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September 12, 1961 • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: Honors Programs Limited to Few By MICHAEL OLINICK In recognition of a "special re- sponsibility" to students of su- perior ability, the literary college invites about 10 per cent of its entering freshmen to participate in the Honors program. These students are selected after appraisal of their various test scores and high school records and a personal interview with the pro- gram's director, Prof. Ot...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 6

…r THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEP'. -.UESDAY , SEP. Requirements Broaden Interesi raise tuition in addition to cutting' back maintenance, purchases, re- placement of worn out equipment ands replacement of retiring fac- ulty. Several legislators, including the politically powerful House Speaker Donald Pears and Senate Appro- priations Committee Chairman El- mer R. Porter, have threatened legislative investigations of state institutions' a...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 7

…TEMBER 12, 1961 THE MICHIGEAN DnIft a. as a naavaaaV nl llnil YBILL FEATURES 'HENRY IV': Players To Build Shakespearean Stage r- I'.. i ~i" fl..~ ~~.:...* .S.. ; . :. ....,. \ .4 . %~W'.'S..W ....V ( /1 B. Tn M AI SI nyD UAVJUmaRCU The l- payers will con- vert Trueblood Auditorium into an Elizabethan stage in order to pre- sent both sections of Shakespeare's "Henry IV" as a part of the 1961- 62 playbill. The two Shakespearian plays ar...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMTiER,12,1061- THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12.1961 I INFORMATION, LECTURES: Office Coordinates Religious Affairs Development Council Raises Funds for 'U' Activities By RUTH EVENHUIS The Office of Religious Affairs coordinates the activities of 25 religious faiths and denominations on campus. Both Eastern and Western faiths have religious facilities at the University. In addition to the bet- ter...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 9

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE .................. .... NTS ROUNDTABLE - University President Harlan Hatcher presides over the monthly ngs of the Board of Regents. The Regents are the governing body of the institution. Two are Full-Year Calendar Planned (Continued from Page 1) had decided "in principle" to move to a year-round operation. changes also came from the Uni- The eight-man group, however, pledged an "objective in...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12= THE MCHIGA DAIY TTT~flA P.fl'. 1 ff-,MLI - LJ -....=-.:..w14,j 90 1961 GC Cinem l Thursday and Friday at 7 an( EXCEPT WHERE NOTED FALL SEMESTER U' d rog ams Saturday EXCEPT and WHERE Sunday at 7 and 9 NOTED OCTOBER 21, 22 At 2:00 and 6:00 THE LAST ANGRY MAN with Paul Muni, David Wayne, Betsy Palmer Short: P.blo Casale Breaks His Journey SEPTEMBER 16, 17 Colette's GIGI with Leslie Caron, M...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 11

…FRESHMAN EDITION . Yl r e Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :4Iai In FRESHMAN EDITION 0 FORTY-EIGHT PAGES FORTY-EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 FORTY-EIGHT PAGES Tight Budg et Appropriation Hinders Jxpo rnsion Capital Outlay Sum Cuts Back Building Other Institutions Boost Tuition; Legislature Examines Requests By ROBERT FARRELL A lack of state funds will prevent the University from any of its long...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBI -- I 7h SHWABEN INN Takea Break! Try our tasty "SCHWABEN BURGERS" and tempting "POOR BOY SANDWICH" For your pleasure we serve liquor, beer, wine, DEARBORN CENTER: Branch Offers Work-Study Program Health Service Clinics 'Uniqt --- _ . (Continued from Page 1) I and delicious cocktails We serve 7 days a week Sundgy thru Thursday, 11:30 A.M. -Midnite Friday and Saturday'til 1 A.M. STOP IN!- j J The s...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 13

…SEPTEMBER12.1961 TlE MICHIGAN DAILY Ima 0446 mvREE PAGE TH RE W-9 T\ -W-k 'a' f V .0-. "W §r T Yr a T " T y. . -~ - - - 1 _---- i iEDICIPLN ARY PROGRAMS: Area Studies Offer Variety I LOWEST PRICES OFFICEI'S ShlOES U.S. Army-Navy Type mm r' 3y SANDRA JOHNSON 1960-61 school year saw the shment of four new area centers which will enable i--- the University in coming ,years to offer scholars more fully developed programs in Russian, Fa...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 14

…Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" -STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL OLINI...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 15

