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December 12, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…She 'or YOL. X. T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golf~ Suits, E Fancyj Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We arrhe Largest A Stock L In the City L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 RI R Chocolates W1e make a specialty of Chocolates aa a side line. Wve sell lots of them and or stock is always fresh. Losney's, Allegretti's and Kuhn's always in stock. IWikfers Pharmacy THE OLD Frseeralettceekstehve REIBEboon. amd new caniredy with REAl...…

October 12, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…jx r R r4: No. 1G. VOL. X. ANN ARtBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER' 12, 189.. W D HOSPITAL CONTRACT LET. 1eet cetLchsBdo 4, T T 6i 0.-Appointments.-De- Aseili-nmeeting of the Botardt of Rto- HFine Fall and Winter H gensj a held yesterday, Regents E s~of S its E Farr, Cotctor, iefer, Fletcher, Lawt tn, E Sitnq, GlfSuts Cootp, Dean and Buitterfelde b eing prees- kpni.0t 'V cHi---- r u ;y u Liif . o o T A L 0 DRESS SUITS A SPECIAL...…

May 12, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

… lf 94 PaiL Vot. IX, No. 164. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1899. THREE CENTS G, H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to cal...…

April 12, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

… at VOL. IX, No. 146. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1899. THREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to call a...…

January 12, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 77. ANN ARfBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, .1899. TitnEE CENTS. T 'VARSITY MUSICAL CLUBS Unifornm Worli in Preparatortj The Real Test. ~? T I 1 4 L ~_Schools. I ha oft(n been sal that the real Will Give a Concert in Ann Arbor IDuring the vaati relreenta- st ength of at football team shold e This Spring. ives of Princeton, lftrvard, Col o" jud ed by its defensive work rather T heT nies leBnoan il enslaiad Corell Un- bytna by its ...…

December 12, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 65. ANN ARfBOR, MICH., MO0NDAY, DECEIWR 12, 18983. THREE CENT. EX-SECY DAY. Charges Against Stagg. Winners in the Debating Finals. X ~V I 114 J I~ _Charges have cmie from Wiscn- The following won the places in May Possibly Speak Here Feb. 22. sin claiming that Stagg had rne o society debates Saturday evening: The students and people of this his Chicago teams this fall ho, though Wester Society-M. E. Wison. T T city may have aim op...…

November 12, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 42. ANN ARBOR, M1ICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1898. FOU PAGE. T ' MICHIGAN VS. ILLINOIS. start at 2:30 o'clock sparp so that Debating Agreement Between Uni W I I. 7 ___ample time for two full halves will erities oi Pennyivania and The Annual Detroit Game Taes e had. The team will line up as fllows: Michigan. T Place Tioday. MICHIGAN ILLINOIS. 1. Th'lere shall e tws dehates e- t~~~ This afternoon Michigan will line Bennett...... .....…

October 12, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 15. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1898. Fount PAGES. U "JIMMIE" BAIRD TO COACH after the lecture. The majority of TODAY'S GAME. the class stayed to the election. A Important Meeting of Athletic Asso- temporary chairman and also a seere- Michigan Will Line-Up Against M. ciation Last Night. tary were elected and a member A. C. This Afternoon. "Jimmie" Baird, Michigan's star arose to nominate a candidate for The 'Varsity w...…

May 12, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…AM --a URSDAY, MAY 12, 1898 PalCE-3 CENTS. VoL. VIII. No. 167. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THi r t At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our;..... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. N,. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy . IS NOW------ Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Precsrip- tions a specialty. Geo. P. Wilder. .PIPE tS ...…

April 12, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…I I UJESDAY, APRIL 12, 18981 PRICE--3 CENTS. VOL. VIII. No. 141. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T1 f R_ At Wild's Sprng~ selections just arived from the East. Call and inspect our.. Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A ll egrett's Chocolates.... Fresh eveiy week Only ini packige- eec a pound Lowney's if you piefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEi. jut received a fresh supply of Allegreti, and Willi...…

