April 12, 2006 (vol. 116, iss. 111) • Page Image 10
… with husband and sometime rockstar Chris Martin. The happy couple chris- tened their offspring Moses, reportedly after a song written by the Coldplay frontman for his wife. Apple and Moses: Clearly no…
… popular iPod ushers in a rash of third-party iProducts. FM transmitters, iPod cases, dancing robot dogs - it's not surpris- ing that the sex-toy market has joined the Apple accessories peck - er, pack. "It…
… similarly stimulating gadgets, including another iPod vibrator dubbed the Audi-Oh and a Blue- tooth-enabled cellular device that redefines phone sex. Karmeisool noted that a computer-com- patible, egg…
…-shaped vibrator first came out several years ago. "The (iBuzz) is probably just an adapted one from the computer mechanism," Kar- meisool said. "But I think it's more gim- micky than practical:" But she added that…