…B 1T, 1961THE MICHIGAN DAILY UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: Honors Programs Limited to Few THOMPSON'S RESTAUM lapwu4 (i1' lne l$'4{ f PRESIDENT'S HOME - The President's home, long a landmark on the campus, is opened to students and campus visitors for the Hatcher teas, held to acquaint the University with the Presi- denit and his wife. President's Teas Welcome Campus Vsitors tudents' By MICHAEL OLINICK In recognition of a "special re- sponsibilit...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ELCOME TO THE CLASS OF 1965 AND ALL FORMER STU DENTS 'U'u Reurements Broaden Interes r __ VISIT IS FOR ALL YOUR CELED ACCESSORIES DRESSER SCARFS' $ BATES' BEDSPREADS & DRAPES * LAUNDRY & SHOE BAGS * BLANKETS * SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES By MICHAEL OLINICK The literary college cannot guarantee that its graduates will gain a liberal education at the University, but its distribution re- quirements are a major effort to en...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 17

…TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 THE ~MICUIF SANI7 ATrUW _- .'- .l. L' tA 1 A ililA 1l flit=U PA PLAYBILL FEATURES 'HENRY IV': Players To Build Shakespearean Stage 11 I .14kV.:11 ....... ,..., k. AU III -_ _ _ _ - 1 /e/come to J I By DAVID MARCUS The , zis players will con- vert Trueblood Auditorium into an Elizabethan stage in order to pre- sent both sections of Shakespeare's "Henry IV" as a part of the 1961- 62 playbill. The two...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 18

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12.1961 THE -I-HIGA DAILY TUES AY. NFPTf1YRLiV12 1cp#'aU 1 INFORMATION, LECTURES: Office Coordinates Religious Affairs Development Council Raises Funds for 'U' Activities 4 I By RUTH EVENHUIS The Office of Religious Affairs coordinates the activities of 25 religious faiths and denominations on campus. Both Eastern and Western faiths have religious facilities at the University. In addition to the be...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 19

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THE MIChIGAN DAILY PAGE REGENTS ROUNDTABLE - University President Harlan -Hatcher presides over the monthly meetings of the Board of Regents. The Regents are the governing body of the institution. Two are elected for eight-year terms every two years. e gents Decide Polcies, Govern ' U Full-Year Calendar, Planned (Continued from Page 1) had decided "in principle" to move to a year-round operation. changes also came f...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 20

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12'; THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. ^++ r va a . s +aaw ii -. 1{ 1961 FALL SEMESTER - ine ma Thursday and Friday at 7 and 9 EXCEPT WHERE NOTED U'd rog rams k Saturday and Sunday at 7 and 9 EXCEPT WHERE NOTED , SEPTEMBER 14, 15 THE LAST ANGRY MAN with Paul Muni, David Wayne, Betsy Palmer Short: Pc.blo Casale Breaks His Journey SEPTEMBER 16, 17 Colette's GIGI with Leslie Caron, Maurice...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 21

…ACTIVITIES Y 5k r~i au ~Iait~b SECTION ACTIVITIES SECTION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 c S u s League President Sees Changes Near Stresses Necessity for Cooperation With Other Student Organizations By CORA PALMER Increased academic pressure and the coming tri-mester system will require extensive re-evaluation of Women's League activities for the next year, Bea Nemlaha, '62, League president, says. Viewing the Le...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 22

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12.11961 TUE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 11)51 M1.1NL4ay ,;7y/y. yy111 LLIly 1N 1 7V1 ,, Homecoming Sparks Campus IT STARTS HERE - Tinkering with the motor which will serve as the heart of the display, these mechanics know that engineering "knowhow" and artistic imagination are equally important if the first place trophy is to be won. 'I it MONEY in YOUR pocket Avoid the middleman Buy ...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 23

…BER 12, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY J&S Society To Present 'HMS P By PETER STEINBERGER The Gilbert and Sullivan So- ciety, which was started on cam-. pus in 1946, wil continue its policy of presenting two of the pair's operas this year. In the fall "HMS Pinafore" will be presented - and "The Gondo-: liers" will be put on in the spring. These two are on the 11-show schedule the Society follows-a schedule- they have already com- pleted three times...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 24

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, ALL-STUDENT PRODUCTION: Musket Presents Broadway Musicals 1 Here's to Collins K. } STATE an d LIBERTY for the FOREMOST in COLLEGE FASHIONS { Round-the- lock Nx. XII4 0 & MAIN LlNGI fS SPO, FLOOR lowe Musket, the University's annual all-campus show, will present a new musical comedy as its fifth offering this fall. The group, which presented "Kismet" last year, will hold its Mass ...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 25

…DAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY d t7 IIENNIAL SPRING GALA: MichigrasBrings Carnival Air 11 ti, With all of the fun excitement and color of a carnival Michigras returns to the University this year to bring spring into Ann Arbor. The biennial carnival event, co-sponsored by the Women's Ath- letic Association and the Michi- gan Union, is the biggest weekend of the year at Michigan and m...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 26

… VA~E SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, ~ STUDENTS, FACULTY, ALUMNI: Board Decides Union Policy Fraternities Pan Rush Week CONVERSATION, ACTIVITY: I T Lii 1.* * (Continued from Page1) year during orientation week, serves as an introductory social event for freshmen to the Union. Featuring a mock gambling casino, a jazz band ,and movies, the pro- gram alternates between the ball- room and the grill, giving fresh- men an opp...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 27

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE-MM.~i THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAflE R1~VKV i A-A{f aI 1,.T iI " I1415 I League Sponsors Class Theatrical Presentations 4) Each year Women's League sponsors four class projects-Frosh This spring, the Blue team won modified to Soph Show Scandals Weekend, hh , Grlsfor the second year in a row with and from there it evolved into a Weekend, Soph Show, Junior Girls its presentation of the "Blueshe- coed musical with the a...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 28

…IGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY'AV_ -gV..PTV..'141RVTt. 19 1491 EIGHT THE MUCHIE~~~~AN DANNY 1TTT i~'~lAVQXT~~T~' ~1f )"~A X , A)CA A1E 4,ly1U 4 F Students Lend Worldwide Flavor THE SNACK THAT SATISFIES... Each year students from over eighty foreign countries come to the University-about 1500 strong -to give a "typical midwestern college town" an exposure to many languages, spoken from under tur- bans, or above saris, o...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 29

…51 SHE MICHIGAN DAILY WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES: Physical Recreation, Opportunities Abound [DALE PRINCIPLES-Cooperative housing at the University l >rdinated by the Inter-Cooperative Council. Members are I in a house by the ICC and must agree to uphold the Roch- rinciples for democratic living. peratives Emphasize 1ocratic Living Code By MALINDA BERRY" k group of University students years ago organized the first dent co-operative in the na- :,...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 30

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAE V, SEPTEMBF :: :" :": :w::::::::::.: +r "v: v: r:: ": {;":": }; ;."wry;.w,.g rY rr;.,v:: rr r { rr ' r s - rx r r ' rr r .,: r - r.. r r r r" :+r+: " }:i:': ' ? ? :::,r,.;r.,: rf}e v, ..: r:: rr"-:::.v: ".v,.,.,.,.; . r.. , ,. %,{ rrx:.."..r."}::: } .,:.:: a"." :v:. . ::::: i}i: i:"" a ." r..::8tis{i:: Y.:.....::.+$sva:4:v.:" ti 7i:":4; 7>::r.'%r:ir:'l.{:":xrarrrn........x..,......... ..v: rr..."."a..«::::>:: ii?. ...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 31

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEr ELEVENrirr~i~ _" I,} SGC Related Boards Provide Services f' { < is . h R w 3 1 \ 3Y _ . J. i ti - I By JUDITH OPPENHEIM In addition to the committees in its newly reorganized adminis- trative wing, Student Government Council has 10 semi-autonomous related boards. The related boards are those groups outside the area of the ad wing, but individually respon- sible to SOC. They are the...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 32

…TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTE ER12 1 TWELVE TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. Panhel Coordinates, Directs Sorority Activities n (Continued from Page 1) for this direction," she explained. "We believe that exposure, awareness, and understanding are the basic elements upon which the broadest sense of sisterhood is founded," Miss Stillerman pointed out. Each house puts its own stress upon different activities, even tho...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 33

…SPORTS SECTION S irCig ~Iaitbp SPORTS SECTION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 f ? de k/in nep Circle By MIKE BURNS LOOKING FOR THE "BREATHER" in Michigan's football schedule this fall is like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack- it may be there, but it sure doesn't appear that way. Bump Elliott is presently scanning the schedule with more than a fan's casual interest and the goodies which Fritz Crisler has...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 34

…I THlE MICHIG~AN DAILV r'1 UL~iJavy,1r'M TUESDAY.. SEPI°EMOE ...:..::.... .......... R 12, 1961 ,. "' - arsity k ' S + ' ' .. Show, Diversity '4 By JOHN SCOCHIN Michigan's "Diversity in Har- mony" theme is not confined Just to the academic and social spheres, but is also found inits athletic side. Besides the better known var- sity sportsthe program includes the English game of football known as rugby, the ski club, the sailing club...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 35

