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December 12, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 68) • Page Image 9

…Wcomputers have always been easy to use. But they've never been this easy to own. Presenting The Macintosh Sale. Through January 31, you can save hundreds of dollars on a variety of Apple'*Macintosh computers and…

… peripherals. So now there's no reason to settle t for an ordinary PC. With The Macintosh Sale, you can wind up with much more of a computer. Without spending a lot more money _____ . 1'. . ......... ... i 1 ,; …

October 12, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…. From Bivouac. 744-9532. SINGLE IN SOUTH QUAD Must sell '89-90 lease. Call Renee @ 930- 6662, anytime & leave a message. SOLA ELECTRIC MCR Computer regula- tor, total power regulation, dedicated Ime…

… South Forest. FOUR COLLEGE WORK STUDY students needed in Internal Medicine-Hem./Onc. for Fall/Winter 89/90. Office work, computer experience desirable, great pay. Inquire at 936-5290. FULL TIME DISHWASHER…

… organization needed to promote our Spring B reak trips. Eam money, free trips and valuable work experience. APPL NOW!! Call Inter-Campus Programs: 1-800- 327-6013. TH INK SPRING - Out-going? Well-orga- nized…

… week. Computer skills helpful. all Valerie at 936-8085 for info. WANTED: U-M Students to orient newstu- dents. Go Ahead...MAKE THEIR DAY!!BE A SUMMER ORIENTATION LEADER.3000 Michigan Union. WARM AND…

… monochrome rarely used$1150 or b/o.764- 8659 or 995-3016 anytime.Citizen printer incl. COMPUTER TERMINAL with modem, like new $390. Ta cebacku for IBM PS/2, new in the box, $350. Call 747-9400, 9-5. -W Buy a…

Computer at the Kickoff? We'll Help You Set It Up! 10 yrs Combined Experience With Micros Hourly Rates Call RJ Consulting 665-6508 Ask for Ron or Jim Sell it in. The Daily Achieve the LSAT Store You Need…

September 12, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…. September 12, 1989 - 7:30PM ::i .:.: ; .. 1209 Michigan Union All Welcome MICHI GANENSAN What is it? .. Bri lant. Brilliant work. Apple's most powerful personal computers enable you to create it. As…

Computer Kickoff Sale Hands on Display at the Michigan Union on the ground floor. With Computer Kickoff prices, you can afford brilliance. Brilliant Options The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published…

…* Mac IICX All Mac SE models now have Apple's new "Superdrive" to read MS-DOS, OS/2 and Apple II files. Macin tosh. r L EDITORAL STAFF: Editor inChief Managing Editor News Editors Opinion Page Editors…

April 12, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 132) • Page Image 6

…, $9 neg. Ca 764-1691. COMPUTER APPLE Ic, monitor, and printer. Software included, with great word processor. $300 for a great package. Call Jim at 663-9757. LOFT FOR SALE. For 2 people head/head. Sturdy…

…-4RAYBAN STEREOS FOR HOME/CAR, TVs/VCRs Nak. Blaupunkt, Carver, etc. Save big $, call Jeff Mader 763-3303 day, 668-1011 eves. TRIATHLON/RACING BIKE: Miyata 710 with accessories, including bike computer $350…

… for rent, Central Cam- pus. Appl, prk. $229 obo. 662-3077 Cheryl. GREAT LOCATION! sp./su. in huge 2 bdrm. ap. rght next to CCB, furnished air cond. laundr'y, free pkng. Only $100/mo. 996-5'921, Loni…

January 12, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

… floor, union. AM-FM STEREO SYSTEM: with dual cas- sette dubbin turn-table and 2 speakers. 5 months old-P 00.00 or best offer. Call Julie at 761-7527. APPLE IIC monitor printer, 2nd drive, soft- ware, $800…

… close to campus. Ca 662-8909. HENDERSON HOUSE CO-OP One winter lease still available! Dorm leases are transferable. 5 mm. from diag, piano, ca- ble, parking, computer, meals. Al for aprox. $265/mo. & 5…

December 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

… 11rMac disks. Please call 996- 2697. Leave a message. M FOR SALE 19" QUASAR Color TV with remote. $75.' Full size Litton auto-cook microwave even $75 call 747-8848. COMPUTERS, IBM & clones printers…

…. $10 paid upon com letion of study. Free individualized daily caloric need estab- lished, free body fat estmate.8For more in- formation call 747-0218. HI-TECH Software Salesperson Seidl Computer

