Old Position at Left Half. TIhet'varstyillis ace an almost iti-a known }proposition1thisisafenoon whenI Mtagoffius mlen upil agi st the Ntich- gait Agriltrti collg eleven. t Thle farmarts h1v o lydtao gmttes this seasontiii blotli ottwhit fair siz...…

November 12, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

….Th h*i,:c man o 4, VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDA\Y. \OVE bluER 2, 1(107. PREXY ONTHE UNION Departmental Deans Also Ex- press Opinions. TIieattitude of Pre sAn gell an(1 the vaiousudens' of (deartientstetoadthe ichiegan 1Uni011 ish'Jowniibythe follow- in, opinion-,(lobtaiedt for Tilo !I ii.Y yeterdy. Pesiiet Angells statemenet1 s oaken from his o ert t( the Board of Regents. Presitent Aigel:"The ogaiaionlil if(le stdntkn ownitas. t...…

December 12, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 'car.. X'VIII. ANN ARBOR, IFHIGAN. 'P IIIRSD k Y, D-ECF2MI3:R 12, 190)7'. ?MERMAI FAVORSt PROPOSED REFORM Councilman Endorses Sugges- tion Offered to Council-Thinks' It Will Relieve Situation. lIn the folloewing commnic tjation, AI. V. Ensmernian. a Student Councilman, ex- pesshis eaplroal of the tpolitial re- form plan presenitedu to tie Cottncil: "As a sttdet e taly interested ice the resenttmtoeen~t towards te alo- li...…

January 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, AM\IICTII11GA\N, S '1)AY'R , 12.8 Von;. XVIJT. MICHIGAN SHOULD NOT REMAIN Rooter Shows That it is Unfair for Smal Schools to Dictate- Plenty of Rivals Outside. , In a communication, the "Rooter' ci- icize, the "Senior" andi gives reasos for leaing the 't~csiirn Cofeece. Edtor IDay: Ther coiserativee seniriho nisw 555er "Roote's" comininic'tion has cles-ric perferteit the argtncts which the anti Conference atvocates tons'eeeotet I...…

February 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…The Mitc''higan Daly VOL. XVIII A, xAiiOR, .INfICIIGAN-W~TT$7 DAY', PEBRCA?'Y , 1908. >$o 9 ELERTYE SYSTEM PROVES A SUCCESS prof. Scott. T~bulates the Elec- tiouns-Dead Languges Are U-. popular. The reports of the fresh it class on the eletie systent as conditcted by te rhetoric dprtment and their tetatie elections for their entire college corse are eent tabtlated, in part, under te direction of Prof. FScott, in a mannier which brings out mat...…

March 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…Th Mcian Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, TMICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1908. 'No. 1-?0. FAOIJS RUNNER ARRIVES TODAY Haskins Trains to Meet Coe Sat- urday-Race Proves Drawing Card for Varsity Meet. Guy Hfaskins will arrive in town to- day and commence final training for his ace wills "Spider" Coc next Saturday evening. Nuneros reports have gone Ithat le would not be here to take part ins the meet, but they were un- founded. Reserved seat tic...…

May 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga nDal ANN ARBOR, MICIGA\, TUESDA.Y;M~AY12, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No. 163. P~ncl drlixe toextreme right for a horsier. FIRST S MI-FI A We ler'sxwork in the lbox for thec lar- riterswasgilt edgedI. liealloxeedibut IS PLAYEDiTODAY t itsttck out six men1, and pe~r VJL1.nitited noiwalks..,lHe xias excellently auprtdb a welIlalaitced infileld. Soph Engineers Meet Fresh Lits 1 .1 1 i 0 7-12 8 t ...Four Teams Eliminated Yes- 08 .........0 0...…

November 12, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…TheIMichigan Daily V ot, XIS. AN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Till'RSDAY, NOVMBER 12, 1908. \«3 WATKINS ABSENCE CAUSES NEW SHIFT D~ayison Will Play Fullback, Bay City Lad Being Out of Glame; Linthicum and Embs at Ends. \Witli ticIefiniite csnoacemestathat \Vatinswoul no be bleto take part in theseaso's sunsameSatuca, it ieilea c ce s s for CosetsYst to cakianther of his eteventh hour shifts, 11d0no1 ise at ot sng Watkiis at fullbackat Dais ion atiright ...…