March 12, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…Alk PURDAY, MARCH 12, 1898. PICE-3 CENTES. VOL. VIII. No. 115. At Wild's Spring selections just arrivedi from the East. Call and inspect our... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. ANN ARBOR,. MICHIGAN, SAI t S 3 OUR PRESID)ENTS. Synopsis of the Work Accoml- plished by Them. Proef. Walker lecturedI last ai-lht in the law lecture room on the "Tvwise~- Harri1son1 was elected bhauasesof his popularity. "Tipperanoe,"an I ,'Hord Cider" and "Log ...…

January 12, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…A 'Alk AOL , . 11 a 1t . VOL. YIIL, No. 72. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. ~WILD IHas'received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh"'everyl week. Only in packages- 60iC a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PH ARM . Jest Received a Large aed Elegant Line of NTew Pipes l Hoat and Gld Laeche...…

November 12, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…t ,. t5 DAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1897. FOUR PAGES. VOL. VIII. No 38. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRI __ WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti'S Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. Just Received a Large and Elegant of 'ew Pipes Hot and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents f...…

October 12, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 1. ANN ARBOR, MICHGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 197. FOURt PAGES. 1 MAKES A FLYING TRIP. A Splendid Inducement. S. L. A. 'TICKETS ON SALE. B ar ain riTe Century Mt ai e ies of lferedi President Andrews of Brown ifl to gte uring tttr seesie as Notes on the Lecturers-Pros- - NAnn Abr treprizes of $250. oen to iuie t pctoeNwnut wrho reerve the leg reof lfacheloi(if ( . Bnj Anorews,fpresiet f o Arts ii sny olieg:or utoersify ito-e tke to...…

June 12, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 193) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. NO. t193. N NAl i ' ,.# E Yl t ! ( . q ~ JEDAY, JUNE 12, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. RBOR, MICHIGAN, SA Received a full line of Novel.- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, The Original Allegretti 0 Chocolates $ PA~IVIER' S PHAR-MtACY.$ 0 4 . STATE ST. If ti-he Maker Wishes to Lose-.! For a time, ooe-third, in order to introduce these hand-welt Shoes - it's your gain anti ours too, because wve k...…

May 12, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 167. s Aft, AL.- Ak I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VVI jL DE MAY aT Received a full line of Novel- ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 7 1897 NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. EAR MAIN. S Lowney's and Plows' Cho- 1~ $colates either in bulk or poond and half pound Packages, strictly fresh, 60f 0 Cents a pounid PALMER'S PHARMACY. 1 46 S. STATE ST. $ We take care to buy only such SHOES as are well made...…

April 12, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…'VOL. VII. NO. 150. aANIN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, M O\ DAY, APRIL 12, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. -~ - SE lb TRPHY (t--sat Development- Richardson, WVV L LD 1 t1; Ijains, (;; Tryon, 2. Woo y A Ricardon '0 "Total numnber of psoints for each onbA.E. Rcarsn,9 i.n-.wtestantt-iihai-ison, 34; jains, 20;9 Reevdafl 12 fNvl it Ia , '97 M., Second. Meadlo S' Wilk-inson, 5; Tryon, i. a ties for Spring Seits 'ldcges; were Drs. Nanciede anl ItoL Tr be itlige an...…

March 12, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…of i ( 4 VOL. VII. No. 124. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FIND Y. MRChI 12, 18197. F OUR PAGES-3 CENTS. 'i ill EIMPERIAL OQUARTT, Comamunication. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The lPro(rranm for 'Toni( ht's Con- _Reeived a ftill line of Ntovel'- ties for Spring Sauits; iCert Sho 1 lease All and Trouseri ngs I c e~:<1U111(T'1 I11 ii l ili' ill, I iOi' X II XII 10, 2 E, WASHINGTON ST, NEAR MAIN. ' " ato 'l I ilit ,- Cefr P, h) A 1111 A ii' ti1 ...…

February 12, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 1 0. " ANN ARBOR, M ICHIGAN, 'DAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. FRI] t o WJLLD,@o Leading Tailor AND IMIPORTER~ -fULL DHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. WHEN YOU BUY A TOOTH BRUSH you want one that wont all go to pieces in a short time. #We sell the kind we can war- #rant to hold thseir bristles. They cost 25,louts, if you don't finad thorn satisfactory brisng j 'em hack and get your money. ...…