… through mid Jan. Possible part-time positions thereafter. Start at $4/hr. Big discounts on textbooks and supplies. Flexible hours. Appl inperson at Michigan Union Bookstore, Ground floor of the Michigan…

… Union. 995-8877. PART TIME POSITION -- data entryon a Macintosh computer. Contact Dr. George Upton 764-1542. Position to start immedi- ately. PART-TIME TELLER positions available in the Ypsilanti…

… busy of- fice. Must like the tee one & possess good communication skills ability to work unsu- pervised. Call 662-3193 for application in- formation. THE MICHIGAN DAILY IS NOW HIRING A COMPUTER SYSTEMS…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 10

… Price (example TV for one year TV GUIDE) circling 0 if renewal. Print your name and WEIGHT WATCHERS WOMEN'S SPORTS A + (Apple Comp.) 12 iss. A + 24.97 14.97 address and mail today. 12 iss $13.97 12 is $10…

….95 WO Clasrm Cmptr Lmg 8 ias. CO 22.50 1.00 R R R R R R 12 ss$1.9 W 1 is 1095 WOCompute 12 ias. CP 24.00 14.40 reg $13.97 reg $12.95 Computer's Gazette 12 iss. CZ 24.00 18.00 [:]Mrs. Q Mr. KKMiss…

…KysMs. WORKING MOTHER. WORKING WOMAN Family Computing 12 iss. FC 19.97 10.99 Addrss i! The University of Michigan S Men's Se'ooo 10 Glee ' OC Club invites all prospective new members to a MASS MEETING Tues…

September 12, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 3) • Page Image 16

… merchants included a CD/ROM player from Apple computer and free coursepacks for the entire time you attend U-M from Kinko's. The winners, announced at the Party and listed below, can claim their prize by…

… the entire time you're at U-M from Kinko's: Edward Neuwirth A CD/ROM Player from Apple Computer: Theo Brown Free VCR Rental from Study Break: Hope Olds, Larry Kalmbach, Ozlen Conklu, Lisa Sayoc…

April 12, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

Apple "Macintosh Plus" computer ingood condition. Call collect (616)755-6515. TICKETS GOING HOME? Apr. 27 Det. to NY plane ticket, $70 or best. Call at 764-0821. PLANE TICKET: Detroit to Newark. April…

… research into chemical warfare. C A W R also cited a project by Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Prof. Fawwaz Ulaby which deals with "enhancing the detection of targetsunder vegetation cover…

….25/hr. Call Chris Willis at 936-8090. CO-ED Massachusetts summer camp seeks counselors. Call (914)762-2820. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call 747-9400, Rafiq. CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMER/ MAT…

… in a clean & grease- free atmosphere. Apply Mon & Tues 1PM- 5PM at 1701 Plymouth Rd. North Campus Plaza. Full or part time. Starting at $4.25 & up. FULL-TIME or PART-TIME help needed to staff computer

… envelope to: Application 1988, P.O. Box 16499, Carkston, MI 48016. Present or former English 225 students: stu- dents needed to serve as subjects for a project examining the use of computers in writing…

…. Experience using computers for writing re- qured. $5.00/hr. for 6-9 hours over 4 ses- sions. Availability Spring term helpful. Call Deanna Migut, School of Ed. 936-2743. REPRODUCTIVE BI- OLIGIST…

… springfsumme? sublets. Call 668-887 1. YOUR OWN ROOM in 7 bedroom coed Kerrytown area house. May-May for $225/mo. Our summer sublet for $1 00/mo. Great housematesi Call 995-4599. COMPUTER MDSE. WANTED: Used…

February 12, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…. Complete and with software. MAC SE with 1 Drive, mouse, extended key pad. Call 763-1812. COMPUTER FOR SALE-Apple Machintosh withone drive & software. Excellent condi- tion. Must sell! $500. 761-5866. FUTON…



…. Large size two bedroom apt. $535. Call 662-4446. HENDERSON HOUSE UNDERGRADU- ATE WOMEN'S CO-OP. Fall applications available: five min. from Diag, piano, cable, arking, computer, meals. All for approx…

…. $250/mo. and75 hrs. work. Come by 1330 Hill St. for an appl. OPEN HOUSE Feb 15 & 16 7-9 pm. ONE BDRM. UNFURNISHED APT. Cam- pus area near Business and Law School. Parking available immeditely.Cal994…

… over there-Mark. COMPUTER WIZ WANTED Earn $ & re- sume reference. Benchmark and/or graphics knowledge helpful. More info, 663-6398. DIAL a Jewish Story 995-5959. Another project of the Chabad fouse…