December 12, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…The.Mich igaal AN ARBOR, MICTI\ sU t)\ )1 1 2, 1g0~8. VOL. XIX. No. 63. REGENTS HOLD SHORT SESSION Plan Under Consideration for Enlarging School of Pedagogy; IDecennial Catalog Continued. ki-soltions it the UnitversityiSelate soil I theiiimprovemen1111t itffaciitiesfor teachr tcrIraiing were(CCpr1esenltdto tile the commiitte 11l i t tille ofaffaistltof e puliing ano-((((ther11 ec1111lt a i-loguei ifte ni -r it tt'l e lasItictalog1ue tppetr...…

January 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily X,.XIX. AX ARBOR, M2tIJ( tCX. 'I1-VSI)XY, JANUAXRY 12, l 0(). BASEBALL MEN IN ANNUAL MEETING Captain Sullivan Will Address Baseball Candidates Tonight-- Oberlin Comes Saturday. \ititt tn ieoitt preparatiition toe the seeterex'amit andu Ili( J Hop have Felon, hiton, he w r ill Ie for- hitl it tt r t i tone' ig ttt - Ie atainl tee f~ tt t candtda-te o te rntir- nc sitt ofl keein npclegt ok w ill ihitd i te topht roo toti ...…

February 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. INN ARBOR, MNICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUCARY 12, 100Y). VARSITY TWIRLERS LIMBER UP IN GAGE Coach Advises Men to Work Ou Slowly - New Infield Looks First-Class on Paper. Te long inoor grinditiat sill termii- nte ith111the springtp 1ntothe south begniyesterday afternoon, wheit Coach .Mclishtryttet the candiiates for the is tti psitions aidI"goe tiein their 1114stworkouti of tie sesni. Aot thintyimten rpotedl iluiftorm...…

March 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Daily Vol-. 1Xin. l\N ARBiORL-t11(1IIGCAN, IARTI)AY, MARCII 2, 1-it BENEFIT SEAT SALE Ml-VIR T I 't YIOTNGT OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK ,Iin~i- la I ila 'iu kl GREET MAKES BIG HIT' IN STAR ROL&' :-Wed by" fleaultiful Symphony Orchestration, the Nottd Actor Makes Strong Impression. Theater Box Office Opens Hour Early to Accommodate Crowd;, All Seats to be Reserved. 'Ill iesre tet -salt for the and it-it i performance at I-thelajuttic th...…

May 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

… 1 .. .. --- G' e - + y r , - , :; . . ., ,r.r _ _ r 4 . :: r . . .y. Q _ r, .:. y = r r t °r .. ..+ - .. :r ' ' v-+ " .-. ' v ._ ' f . __ I, 7 I I I I III ovoo t ^% / f r *y, .,, .= - - ° v ' - c _ _ c f L x . w ° f - r ' L r _ . r ,. .J C "' r . .. ,- I' '.ice .. i J' N G :' "" - ~ v J ~ r ' .J J ^ V J - = '' O f "^ 'r H y J b& . J , ! .+ J M ' ., _ L f w ty __ _ ,,,',, ' .. _ _ .. +_' 't /% 'T ..: t ''f. 'v _ e..,y L_. _ (- ^, J .-"--...…

October 12, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…he ciganal von,. XX. OPEN FOOTBALL MARKS PRACTICE Yost Drives Team Through Wet Practice---Smith was Slightly Injured Saturday. Newo football wa1s the rtder of the clay at Ferry Field Montday afternoon. Coach Yost seized the opportuntly to (rill the 11en on pa1ses, punt1s and( on- side kicks in the rain antd the preciiont w it which thte wet oral w as handiledI gives1 poise that the fumblinltg that muatred Sat tielays canze will be erad- icaed...…

November 12, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…_he 11tichigan Daily \ N ARBiOiR, MICHIGAN, i2RtIDAY. NOVEMBHkR 12, 109. No. . Vol-. XX. YOST'S MEN INVADE'iBAD WILL GIVE CONCERT AUDIFINCE LIKED NO SPECIAL CAR TO PENN PENN STRONGHOLD 1J Team Takes Light Workout at Wayne-Allerdice is in Fair Shape and Will Play. f'wbal ttttliit and t coce. Iw n in lilt e sw~ i t tired ii n th i iig trill and11 i t ill t In ai Aw111 21il to hel a th r l i , i () 1111an io 1 of th '211111 iii l it ne in...…