January 12, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…VoL. VII. No 69. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1897 Fout PAGES-3 CENTS. (J W IL11 , INTER-SOCIETY DEBATE.I the baseball and football teamns will ibe THREE GOOD MEN OUT. - disussedi The meting will be inter- f Leading Tailor websters W"n the Last lPrelim. aig n hol ewelatedd erbert, Iennin~er, Carr Lost to iayContest. List of Prizes. Next Year's Teaml. Athe ORE latolof the prelinonres fl' the Its o fIres fee s The eto'new trles ado...…

December 12, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 57. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. 0 jITlj )IN THE LECTURE COURSE.1 cton taken has only been taken with The Illinois Club (J3) IiL.ad1ateZIDem thl tlre eonitteI et tig of the llinois 1 Talrstntnvn-shl (-tetyafternoon JCaii '' io Bso ade'Smpoy O-ati ll (lisetsas ilroo. lsihrcll ties tuetWsq11 se~a it 4 i .m. in toon C. The eeting chstra Last Nighlt. nit re iw-lit isittnowsis the "hoor It I ti...…

November 12, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…VoL. VII. No. 37. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1896. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. @ WD IIJD , WILL SETTLE IT THIS YEAR. Protest Allowed. MINNESOTA WILL PROTEST. AManager pinger. of te high- Leading Tailor Michiganr Determined to Know sltool irons, presented at prtet to Does Not Think That Kicking Are Champions. the Athletic Board Tesuay tglil olSoudCut -I I P RT Rgiainrst the ttser-lass atne ttoutn A mu iivirn.'.ULU. 1f the championtshit...…

October 12, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…hc ti I A jn! F 1 ? I F i I )NDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VIIL No. 10. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MC W L , T SHUT OUT GRAND RANIDS. toicalet with tihe iban on Gratnd A BRILLIANT LECTURE. 1 L Raids 40-yrtdlite. n.adjnni Ta ® 1n 'Ta okGetyIpoe- ilthe ecottd hailf tie G(1w-ott titt,'ttoChauncey M.Depew Speaks onr Team ork reaty Imrove -tt ~mwats well worn ot anid tileWar Lar~ Crwd reset. ~ lsiteoreit about asth iey itleasiot, o...…

June 12, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 187) • Page Image 1

…gilt o S at. VOL. VI. No. 187. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JTUNE 12, 1696. Foust PAOES-3 CENTS. Wel Must M~ove The store we now occupy has N seensosld. we:-meet seeko newse 54 quarters. 0 IWe M~ust Close Out I Ol our stock of musc moods sod ^ 4 Bicycles. Weeter nrier-, which ' still sell moods if lowe psrices II mess anythsig to buyers lj THIS MEANS BUSINESS I f y o u sw a t a n y t l s ln i s t h e {> < { music line gct our prices thisH s...…

May 12, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…1jc II. ofAl . ailjj. VOL. VI. NO. 161. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY.12, 1896. FouR tPAGEs- 3 CENTS. We Must Move IS The store we now occupy has t -, been sold. We must seek ne w I quarters. "u We Must Close Out "" our stock of musci goods anti i~ mean anything to buyers THIS MEANS BUSINESS S It you srant anything in tise 5music lone gus our prices this 5 week. iTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., i S. MAIN ST. BUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. :Sour Grapes ...…

March 12, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…, j7:1 VOL. . I.No. 116. UNId~ XEnt. .Ty 01MICHIGAN. T I .IDAYI.AICJT 1. P06s. F ouiz P AG0ES-} CZ'.NTS. A LAR k LiT doF ENR j 1 .i E. LEVIEsD A CLASS TAX. AV jITL BE A /.ST1110{ .9-U ,/CON TEjST itt B CY LIN-lt '96 Makin Arrangernents for Corn- ttt 41SCCSSO T--VAST' I-menceent. ARRANGEMENTS COMFLETE $5 V a a tittlot DOOR MEET ASSURED.____ 51h ertc h ±en o'fe 11 t Twelve Events for Satuarday Night-. iwi- iteotiitaIoxo JdsHveSnSlced N~ D ....…