…AY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TBRRE The Traditional VWVEEiUIN in Fine~ Shirting The finest nameThEglsTb in loafers For the man who- has an ue .r sense of style, the elegant ta /takes on stripings- that are a ,::;,;;"<.:,complementary and unobrusi foreyfrom both Men and Women from $14.95 For 75 years the manufacturer of this fine product has 9 The Button Downz made the outstanding outdoor footwear in this country. The .~ Mos...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 36

…PAGE TOUlt- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tylvkn&v Qvvmv"uv" lo vn,6,1 ~A G~i F~ U R~T H E M C H I( A- ----------~W' l Ilt;1[)AV, til;l''1 F. MISER 12, 1961 Thinclad Hopes Bolstered by <*i _ By DAVE GOOD "Everybody wants to schedule us for next year because they think we're dead," chuckled Michigan Track Coach Don Canhamn over! his coffee, "but we're not."' r That was Canham talking last semester just after his Wolverines had picked up the Big T...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 37

…TUESDAY; SEPTEMBER, 12,1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 TilE MICHIGAN DAILY w"#f N' R'; Four Veterans Bolster 'M' Golf Hopes ...,I By JAMES BERGER The climax of the golf team's season was its most disappointing performance, the Western Con- ference meet. After strolling through the reg- ular season of dual, triangular and quadrangular meets without a loss, the team fell apart at Indiana and sank to a sevent...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 38

…THE MICHIGAN DATLY *W Ter 0Th A t1Wn'U ss~UcUE b.,. 4 - * J Ul r. L"AY} NurTEMSER 12, 1961 11 track Pins Basketball _ By CLIFF MARKS Associate Sports Editor second to Cole. The three sport S : > (ootball and tennis, too) veteran 6 Coach Dave Strack suffered a I frustrating first year with hish m ut on by Stack t sart Miciga caersths pst intr, ere he left off last season. C M i ch ei a n cag rhi 's a t i te ri## t eCa pi tai n ts. a l a t ...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 39

…WAY, SEPTEMBER 12,196t THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG IR SEVEN DAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN LOSE VALUABLE SENIORS: Wrestlers Seek Crown <*, By JOHN McREYNOLDS and DAVE KIMBALL The Wolverine wrestling team faces a tough season, headed by showdowns with Michigan State in dual and conference meets this year. Although his grapplers piled up some high point totals, mat men- tor Cliff Keen "would have need- ed only ten mor...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 40

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1291 WAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'fTTF~4flAV~ ~I~PTJ~MRI'1? 19 1ORI -L V A,17 .P ZI . I A o. A.aA..LJ3JA~AM Afd, S OPEN TO ALL: Intramural Department Unique, VI'; Sw- im mers eA Ose' Top Star s I ~_'" - By JOHN McREYNOLDS For the person who isn't var- sity caliber yet still desires to be active in sports, the intra-mural program at the University is made to order. Since it i...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 41

…TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 12,1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NINE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE N!NE c F - - , - LOSES NCAA PLAYOFFS: Baseball Team Wins Big Ten Title I IP EMNWA M I By DON BURNESS After only three years at the helm of. the Wolverine baseball squad, Don Lund produced a league champion with a 10-2 mark. However, the rest of the story is not as bright. The Michigan nine fought all the way into the NCAA regio...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 42

…GE TEW THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 K TE~r' TINE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBI~R 12.. mElt w+va+a.s . .} An;If iLtifi.biiAlY 1N 1 7V1 1 I' Icers To Vie for W CHA Ho n orsI s I] f V, 5 la T S C t 1 v s ti 4 By TOM WEMBERy first game, "We took to long clear- to a season that would find them against Minnesota on the Gophers it looked :like it would be a long ing the puck from our own end battling right to the f...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 43

…PTEMVBER1i2,1961 THE MICHIGAN hAIPYE PAGE ELEVEN Loss of Mon pet aHiders G mnasts By JAN WINKELMAN cording to coach Loken, "Tom will Barry Spicer place in Gymnastics coach Newt Loken compete in irce exercise this year. is counting on a nucleus of return- This isn't so strange. After all, he ing lettermen and a promising is the captain of the cheerleaders." crop of sophomores to take up the Besides Osterland, Loken will be slack left by th...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 44

…wTiFE THE MICHIGAN (DAILY TttSDAYs SEPTEMBER V TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 I SINCE 1883 for the SEF It 5s 72" SINCE' 1883 I University Bookstore Best in VING MICHI BOOKS and SUPPLIES GAN STUDENTS SINCE 1883 I M l Thousands of Michigan Men and Women have found our dependable and courteous service combined with the friendly atmosphere of a ,1 "real bookstore" the answer to their book and supply needs...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 45