December 12, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…'k'T s. , ' w es'1 The Nlicl,,.,... _* ,. f_ NVox XXX. AN RBOR ICHW\ti( ill( l WHY MICHIGAN QUIT ti t ale' t (h ile antlIDEA F1 THE CONFERENCE mate t tmAND SI wthtieUDqe~ Reasons That Led to the JSever-ayn nte vvrt\wt IwstL ommfuiI'tiontut ing of Conference Relations. free [rll] dubian t te lest tConferenceA.tait sok oftslgiltin T e S eae, Terenceecime'as:a iret esltofth r r tilt iterpietatin iof the tres refo a nd xiiretrtctivoli' sla'tliii...…

January 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dpi Vol- XX MICHIGAN JACKIES TO BE REMEMBERED #lEncouragement of Sailors at the Pennsy (lame Will Receive a Fitting Testinmonial Asuitable ok foolr lttho fceto ndl shnip Micigan, caryinsg withitiithe ap- pricitonof the studentstfor theIinei pirit tisp1layediitowards dth football ta tth chin-tPetitst ii ii a gametlastifall ia llsees to beI fias- sured.LaI-st nih t hSudnkContcil took tip usc n siot ndmAduecuid tole- gin1 Ottaitit c...…

February 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…rhMAichi a V01- XX CARNIVAL SPIRIT -__} REIGNS AT 1J" HOP Gaiety Marks the Annual Society Event Whicn "faxes Capacity of Gymnasium Floors Itsthtiisittins of Ihe Ia t a i thait tells me thedie cI ite r ltt e lst s t illnofthels.\at a myigoitnittti' yli lssritiay il i iftidithiiiitine aLilit itiis threditi i itii 11\etI atestalt sui at is it'e, In i tgl- lTse g theiig ittiou jun ir I -s -is i 'I ejoi ousen s t t eiiiisic -un de itee i th iii it...…

March 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…Ic VOL. XX. .NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDA' MARCH 12, IgI0. NO. 1 12. ALL VARSITY MEN COMPETE TONIGHT Warm Contests Expected in Track Meet---Finals in Inter- class Relays. Although the lit Of et re sisnot large every oe of(thelvenits ill lthe Varsity iieet tonihlt ugill betic iustci st All the varsity trct11en0 -mth th ex eption of Bohnsacki re eli i ciand 1n addition th wren wo hv dn good work i the tio pruiousis will Complete. The Il'res ...…

May 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…hl ail y VOL. XX. NINE CONTINUES ,r WINNING STRFAK! I(Ca Campbell Pitches Wolverines' at to a2 toO0Victory Over Oberlin SYRACUSE PLAYS HERE TODAY , N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUtRSDAY, MIAYi 19 10. 1345()789--R cl0 o 11 0 0oia-oS dull V(''llo11 ut-111 \ix'lto the xxilox 00l lt- w'(it x'ilxlicls.I h TWENTY MEN MAKE TEAM GOING EAST Big Track Squad Leaves To- night for Dual Meet With Syracuse Saturday PREDICT FAST QUARTER MILE Clev rsap -u Wlvrin...…

June 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The'Michigan a. ?ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAXY, JUNE ago' . t 90N.Po VOL. XX. No. igo. ......... ...t.(I . tll EN O ONE, YEAR'S SUCCESS PUT MICHIGAN ON TOP AGAIN Wolverine Athletes "Come Back" and Land Maize and Blue in Front After Taking Dust for Three Years J- EiNGINEER AMAKES PLEAC FUR CLEA N EINIUIN.'IiONSi. The D II,i s in receosipt sof the follow- igcoci' icit on 1)sit ''tohae coote to anthler perotdoo of eci iltiitch-.Tere a01.aItog...…

July 12, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…1 L1 VE RINE Vor,. 1. WiHL Ot'-IGAN, TiIiSDAY. T1 2, 10)10 No. S VARSIIY (AFF 612 E. 1111 ITY Open for Summer School Board single week - $3.50 Four weeks - $13.00 Hours Week Dy's Breakfast - -(i:5to to8:0 Dinner - 1:00 to 1:00 Luncheon - x):00 to 6:30 Sundays Breakfast - 8:00 too9::0 Dinner - - 12:0 to1)3:00 Luncheon - 5:2(0 to :30 ]t-iglai'mellacIs2o. Srd q W. H. BARNES, Prop.'t 3 Medic YOUNO UGHTIN TO KNOW: 4LThe address attdipone ntub...…