January 12, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…~It~.of l.Wasp VOL. VI. No. 72. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUARY P18196. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. BANIShIED TO SIBERIA. SONE GUITAR MICHAEL A. MEYENDORFF RE- Is enough for one person to LAESACHCERDLIE playonaontieOn t He Tells or the Cruel Treatment of j~guitar is not eniough, how-1 Russian Soldiers--His Life in Exile Mi ever, to supply 3,000 stu- i11 -How Released by Abraham Lin- ~ dents. That's why we have coin. :N constaiitly in stock se...…

December 12, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…the Ak, Uf ' 1 " %ark Vol,. VT. No. 0'0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1.2; 1 95. FouR PAdES-3 CENTS. N sx s 'yASII7 TIC POLITICS. si' sro 'iniod t'lo ei'li loi, hir 1)eole, (TO PLAY "J Lit' CUAESAR." N E 1111 by onl'difiiio thiir toils and( aoyros- GUITAR ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 1-c~ ENSCFSE NTRAN iliit «Will is' tliii' '(il tlislpo~ctOf ORATORICAL ASS'N BRANCHES To I enough for one person to 10 LREAUINE Ihilejis? 1111d 01. OUT INTO DRAMA...…

November 12, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…9 Cl e . o a 11. VOL. VI. No. 38. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IONESUI T A R Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not etiough, how-19 ever, to supply 3,000 stu- dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR U. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,, S. MAIN ST.'n Sheehan's You ...…

October 12, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…C VOL. VI. No.12. UNIVERiSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1895. FOURi PAGES-3 CCNTS. N V W't VOLUMES RIECE IVED. IN SHAPE. FOR 0. A. C. ITER- RAENITY WARI. R NInterference and Blocking of the - SONE GUITAR H NUMEROUS ADDITIONS TO LI- Team Very Effective. FRESHMAN TOASTMASTERSHiP 10 BRARY COLLECTION.-AGICUSSTOBE 0 Is enough for one person to Y eslAGAIiN'sCAUSieSvhTbyOfaBLEi 11 plyon at one timef. One 00 B,000 Volumes Received Last R .R...…

March 12, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…4c tt* 'Of A . El ,. VOL. V. No. 114. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. i THE COMING CONFERENCE. AN ELABORATE AND LEARNED PROGRAM PREPARED. Who the Lecturers Will Be-Dis-- courses of Much Interest to Stu- dents of the Classics. Arrangements are nearly completed for the classical conference which is to be held here Wednesday and Thurs- day, March 27 and 28. The aim of the conference is to give an opportun...…

January 12, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…Vol.. V. No. 7 I. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, URDAY, JANUARY 12, 1895. PRICE--THREE CENTS. SA l ,.,. . , _...r __ , -. - - - ALBERTO JONAS. , Alpha Nu Hall. New Degrees at Oxford NO GOOD STUDflENT A Large Audience Greeted the rhe Alpha tia wi11 soon h~e ((oe Oxford's plan for regulatikng a IUUl- Great Pianist in University Of the most pleasant hlls on telke uc~ed~ stdy and(1 rese(ach'iks il( r's to lern withot hooks0. Hall Last Night. Sm epet...…

December 12, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.of , alai 1AM ,. VOL. V. No. 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1894. PRICE-TIIREit CENS~. JAMES KAY APPLEBEE Murat Halstead. Delivers the Second Number in the -Mil-Ieufat la.j llsil.c oclcii Unity Club Series- Before ilI'ilily%, l111ce. Oiiir Cny. (llio, a Large Audience. -f5 81 i-cillii'ciiiie TamsilrKay Apiiiviuvu. ofIii lsicli 5,il u-v llislefather'e Iced uandiudli(,- tillitres Is iset ( h,0 illvi1111,ii l ivh...…

October 12, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…Vor. V. No. 12. UNIVERSITY OF iMICIGA. 44 LIIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1894. PatICEnToatotit CENT~S. II F ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. adcditional stimulus is ofereti of tie Fal Field Day, October 27. O GOOD (t1 SUDENT Chicago Alumni Contributions-- Lecturo assocition audience, ao the V UU Oratory on a Boom at tho U. cotest is annlounciledI1s 0110of thi'r L Mrtitn, 'ii law, has been ap of V. attractions. pointelidill irniati of titi'tiak (comit- Ftr3o to...…

