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December 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…n , r 1 . 'S R - YL f " - - _ -...__ 170L. I.No. 359. UNIVERSITY OF MICHfGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1890. PRICE 3 CEriNTS. OLTALSCIENCE ASSOCIA-stl h lssiool afit~o TION.s tl'ctSin ylal ups rd of byLvIincolon'sprocJlamoation. SVery Interesting Meeting Last I e'oclyit styuiv e c10 siseretl Evening. a- a stept tow ardl the ciii iatoss of -t l_ 7 -lfi en.I Oe after anotlie rofitie It t'e tlee~t~ ofthe 1lcliiicalI laste Iliiiiinatisve csief-, haver...…

December 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…1 - yil r AAhkL . f I No6. UNIVERSITY OF MIC JIG. N, PRESIDENT HENRY WADE boaitti- diziei o r~n w Rt3GES. l itnda half ttotreetmilion doltlars." Te lloti,, a1-a- wi attentclie liv 1 Tels te Daily Readers Some- tt About Northwestern vyol University. ; -:Well]l icnint s5y 15 ly Proi ice y IIatlo o~or fo- (titr cataltoiue t ovarlttill tis-o ilerly elyt~d oesfr altoutt2000 itt all. I1tcre aitovotr ,dyDan ttlfteLatiytdeipartmettttI1 rsfsosaliitttto...…

December 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

…THEU. ,OF M. DAILY. Xl. f W T ibp Miss Coghan as Peg. H4OLIPAY J300IS. t ______ Such is the faint sketch of thefa- 1vit 7 l l Publishedl Daily (Sndays ecepted) tduring tressa pase of whosekindly atia- v Slh~ioehan.Ds Annul Chis1Qtmas S1 n rMist wtpr-the College year, by sent to-morrow night. She has madet THE U. aF M. INDEPENDENT ASOGIAPlON. I'eg a study, and it is admitted ashe ia Of Elegant Gift Books in Choice Binding for Young and 01 thte ...…

December 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…TT'IVTT CnT' Mi ATT.V i ia rj u.- %.-; of 'n . [ . he Poptof Ann arbor who want to Ji* . ~ ii 4t~l'. i ar firt lass conedia will have an excellent opportnity in the next two I'uhistrcd nav Csuaays xcepsliowurin to visit their town. The first Piltitto itlt Istas rop-ilitiri tone ie le, tir m, Her Compnyoi, is a tb e Col loe ea r, by great it al oei- the onitry aol of it THEU. r . IDEPNINI'AsSITIO. tieN. Y Evening Ssii says: 'it is THEU. r M IDE...…

December 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. -DAILY - OF-- N EC KW E AR, .L STr.ARRIVED, AT THE TWO SAMS BUY YOUR SUITS AND OVERCOATS Io1E MiEMBERI, Guess the word that will open the sale, a dicitionary word of lOeletters, will get you One Ifun1dred Dollars, at L_13BLTZ. H1l lir t~~l VOORHEIS &DITS EIEST WORK IN THE CIT!, STATE ST. TAILORS, OALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. M-SEILR TT STUDlENTS. O ff South Fourth Ave. UL ANJSEE LJF3, U Sr.7Of Old U3. of M. should ha...…

December 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY IN DOIJD AT THE TW~O SAVIS viIINC TIS WITH YOUf A GU. ESS \rit Ii every purchase made in any of the lie- partments this tweek, its the Clothing, Furnishing, Hat andI Cap lDepartnients, any anmonnt gives you a gutess. Guess a word (if fonr letters anti get a IHundred D~ollars January 1 st. AT T E TWO 1SrrrS Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. GruaraInteed every inch of ...…

December 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…T UE UIOPM. DAILY =07 7)-j-=730=- N BAWheCotir Who have for nmany -earsat ftI ssi, dSti lsjtlaid iithe largest. mostctoni- prehetisise, andi attractisve stork is ~ their tone ci business, wsill tis }ear . ! 1i excel their former exhiibits, the results of Ipreliriitioi'i on a biroaier scale, r ( f? i rDjiy I '(r 1T >1 than ever lbefore. VrY14" i V u e 4 a UJfk.X.)J YYC( Fine Illustrated Books. Art Calendars for 1891, Fine Stationery suit- able ...…

December 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…TI4E I OF M. DAILY' =(D7OL2I = =00S_ NOBLE, The Clothier, S liO11IofC.,te hi tsiyBookso11ers, _ I n ciii foriii ii er t t i l I 5is c al, itsplav idithe largecst. itmos t ilt - rrehei e, anti attractiv e it ir lmsiut nes-s,will this NCr exc el c lrter exliilits, t lie r il tP (,relita i~li l a i rnader Scal: p c a a e Finc"Illtustratodl Books. Art Calendars for 1591. Fine Stationery silaJVt,~J d~w~ able for Gifts . COlME AND SEE US. NEW...…

November 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…VOL. I. No. 39. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. TIME FOR A HALT! very anxious to excite resistance so as to have some excuse for ar- REST FIVE STUDETS ANAR- esting more students And making A TOWN BOY ON VERY a stronger example. II. L. SLIM PRETEXTS. Crumnner had started home in the ipu company of two others, wAhen lie nds are to be Raised to Defend the Boys and Prosecute was ordered to move on; but an- the ...…

November 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…THE ,U. OF M. DAILY. ,j C of M . c* V teams. A trip could be taken STUDQE N TS' BOOKS. Pthrough Mew England playing a BUT YOUR COLLEGE Publihted Paily (Sundas exrcreted) during number of gamnes and enabling TEll Booms L!W A kP MEPIQAL BoRS the Cllegeeyear, by the teamr to see the Y'ale-Hlarvard Y Y NOTE DOORIS, AlTHTIE THE U. OF; M. INDEPENLENT ASSOCIATION,. match on Nov. 22f; or a N ew4 STUDENTS' 1300K STORE, STrATE STREET. _____York and Pe n...…

November 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…THE U. I OF M. DAILY Al THE TWO SM Prince Albert Suits, Cutaw'av Suits, anti.Fine Dress Suits, JUST ARRIVED- ------ See Younlaan's Hat, Ktnox's Hat, Silverman's liats and Caps, AT THE TWO SAMS IL ,131. lTZ. Alli ArbFor XofiLalllfrY VOORFHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! 'STATE ST. TAILORS, OUALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SFOIiAi, RATF To STUDENTS. -f~c *23 South Fourth Ave. -PLAN]SE i, Of O1d U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of M...…

November 12, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…T-4E U OP 1M. DATLY CLOTH7IN~G HOUSE, T ,V K . TrI TYKN ~ Iiyld'' e' CLOTH .LINGTHWTS ANDPYTAIFZS 15JAQi QOF >the LJ.,ettQraze, -IiLsitesL NovelteiG APrriV.) r iljAT NEW BOOK STORES, -s--i Z_4 YY*±11 ' ± TA±fLf ' HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- 6 Sc iial 1Street. 44 South Sate Steet UNIV ER. ITY TEXT-BOOKS, ~ oT = y-G. H. WILD, Medca BooksLasw Boos, IANKi Boo.- ALL KisA Aliooks usedI in City Schools Sudenst, Note Books and Pads.IDraft- is showing-...…

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