…GENERAL SECTION I 111k it Aau 471, iiy GENERAL SECTION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 PARKING, PEDESTRIAN PROBLEMS: Bicycles Create Congestion SGC( Greek onsiders HU-AC "Think twice before bringing a bike to the University," is the ad- vice of, James A. Lewis, Vice-Pres- ident for Student Affairs, to in- coming freshmen. "Freshmen who do bring bikes should come with a good padlock, register it immediately, and' kee...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 46

…THE MIC11IGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12,1981 CHUCK WAGON LUNCHES and DINNERS FINE SALADS and SANDWICHES Specializing in Roost Beef Serving Wines and Beers from all over the world QUICK LUNCH SERVICE recommended by Duncan Hines and Gourmet CATERING SERVICE AVAILABLE OPEN 7 DAYS ELIMINATES COMMITTEES: SGC Reorganizes Ad Wing VARIED FACILITIES: Culture, Recreation Among City's Assets Excite...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 47

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Musical Society Schedules (Continued from Page 1) grew size. from about 100 to its present] By RUTH EVENHUIS The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre maintains a prograrti of five or six full-scale productions per year as well as frequent one-act plays and dramatic workshops. The 31 year old theatre is one of the oldest cultural, organiza- tions in-the state, according to its president, Zeke Jabbour. Last year it produced "Darkness...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 48

…TilE MICHIGAN DAILY 1962 Michiganensian COUNCIL-MAYOR GOVERNMENT: City, 'U' Work Together On Common Problems at the Special Advanced Sale Price of By MICHAEL HARRAH Last year at this time, the Ann Arbor political scene was experi- encing what the local officials called their "era of good feeling." The entire city council (11 members) and the city admnis- tration was in the hands of the Republican party. Since then 'however, the Demo- crat...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 49

….961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Many Facilities ':: S. " and departments have their own libraries, three of the largest and well-known are the law and medi- cal libraries and the William L. Clements Library. The law library is located in the Law Quadrangle and is used al- most exclusively by legal students. Its more than 250,000 tomes in- clude complete sets of case books and most of the authoritative texts written on law. The works are generally ...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 50

…TlE MICHIGAN DAILY TU Judiciary Hears Cases Of Students (Continued from Page 1) STUDENT OPERATED STATION: WCBN Offers Varied Radio Listening here that cases regarding the be- havior of its own members are de- cided by council. Members of these councils vary in number and are either elected or appointed. In most cases, too, the house resident adviser or a staff member sits in on council meeting although he is not to in- fluence the decision...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 51

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY honorariesS erve l o'."' . . . . .-f University MICHAEL MESTCHERT t re are two new words that eshman will soon-add to his ulary after one spring at niversity - "tapping" and. dust". concerned with the annual g ritual, they apply to the ion'proceedings of the men's' is honoraries. "Brickdust" is by most men's groups (when with water) as a symbolic,f ncoxfortable, mark of dis- on for initiates. DifferentI are used by diffe...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 52

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TURSDAti S Pl THEIHIA ALYTEDA: E Campus Groups Aid Political Party Work By LRIAB WlEnW S I OTHER GROUPS EXCEL, TOO: Symphony Band Charms Soviets I Great Variety of Domestic and Imported 'YARN Knitting Accessories, Books Embroidery, Crochet Cotton Also for fal everything in fancy and bulky sweaters Partisan activity,, depending up- on political orientation can come with the Young Democrats or the Young Republicans. The...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 53

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ai .. , ,.. .r. , ....................... CHEUB REPORT DISCLOSURE:U' Choirs Stimulates Quad Actions'Welcome By DAVID MARCUS Dissatisfaction'with the quad- rangles became a major issue last year with the release of the con- troversial Scheub report. The 181-page document com- piled by former Strauss House resident adviser Harold Scheub in- cluded student criticisms of stu- dent government, dress regula- tions, food and m...…

September 12, 1961 • Page Image 54

…THE MICMMAN DAILY TUESDAY"; SEPTEMBER 12,1861 i'11k MItliIbif~ DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1961 EI i; SBX I " :r. I Save money-buy your books at SBX / basement of the Student Activities Building. Open 1-5 Sept. 11-22. ,:.r ,y t i; t, ., ., z., ., . , . - :. , YOUR STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL SERVES YOU .. _ ; r.._.. .r,.. I IC II 0e O II so ho ou o 0 11 ua ti A BAD FALL - AN ACCIDENT - an emergency operation...…

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