…- able with information at 996-2559. CAN YOU SAY "TELEFUND"? If you can and want to participate in the Uni- versity 's personal outreach program, stop by 611 Church st., suite 304. COMPUTER SALES POSITION…

February 12, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 93) • Page Image 9

…): HYPERCARD APPLICATIONS. HyerCard software products (art, films, biological sciences) that run on an Apple Macintosh computer and control laser videodiscs. FABULOUS PERKS'!!A BONUS PRIZES!! Renf a Car from…


… system and an authoring system. 2:30-3:30 HYPERCARD: APPLE CORPORATION. Use of HyperCard as an authoring system. Mike Novak, University of Michigan. 3:30-4:30 VOYAGER COMPANY (Janus Films and Voyager Press…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

… "Computer Kickoff '87" sale in September, the University sold Apple, Zenith, and IBM computers to students and faculty at 50 percent off retail prices. Those computers were Pedraza-Baily said Limon will be…

… Rackham graduate student, work at the University Computer Kickoff at the Sports Coliseum which sold more than 2400 computers this weekend. 'U' distributes 3000 computers By STEPHEN GREGORY Yesterday…

… weekend, the Univer- sity conducted its second major computer sale, delivering 3,000 computers to students, faculty, and staff, and making the event the largest on-campus sale in the country. During its…

… University of Texas to conduct research at the Stanford Center for the Humanities. distributed at the Coliseum Friday and Saturday. With 1,400 sales, Apple beat out the others in volume, but IBM attracted the…

… most attention with its new model that can display up to 256 different colors on the screen at a time. The University invited local computer stores to sell software merchandise and peripherals at the…

… pick-up. The invitations were an effort by the University to quiet complaints that its sale was taking an unfair chunk out of local computer business. Jeff Inwood, president of ComputerLand in Ann Arbor…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 11

…--Mtg, Huron Valley Rose Soc, 7:30 pm, Aud, 1800 N Dixboro. ICEC/Apple Computer--Competition make-up sess, "Design the Personal Computer of the Year 2000" & "ICEC/Apple Fellowship Program," 7 pm, Chrysler Ctr…

… the Mexican Southwest,"3:30-5 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm; recep follows. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; Using MTS Message System & Remote Mail, 10:30 am-12…

… Answers," 7 pm, Glacier Hills Retirement Home. Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, "35mm Slide Production," 7-10:30 pm, Mich Media, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-0505. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm…

…, "The History of AAUP at the University of Michigan, 1915-1987, 3 pm, Alum Ctr Nov 29 Committee for 'alestine--Mtg, 7 pm, Mich Union MUG. Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem, S Barlett, 4 pm, 1301 EECS Bldg…

… Neonatal Neurology," Towsley Ctr. 763-1400. Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, "Using Personal Computers for Preparing Classroom Materials," 7-9 pm, 120 WEngr. Reg req, 764-0505. Ctr for Res on…

… Learning & Teaching--TA workshop, "35mm Slide Production," 7-10:30 pm, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-6840. Computing Ctr--Courses. In Rm 3001 SEB: Lotus 1-2-3, Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: Intro to…

Computing, 9-11 am. In Rm 2065A Frieze Bldg: Intro to TEXTEDIT, Pt 4, 1:30-3 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Using Program Function Keys in MTS, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763- 7630. Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users…

… avail $1), 802 Monroe St. 662-5189. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 8:30-11:30 am; Microsoft Word, Pt 2 (Macintosh), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; MTS Basic Skills, noon-3 pm. In Rm 4212…

… SEB: Microsoft Word Lec/Demo (Macintosh), 11 am- noon; Preparing Data for Transfer Between Applications & Computers, 1-4 pm. Reg req. 763-7630. *United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn-- Hayride…

March 12, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

… on Hill by E Quad reasonable rent. Call Steve 764-5689 or Meg 764-5693. COMPUTER MDSE. APPLE IIC/IIE COMPATIBLE. New, never used. Full warranty. $390.00. 971- 5525. COMPUTERS, printers, modems…

… rocketry, arts & crafts, photo., rock & rope climbers, computer canoe tripper sailing, tennis, athletics, and water sports W.S.I. Call 800/553-CAMP or write 407 Benson ast, Jenkintown, PA, 19046. HELP WANTED…

… energetic, responsible and committed to learning new techniques and technology. Familiarity with Apple Macin- tosh or PCs a plus. If your references are good and you're obsessed with providing good customer…