October 12, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…VlXX.ANN AR )OR, Si\ IGk ,DN. X SitA 105 o )i 1 2. IMO Vol. XXI. .. . .- ____... .~.. _.. ..._. ___.. _ _ , ........ _..... VARSITY TO BUCK LM. A. C. FORMATIONS Scrubs in First Mid-week Game will Oppose Regulars Like Farmers BORLESKE REPORTS TO SQUAD Equppd ith M. A. C. formationts tht reser111 tril gileble1to 11the ar- gi~ nryular fotemnthi aferoo, Titie firt f tid-0(1week gmles, w ill he the onisly i opportnIit which1 sty-ill', ti onl oct...…

November 12, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…,. r 0 00 oot tll z z H tTI H 0 H-i CQ 7 C C C r" C C 0l r+ 0 } zD .. fin.: . . _ : ., y , +t Y_' T-{ - _ .1~''411 :w , ..x I -1 p .° 4 l:ur", rT I I WA zi 0 0, M, : . > r$ r^" r % . ' ° s . cc ' 0 d a ttj G7 C'' t': v r ' 'r= . . r v r Q s -a a ' ". . . O ! d 7 tj1 ,r" y 7 f i v - 0" w fl- 0 m ri ice? K r T r, .= !^^f- (' _ '-f ' ;Y is --, i, Y r. ... r r. r, rp xr= ~f .r ' .;. .fir r *-r rr r. .r-r x, a r «% s J. r ;/; r...…

January 12, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, IMICHIGAN, 'Ii ISi)\\, JAN.\Y 10111. No. 73. Vol XXI. POPULAR ELECTION WIDELY PREFERRED Private Appointment Principle Disliked by Members of Association MAY BE DISCUSSED SATURDAY There seems to e a eal plossiility that the matter of the selection of stt- dent tmeners of the Boarti in Control of Athletics will e hrough efoe the Athletic asociation wh en i t mees on Saurday. Tie agitation which was e- gnn with tiecotmttutication ill...…

March 12, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…______ __ A ~JM7W Vl. XXI. ANN 'ARBO7R, 1MIC IGAN, SLC' NI)_ 14 MARC1'12, is 541 1 ,. CRAICS ACHIEVE A DECISIVE VICTORY Vanquish Homers Nearly Two To One in Hard Fought Meet CAPTAIN BRE'AKS OWN RECORD heiusswh icmp sel the [I, ig ll he et last '5 's's 1it gr°~ ti m of epitit ",, Ii l,;5at t I i e csiisie so 0,- o3oz.3.T e coko n millad ck ad I its ithei 'Iso tere temost eitt r 'siss featres. 4 ict . ha c m cd ii Is it i te finater isis' te...…

May 12, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…ANhABO, aly A :, AN ARBORMICHIGANilR I I\)A , lNi AN r2,12 )T.t Vol. XXI. .aO. iT55, TAKE CLOSE ONE FROM METHODISTS Rickey's Men Use Squeeze Play to Advantage and Win 5to 3 PITCHERS GIVE BUT FEW HITS, in o it # t1a i t rl tacticstititdfe at Winillo flattIl it ta 1.1 actt~l ati a ,<. l i t ta a al. ~ h t Saalriacsc. O 1' or tic t heata lliatas T'ilas cONTN tt N N tt \t TANt - The le ti att)f it- i a r i115 s5 for1 th1 ti(J' taC1,1 t1ei t...…

August 12, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…7/ j_ tvl 62 0. \ (f~ THE WOLVER INE Vol IT. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATL'RD X's, AU~GUST' 12. 19[1. TRACES AEROPLANE FROM VELOCIPEDE Dean Reed Shows How Modern Airship Is Descendant of Early Vehicle TAKLS ON ELECTRIC PHENOMENA' Tht the Codlerni a(1rop111e ts thet lin- was1 tile delrtionil If 1ProfI Joitn (. Reed, itead of Ithe phsis fauo and11 (( (dean (If tile literary dilOtnet 111 n his( whticht appear~i new1 to the11(11 or 1nar per- 101...…

October 12, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…Another's ly-subscribe The Michigan __ + 11 .1lANN ARBOR MIC IGAN, THURSDAY CT1BER 12, 1911. MAN AND BS CLASH H VARSITY I HUTCHINS WILL SPEAK. AT MINNESOTA INAUGURATION. President Henry B. Hutchins will attend the inauguration of the new president of the University of Minnes- ota at Minneapolis on October 18, and will give an informal speech at the in- augural dinner. While in the gopher state President Hutchins will deliver an addre...…

