May 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 1
… NaleAfter the boils Anni Arborfasrites, having beenan by g heati ii he1'sstiala sunserof nd hepoints I0louw Wiith only several sit the 'Varsity records are first nigtmnar, flit Wolverines woke t…
… NaleAfter the boils Anni Arborfasrites, having beenan by g heati ii he1'sstiala sunserof nd hepoints I0louw Wiith only several sit the 'Varsity records are first nigtmnar, flit Wolverines woke t…
…hl ail y VOL. XX. NINE CONTINUES ,r WINNING STRFAK! I(Ca Campbell Pitches Wolverines' at to a2 toO0Victory Over Oberlin SYRACUSE PLAYS HERE TODAY , N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THUtRSDAY, MIAYi 19 10…
… arms to civilian Ger- man olice J71cjtanirs, '21,Afnd Robe rtsofl'jg To Head Wolverine John E. McManis, '21, has been ap- pointed managing editor of The Wol- verine, the Summer session newspa- per of the…
… business manager of The Wolverine are appointed by the editor and busi- ness manager elect of The Daily. This system was instituted in order to es- tablish the connection of The Daily with The Wolverine and…
… York City. Pr of the committee in charge, the ', each man having played match yesterday afternoon at ted his Wolverine opponent, and won series of letters to Wilfred B. Shaw son Blanchard has been active…
…, Warings I g nine points in the The Wolverine, although playing a sets by the scores of 6-1, 6-3. The possible in the University n the de- Professor Blanchard will be accom-yTK,will fair game, was…
… outsteadied by his more Wolverines were stroking deep and partment of the Alumnus called "iWith panted to New York by Mr. Herschel sylvanans and Kennedys, ;ug-of-war teams are experienced opponent and dropped…
…, but pair. The Wolverines played well to- V E nf.'nats Prof. C. H. Van Tyne has charged No stags will be admitted to ti Mar OFenth, W. H .found that he was no match for the gether and had their Ohio…
… opponents - that members of the Student council, fair and corsages will not/ be 11, E Wark, K. F Wolverine captain and lost by a 7-5 ion a continual go. The. match was and Vernon . Hilery especially, par…
…. Verduin, R. . Wolverine to win his singles matches, afternoon was mor than pleasing an helobme raha requosts an invstiga- be treated in the May Issue wns, W. F. King, A. 3 defeating Park of Ohio, by the…
… scores possibilities for a successful Eastern -tiony i i 7vnrsty officials in ord- Michigan Technic, which is to I Iranlich, C. 3. Totte, of 7-5, 6-1. The Wolverine was press- trip nof* look exceptionally…
… as against five for the Gophers and dividing first honors in the high jump, the Wolverines were at no time in serious danger of being outpointed by the local team. Otterness was the high point man of…
… attendance. McAfee was in rare form today as he tamed the Illini, re- tiring eighlt of the opposition by tfie strike-out route. But for an error by Kubicek in the fourth inning, the Wolverine. mound ace might…
…Coy led his mates with the stick, getting a pair of singles, while Corridon and McAfee were the only Michigan men who failed to hit safely. The Wolverines went into a one- run lead in the first inning…
…- quered a strong Illinois squad here today over the Urbana Country Club links, 18-6. in a bitterly contested dual match. Even with Kocsis and Fischer missing from the Wolverine line-up, Michigan still led…
… defeat Kokes and Barr of Illinois, 3-0, in the first four- some, and Markham and Saunders, Wolverine number two combination, downed Hill and Aydelot, 2-1, in the second. Al Saunders had the lowest card of…
… to eke out a 4-to-3 win and finish off the, season's series at two victories apiece. Michigan had won Friday's contest, 6 to 4. The defeat was the third confer- ence loss for the Wolverines, all three…
… given good support in the field but little at the plate. Five hits were all the Wolverine batters could get off the combined offerings of Ron- nie Peters and Bob Blue. None were made off Peters in two and…
… never headed. Prosen- jak began the rally with a single after Wolverines Triumph Over Buckeyes; Willis Ward Not Entered Records Broken In Mile And Half-Mile Winning Margin Provided By Slams In Javelin…
… crest of a six-game win- ning streak and with Conference title hopes at the highest peak in three years, Coach Ray Fisher's hustling Wolverines will meet Indiana, de- fending Big Ten Champs, in the first…
…, 27 from the en- tive trips to the plate without the gineering school, and one from he semblance of a base hit. School of Archiecture will be initia- But the Wolverine pepperpot ted. couldn't have…
…-2 victory over the Buckeyes. The four hits the Wolverines made Helen Page, Assistant Dean of Wo- infhurinighole inh a e men of Miami Universiy, Oxford, innthis nnin inoupe d ohe innocuous blow in the second…
… game will start at 4 p.m. Wolverines before a handful of spec- tktors at Ferry Field yesterday. It was the lowest total of runs scored by the Varsity in one game this year. Coach Ray Fisher's crew didn…
… Higgins, who started the game at second, garnered three errors while every other mem- ber of the inner garden had at least one muff against him. While the Wolverines outhit their neighbors from Ypsi nine to…
… run." Wolverines Favored The Wolverines are favored in this match because of their conquests of Illinois and Ohio State in the West- ern Conference indoor meet and their victory in an indoor triangular…
… in the featured half-mile event, after losing to the Irish ace in the mile run. ond straight victory of the outdoor season. TheWolverine attack, spearheaded by Horace "Hap" Coleman's twin victories in…
… its way past the University of Illinois 8-1. . Today the Wolverine netters will tryfor their 28th straight when they meet Ohio State at Columbus. Playing in his usual number one spot, Barry Mac…
… base- ball team scored four unearned runs in the first inning to send the team on to a 7-2 victory over the Illini. The Wolverines will try to improve their 2-1 Conference mark today when they meet…
… attempt to in- State' employes, who haver signed by then will have their s aries withheld, and persons, fusing to sign will be obliged resign., not sal- re- .to Wolverines' Title Hoes Hurt by Split with…
… championship baseball team by defeating them 3-1 in the second game of a doubleheader here yesterday. The Wolverines did win the first game 4-2, but were unable to combat the misfortunes which abounded. in the…
… '90s Fab Five The University is require to dis athletes with this additional one year era, and involved four former sociate itself with the former y ban from postseasonplay"she added. Wolverines - Chris…