January 12, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

… Association (RHA) vice ector of housing business affairs student fee which funded Apple 6.3 percent in campus housing president, said at Wednesday's RHA and chairman of the committee, said Macintosh computer

… student RHA repre - double room would cost $191.39 Hall Computing Project, "RES percent. sentatives and three faculty mem - more than last year. Davalos, an COMP." The program would also be bers. Its report…

… needs approval from LSA sophomore, said last year's If approved, the program would funded by the University computer University administrators and the room and board expenses increased provide a personal…

computer for all See RATE, Page 5 Iranian missiles hit Baghdad a 3 NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - Iran launched missile attacks yesterday against Iraq's capital of Baghdad and the southern port city of Basra. Iraq…

January 12, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…; near campus. CelB 996-1623 or 996- 2320. COMPUTER MDSE. 1200 BD AST internal modem w/free crosstalk and sidekick. $200. Sherwood com- puters. 973-1215. FOR SALE - Apple Be Personal Computer with b…

…. Situations Sorted 7. Personal 16. Tickets u 3 5.28 7.20 9.36 9.84 11.52 8. Cupids Helper 17. Roommates J 4 7.04 9.60 12.48 13.12 15.36 S 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse. 5 8.80 12.00 15.60 16.40 19.20 I…

November 12, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 50) • Page Image 6

…. Church St. Park/Heat/H2O-Female pref. 665-5942. COMPUTER MDSE..4 APPLE II+ Computer 64K, Disk drive RF modulator, language card Epson Mk-80 rinter. Includes over $3 0 in software. 1400. Call 764…

….20 9.36 9.84 11.52 ; 8. Cupid's Helper 17. Roommates J 4 7.04 9.60 12.48 13.12 15.36 i 9. Student Services 18. Computer Mdse.5 880 2 16 14 92 I understand that this advertising request will be processed…

November 12, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

… Center, the University expects to install 150 Apple Macintosh computers in residence halls by January. The terminals will be distributed between all halls except Betsy Bar- bour and Helen Newberry. All the…

COMPUTERS Dorms moving from parties to computers The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 12, 1985 - Page 5 Budget mekdnrma goes on WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress' deadlines for action on separate budget…

…, University residence halls have primarily been associated with such activities as eating, sleeping, and partying. Computing, as a rule, rarely popped into a person's mind - until now, perhaps. Backed by a…

… had a few terminals available for student use, a lone Decwriter or Ontel terminal has never really qualified as "computing for the masses." According to Jeff Ogden, associate director of the Computing

… Macintoshs will be linked to MTS, the University's central computer system, Ogden said. The Computing Center has discussed having a computer program in the residence halls for several years, said Ogden. "It…

…'s been an ongoing discussion to try to find space," he said. When the University committed itself to installing 1,500 computers campus wide in two and a half years, "the whole (residence hall) project…

… became more real." BUT THE plan to put the workstations in the halls goes beyond just turning the computers on and let- ting the students in, said Marvin Par- nes, assistant director of housing. "We…

…'re trying to expose all studen- ts, from liberal arts to engineering, to how computers can help them," Par- nes said. "We're looking further down the line." In order to help gauge student con- cerns over the…

… project, the housing ,division and the Computing Center distributed several thousand surveys to students in residence halls asking them what kind of programs and training they'd like to see made available…

… student in- put, but it's not that easy. There's no central place we can go to get that feedback." Since the beginning of the fall term, Mosher-Jordan has set up a pilot computer program to experiment with…

September 12, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

… community of technical innovators and venture capitalists, is characterized in part by what some wryly call Apple Computer's "fruit- juice-and-Friday-back-rub work ethic." But the defense side traditionally…

…. 6 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Computer accessibility As part of an effort to increase computer accessibility to…

… is to increase the number of workstations from 225 to 2,000 by 1988. The University's goal is to have computer workstations available within five minutes of every student on campus. The -mere fact that…

… the goal exists illustrates a commitment from the University to increase computer literacy and retain the University's leadership position in the field of information technology. The compulsory charge…

… limited because the personal computer revolution has progressed to the point that many students have already pur- chased computers. Also, it seems conceivable that some students would be able to purchase…

… com- puters adequate for their needs for the same amount of money that they pay in fees to system. the Unviersity The importance of computer literacy cannot be overstated. While computers have long…

… use of statistics and information sharing through computer technology. By 1988, the number of Univer- sity workstations should amount to one terminal for every 15 students. Only private universities are…

… students but is particularly con- siderate of female residents as the computers will be safely accessible 24 hours a day. In making its commitment to ex- panding computer accessibility, the University is…