May 12, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…je . o tit VOL. IV.-No. 160. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1894-. PEI E, THREE CENTS. SENIOR LIT ANNUAL. The book as a whole is very cred- Castalian Grinds Ground. The Castalian Out Next Week.- itable, the number of half-tones be- COLUMBIA BICYCLE The Largest Annual Ever g raornary they A sensation was sprung upon the one of the leadino features of the University this morning when there FOR SALE. The Castalian, the senior l...…

April 12, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…it4AAL VOL. IV.-No. 143. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, HON. ROGER Q. MILLS. from leadinguniversities of the West, theprmesofteshm ae The Author of the Mills' Bill Will Ap-t promoters of the scheme are pear In the S. L. A. Course confident it will be a success and This Evening, will become an annual event, similar Mr. Mills is no stranger in Ann to the intercollegiate meeting in the Arbor, for his able work as a public East. man and especially in ...…

March 12, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…t't AL A& Alw mm mm m m MMW , ... VOL. I . N .116. IT1\TIVERSITY OF 11IICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 12, 189 4. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A VEITA-N LE 11E. T NIVEST FMCIAMNAMRH1f S4RCTRECNS A VERITABLE TREAT. spent in social intercourse, games, THE SCIENCE OF TEACHING. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT Such Was the Art Recital Saturday etc. The evening's pleasure was Prof. W. S. Perry, Superintendent of Should buy a copy of Night in Frieze Memorial much enhan...…

January 12, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…. o _; J % 'VoL iV.No.71. NIVRSIT OF ICHGANF~iAY, ANURY 1, 184. RICE ThEE CNTS VOL. IV.-Nn. IN. ,I7NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANITARY 12, 1S94. PRICE? THREE CENTS. CO-EDS SHOULD TURN OUT.( petitioned congress in favor of the THE FACULTY CONCERT. To G eAuaJ --13th amendment. In ilfo she start- T ' And Hear Susan S. Anthony To- ed a petition in favor of leaving on t Civen Last Night at Frieze Memor-I morrow Night.-A Short Sketch pIg m...…

December 12, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…Ay. h C. VOL. T.-No. 59. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. CHRISTMAS INLANDER. the contributors: Miss E. R. Phil- OUR CLUBS AT HOME. lips, H. C. Parker, W. H. Kirk, E.ThGenTO Gife Aufag. An Illustrated Magazine Possess- The Glee and Banjo Clubs Will Give ng More than Ordln- H. Garnett, L. W. McLouth, S. A. a Concert in University Hall wehavesome fine lead pencis and ary Merit. Jones, H. Bement, W. Drew, Mi...…

October 12, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…Y low Vol- IV.-No.)lii. THE LATEST U. OF M. WRINKLI i be Born Tomorrow.- FullC College Fun, Satire and Jokes. ()Lr fanny paper, replete wit ,noor, original jokes and nosycar Moons is at last to appear, andthti ire dutoos freshmen whio have her ,vendernig whsat tisose strange littl hzard hills, ''Watch for the later v-nkte'' neant, wilt have thei cu"-iosity satisfied tomorrow. Iti statedt on good authsority that som of the more verdant ones ...…

May 12, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…a, P l i of Iii t a 4 % ul* io VOL. III-No. 1S.. THE LATEST ON THE TAPIS. Another Journalistic Venture to he Launched Forth Next Year, Devoted to Hum-or. UNIIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MTAY 12, 1893. The leader is - a story, 'Fronm the 'TIS AN IMPOSITION. Anxius eat" b Mis MbelFreshmen Reserst the Attempt of i Cotton. Tihe keen humnor, rigor of Sohmres to Advertise Theirh Banquet. expression, lepth of insight into Enut 'on gate cature ant...…

April 12, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…n T'Yr ai { .. y :. I l VO.E1-o 4. UIEST F[01 N IDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1893. PRmc, ei, ~e VOL. III.--NO. 1 >. UNIVERSITY OF i1IiCIIIGA , AVI 1 a 1 A GRAND AFFAIR. tesaosapa eyhitt tl THE MILWAUKEE TRIO. ___-lthikseasoatpereere rct.Siow4 Such Will be the Second Ann-ual etik htwhr hr r o The Fourth of the Chamber Con- Observance of Jefferson's fifteein sen training there should be certs Tomorrow Evening. at - Birthday. a least one hsundredl. e...…