October 12, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…her's subscribe Michigan .Daily Read the Daily Ads Before You ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1911. ,Mi - - - - -I OWEN LOVEJOY HERE TODAY.I CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS I P TO TEST ilars to Two crappy Con- aying Char- .T QUARTER. Make Tempo- Lineup y kept up its en, in 60 min- d to slip over n the fighting ith said today, 't no friendly Expert on Child Labor Will Deliver Two Addresses. Owen Lovejoy, chairman of the Na- tional ...…

November 12, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…The, I Michigan Daii AReliable Directory of x Reliable Business I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEI 13ER 12, 1911. No. Falls Before iacans'Onslau ght "BOTTLES" THOMSON. tureid by d, Results tting Lea- gan Line; RES PLAY. ws .Stellar, :, I ** * * * * * * * * SATURDAY'S FOOTBALL liE- SULTS. -0-- (By Detroit News Service.) luEast. -0- Yale 15, Brown 0. Carlisle 18, Harvard 15. Princeton 3, Dartmouth 0. Pennsy 23, Lafayette 6. Ar...…

December 12, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…ichigan Daily I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911. WE WAITING. to een today-but then a consistent enemy s Directory. A 1911 riginal aim, purpose! ks have passed and and what was once a deep set ideal, ev- before the horizon ublishers. But the stood still, even if MAY BE TRIP TO FIX SCHEDULES Director Bartelme's Jaunt East Is Probably to Arrange Athletic Dates FOUND CAMPUS SUFFRAGE CLUB Western Suffragette's Speech Insp...…

January 12, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…:higan Daily I 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1912. m- . LETS SPECIAL DAILY SUPPLEMENT FOR COMEDY CLUB SUNDAY. I, issue of the Daily will fea- page pictorial supplement iedy Club and its present ction of Sir Arthur W. Pi- er-farce, "The Magistrie." n cuts of this year's DI articles .e careers the Comedy Club a the various players. sup- Medics Have Dancing Party. r the The fresh medics will dance tonight at 8:30 o'cloc...…

March 12, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…1 ichigan Da . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1912. _ .. _$ GERMAN CLASSES TO READ DEUTSCHER VEREIN'S PLAY JUNIOR LIT DANCERS WILL HEAR CLASS MUSICAL FOUR I' me back?" was the howl en the last issue of the out with its tirade of ust watch us" is the e who claimed that they , as they toil over the r the next number, to k from Friday. For the staff is composed of taken up the cause, and I high the table of their >me-back car...…

May 12, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…4 Michigan Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1912. TS. FORESTERS GET house ROUGH WEATHER STUDENT LEADER ENGINEERS' PUBLICATION MAY BECOME A MO SHOWS OPTIMISM Editors of Teehii Bridge Bud More Day Affords Woodsmen Some Real Experience in Camp Life. H1 GIVES "COME-BACK" TALK. hough the rain interfered with annual Field Day of the foresters e extent that President Emeritus s B. Angell was unable to be nt to address the gatherin...…

October 12, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…CAI AT C UR DUO R $2.503 I r h 1gaY1 Daly IAILED TO A ADDRESS $3.i Vol. XXIII, No. 10. ANN RBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1912. PRICE F -------------1 ... LIVELY BATJLE IS PROMESED L. A. C. C :E S W ITH A K EEN D E- TERMINtrI\ TO EVEN UP FOR SOME OLD )CIRES TEAT EM- ORY WILL NOT ERASE. FARMERS ARE OU]WEIGHED. Barton, Bogie and Colo Will ('race the Sidelnes Owing to injuries. When Michigan hooks up in battle with M. A. C. t...…

November 12, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…T YOUR $2.50 The Michigan Dail I AILED TO ANY ADDRESS $3.(0 XIII, No. 36. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1912. f. PRICE FIVE CEN ILED TEAM PARES FOR LA ST STRUG GLE "Cap" Redden Comes to Aid Coach Yost in Training; His Presence Cheers Squad and Fans Alike. PATERtSON'S BRUISED LEG MAY KEEP hI OUT OF BIG GAIIE Scrimmage is Planned for Today and is Expecte(I to be on the, Daily Program. ..,.THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for A...…

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