…., the area's second largest military contractor. "We don't have the creative energy of the personal computer industry. We're old- fashioned. You put in eight hours of hard work a day and you get paid well…

…." Silicon Valley's commercial side has produced Computer Professionals for social Responsibility, an organization that argues rising military funding for new technology is counterproductive and will hurt the…

July 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 29) • Page Image 11

… strong computers made by Apple or Zenith at engineering students, access to com in computering, while most were ac- low cost from the University's micro- puters may be a "bargain" but it is cepted - but…

… unacceptable," said Li, a member of At the airport, Li said Taiwan remains the "greatest ob- China's powerful Communist Party Politburo Standing stacle" to better U.S.-Chinese relations. Computers will soon…

… formally approved the plan, Business and engineering students authorize the computing centers and Pauses to refresh they unanimously supported the idea will also have to pay more for their find that there…

… aren't enough people when Van Houweling introduced it at computing, paying $50 more in fees on campus trained touse them. Roberto Goizueta. chairman of the Coca-Cola Co., sips a soft drink at the the…

… said that his and more people ar learning how to us of 'Classic' Coke. ould set up "clusters of 25-50 com- plan is the most inexpensive way for computers before coming to the puters around campus," Van…

… students to have access to computers. University. In addition, he said the S Houweling said. According to Van Houweling, only School of Literature, Science, and the Where these clusters would be private…

… universities are planning Arts would be expanding its computer located, he said, hasn't been decided projects on the same scale as the classes. yet, but he envisions them scattered University, and they require…

… students Billy Frye, the University's vice AUCKLAND, New Zealand (UPI) vessel wer caused by "externally at- in dormitories and libraries around to buy computers. president for academic affairs, Prime…

… such as Angell Hall. each, with some as expensive as any mandatory computer classes for environmental flagship "a major "The explosions, two of them, CURRENTLY, the University has $10,000, he said…

…. University students. criminal act" yesterday and said his blew an 8-foot hole in the hull on the 250 stations available to students for "Our society is changing rapidly," "Computer literacy is a short…

March 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 126) • Page Image 5

COMPUTERS . . .~ . Page 5 The Michigan Daily TuesdayMarch 12, 1985 Page 5 Let your Mac talk back! By DONALD SCHMID For most persons, the Macintosh per- sonal computer from Apple com…

… service. You either found yourself a very knowledgable pal or found yourself all alone in the world of computing, with Apple and IBM owners snickering at yoL he way down to their machine specific computer

… and user advice in the operation and planning of The Michigan Union. r's' I Ann Arbor's 1 PAuthorized Dealer Apple Computer Dealer is offering you special savings on 1 I 1 all Macintoshsoftware in…

… user types in somewhere the correct spelling of the word as it and Eastern would appear in a document. Then, the Still, Smoot computer a voice ne of two things to change othTalker pronounces the i. n…

computer owner, Robin Warner, who like many others couldn't find these answers, decided to create a place where people could get this kind of information locally. Hence, Chelsea Software was born. Chelsea…

… Software is an exclusively Commodore computer center. Last Friday and Saturday saw its grand opening in the office where Armstrong software operates during the week. Warner, who operates the store with a…

computer, priced only eight dollars less than a popular discount house's price. Chelsea price also includes invaluable technical help after the purchase, though. OnT item, those hard-to-find Indus drives…

… prior to that opening. Therefore, many regular customers of Chelsea's were on hand to help celebrate. The customers of Chelsea seem to believe in making the store an integral part of their computing needs…

… people really get to know that we're out here, we will be able to offer more services, most importantly longer store hours. I am also looking forward to offering computer classes for people interested in…

…. Conventional &,Telecomnunicaions1ypesetti. 210 Nickels Arcade, Mon -Frl. &8. Sat 12 3 - 78 Daily Photo by DAN HABIB Robin Warner, one of the owners of Chelsea Software, shows off one of the Commodore computers

February 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

… or Kiosk notice the numbers of fliers at- tached that were composed on a com- puter. Chances are good that most were made on one machine - the Apple Macintosh. As computers become more com- monplace at…

… lot of people are buying them for course work, and others as a graduation present to themselves," said Virginia Geren, the supervisor of University Photo Services, which orders the computers. FOR APPLE

…. Nor is Apple alone in offering bargain prices to entice the potentially lucrative college market. Zenith has also been selling its personal computer to University faculty, staff, and students at a…