January 12, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…c IJE t. of . a l . VOL..III.-No. (i16. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TI-URfSDAY, JANUARY 12, 189. PRIOE, Tim EE CENTS. THE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY, who are interested in the literaryI THEIR JANUARY MEETING,. its Organization. Field and Program sd fte ssoiaIsine a The Board of Regents Met Yester- of Work-An Important Organi- profit hy the woric of this society, day and Held Three Long Ses- zation. Students of languages wilindulmuchi sions. .among ...…

December 12, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…c je tt* of , li VOL. I1I1-No. 55. LOOKS LIKE SUCCESS, The New Organization is to be Press Club of the University of Michigan. 'the second meeting of the Pi Clb ttd(rew oust about forte-fiee dents iterestedl in jounlalistic we C. A. Denison and Miss M\ar~ar( Shass acted as echairmntaiatnd se tr epc tae iesectel e IThe comit appotinted on constitution repor and after aspirited i scussiosn. somue amtendmsents the. coinstitut seas adopted.IThe...…

November 12, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…e . of , .Ali VOL. 111.-No. il-. UNIVERSITY OF MICRIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1892. PRICE-, THRE CENTS. 1NLU~ AS ~ ~~~1 Crozier, McPherran or loekr INTE -CLAS FOTBAL left guard; Hubb or Harding, cen- _____ter; \ldriclh, right guard; Neal, The Struggle Will Commence rigiht tackle; White, right end; - _-- Lonard, le-ft half; Ilatavia, right REMENYI'S FIRST VISIT. His Reception In 1879.-Drawn b the Students Through the b Streets. ,' Mion...…

October 12, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…__ .0f3.I VOL. III.-No. 10. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. vacation, but no definite details can UNIVERSITY EXTENSION. be given as yet concerning the route to be taken. As is their custom a rand concert will be given in Anil The U. of M. Will Attempt to En- Our Glee Club to be a Strong Arbor and neighboring cities at t_ a Organization This Year. times to be announced later. The officers of the club...…

May 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…yI$ IL. of VOL. II.-No. 157. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, A FALSE REPORT CORRECTED. University Minstrels. Prof. Adams Will Not Sever His Con- The first complete rehearsal of nection With the University of the University Minstrels occurred Michigan. in Nickels' Hall, last evening. Al- though handicapped for one or two For some tinse rtimsors hare been raos h osmd eyce- rife to the effect that Prof. Adams reasons, she boys n ade a very cre- would not...…

April 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…izl e '.a , n. W1a~ijj. VOL. 1.-No. 141. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIIGAiN, TUESD)AY, APRIL 12, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. University School of Music. ( Cass oti3,nlhours perssweek $25 ()lpeis -onisier Athletic Board Meeting. OF YOUR :iIr1i-sE YPiat,! orlsos erwe.---$ 0Fr the benefit of the Ireaders af Isi-te hThesos is siile newvAthletic IBoasid lield UR SOQ ETY .B DGE IPrivate, lull lioiselesson, ten lessosseir the t-, of )I. 111 who -ire iter-I...…

March 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…NOW of VOL.. ItI-No. I115. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, SATURDAY, MARICR 12, 1892. Glee and Banjo Club Concert.I A University of Michigan Camera ___Club. The Inlander. A very smnalaudience greeted the i nw;it1ot o TihicNfarchIn81nlandler was 1111onciii j it ,Ice and Batnjo CluhiilaIst evening, Asaoeietle this mtorning, at the hook-stores oil the occasion of thlir irsit appearo-' Cnii and at thie.Uiversity. It is oiie of apa-Such organizatio...…

February 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…c . of ,. li Vol'. IL-No,.. (,s. Coral Union Concert. ITe foloinig"isthe program : iord an_- ---- --.- _--- ---" I ll Lullaiby." iiii '-- --- -- -- -- i"in into iEgypt." (.ounocl~~~------- ---- -"Glilia -.'1 This iptogriami calls tocrsioie ex- tt, 1 lditio1t011thanii ha s yet heedi chxa is xwilliaipeitii i fll]caiuks.,iwili 1w assistieilbyiartists olfluighlest irep- iiilon, isd ill lie 5suppor5ttil byia lark 'iiiiil fit'i ti tii' esra 1 x \...…

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