… popular (computer)," Dillingham said. "We also carry another line, but with the discount prices, (the Zenith) computers are the most attractive package for students." Since the start of the Apple deal…

… store sells fewer Apple computers than the other four locations. He also said his East Lansing store suffered comparatively low Apple sales because of a similar program at Michigan State University…

…. Although Ulrich's is not directly af- fected by the discounts because they do not sell Apple computers, store manager Tom Musser says he is op- posed to the practice in principle. "It is not an appropriate…

December 12, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 80) • Page Image 8

… clean quiet house near West Park. $160/mo. inc.util761-5768eves. 92C1212 COUZENS HALL Single Male Lease for sale. Call Jeff at7I-5819. 85C1212 * UNIVERSITY TOWERS COMPUTER BUSINESS PEOPLE. Share office…

… revelation 35 "-as apple pie" 39 Parts of ears 40 Wind: Comb. form 41 Literary collection 42 Extol 53 Reese of baseball 54 Pay, as a bill DOWN 1 Marred 2 Incident 3 Kicks 4 Arm bone 5 Ascot 6 Section of…

October 12, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 32) • Page Image 8

… up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, M*cIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 33*S. State. cBtc, USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck, odd sizes. Largest supply in area. Wmels…

… INTERVIEWERS FOR MARKETING RESEARCH FIRM. Some typing required; computer terminal experience helpful. Part-time hours; day and evening flexibility necessary. $3.50/hour. Call 973-9033 during business hours. 45H…

September 12, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 6) • Page Image 8

… JEWISH Religious School seeking Jr. High teacher of history and Bible for Sat. a.m. program. Call 994-4261 or 665-4744. 60H0915 IMMEDIATE OPENING for daytime waitress. Full or part time. Apple in person at…

… details. 24 hrs. 48H0914 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER-% time, 7-10/hr. upperclass or grad student, work experience preferred. 996-0684 evenings and weekends. 38H0915 PIZZA MAKERS, counter help, and pizza drivers…

… - computer 46 Sulfur: Comb. form 49 Crowded, as at a sale 51 Bangkok baby- sitter 55 Part of the ship's bow 56 Mrs. Shakespeare and others 57 Sabot's relative 58 Berra of baseball 59 European blackbird 60…

April 12, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 154) • Page Image 8

…I FOR SALE APPLE II-C starter systems $1199.00. 90 day warran- ty. Computer Reruns (used computers bought and sold), Tues.-Fri. 1-7, Sat. 10-5.994-4949 anytime. 44B0413 1975 SUZUKI 550. Good…

…. Call 662-6585. 93B0412 BEEN WITHOUT A computer long enough? For sale: 1 Atari 800 system with a disk drive, printer, software including word processing and games, plus many extras. $1250 but reasonable…

January 12, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

…. SAY IT WITH BALLOONS. 995-1972. cJtc REALM'S LSAT PREP COURSE Feb. 7-- March 1 Reasonable rates 665-3579 12J0204 M.I. tM.C ELLANEOUS * MIDWEST COMPUTER SUPPLY INC. 3M 5% in. SS-DD RH $2.50. Epsom MX 70…

…/80 Cartridge ribbon $6.95 NEC8023 (Apple matrix) $8.95. 973-0015 Ask for Bill 10-6. 720112 MEN'S WINTER SOFTBALL "Snoball" tour- nament, January 14 and 15, Belleville, call 699-5587 or 697-2693. 08M0113 SCOTT E…

… Farrar and Trude Jaffe ©1984 Los Angeles Times Sypdicate 1 6 10. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 27 311 35 36 38 ACROSS Etchers' needs Painter.Chagall Apple part Water wheel Mountain: Comb. form Fixed…

… Students with comprehensive understanding of microcomputers (Apple, IBM, Atari, Commodore) PART-TIME TELEMARKETING Flexible Hours High Pay :11 37 d a I i I L-- I t 1 1 J I 1 …

October 12, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

… SPORTSWEAR - swimwear, bodywear, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-0625 10-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie…


…. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 80J0109 COMPUT;5& SUPPLIES stems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Cal1996-0942 This Week's Specials Verbatim MD 525…

… Daily. We've got two free tickets to the State Theater for you. dJ1012 SEvicESS COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave…

… Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 191021 IMPRESS A DATE RENT University Limousine 455…

… Sandy's line Kind of roster Problem for Cinderella Slosh, in a way There, in Spain 65 66 67 68 Fish pen Spelunker Knights' contest Big Apple, for short 17 - one's ways 18 Felix's friend 19 Go quickly…

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