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April 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The MichignDal \cLk. XVII. No) . UNION MINSTRELS GO TO DETROIT TODAY The University Show Is Being Made a Society Event- Low Railroad Rates Are Open to All. Ths atron tie n 1ion \ infrl ' take the 4 '104 \icigit en k tr ri n for 1Det1o11, and(thisi> ecnilnlifat 8 o'clock tici ll app1 lear11at ill mni c 11.111.iiii-ilThe \\c'lii heu lihigan 'iou iii andtll ,, it 1wiltllhe 11eqtuall iided bk'Mccn t111 Iw ra izionis.i li 1115 411 The seal i li...…

April 12, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily tfOL. XVIL ANN ARBOR, MICHIG'AN. IIVRSDAY, APRIL, 12, 1906. No. 14 1. AR ELS IBREAK(SVWORLD'SA N F'i\10M OI 'II ISA 1 C E(+ he smAnn A lor Press, former ly RECORD IN PR(ACTICE lknon as Paker & Snder, are negotiat ingfora ste il aynard sret IfI preenplans ar carisedoutilthtle will Giaint Athlete Throws the Discus bildl i f~ine o 11printngofie onthils About 149 Feet-Excels World li tt ittitr. Iflie Aitti:\elhorePes Record...…

April 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…he M y VOL. N V GARIELS E) Big Michigan Ati 131 Feel 7 nch to be lHOl ANN ARBOR, MICH., WRX' EStAV, APRIL,,12, 1905 No. 1 40 (CELS RECORD Mlete Thros D liscus es -Penns' Trials d Next 'WNeel. .ttl sv w i te is- 1 1'tld v at vli1tavil r.1 hlrtucfs whoal- .111e11; y ne ii . sa l c ii . t Ilti i thr t hat tr, I ttr i c ilt a o itt: tIni i ")I ilar Ic lle fthr'aot s I i sc iu : d i rd l~l ih a thit.wio hi1s~ ti it tttw oct a)k( ith lit ltaoltv itt...…

April 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1904. No. 141 C. C. C. RACE TOM1ORROW. TRACK NOTES. TE[ 'UCI IGAN TECHNIC. RAIN PREVENTS BASE BALL In spite of the disagreeable weather _PRACTICE. Annual Spring Contest Will Take and the wet track, Capt. Kellogg and The Annual Official Publication of the Jupiter Piuvius did his best again his aitul band of milers Put in at University Engineering Society. yesterday to prevent Michi...…

April 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…17 ' ! i VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICHI.. FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1901. . ... Oar Special Lime of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS5 FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sort ment in the city, 6. H. WILD Co. 108 E. Washington St. IADAMS' SALTED PEANUTS received fresh every day: .. . WILDIR'S PHARMACY GAMES ON THE COAST A GO Management Throughs Coach Yost Has Practically Arraniged For Foot Ball Conte...…

April 12, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. WVse have jelst reeied00u line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitahle anti di- sirabie for the season. We are also showing foil ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting if 'lop Coats, Suit-- usgs, Fancy Vests andi Golf 'Iroisserings. We invite yiii to sitl iiiiiinstecit ourline it WILD'S 108 E. Wasbirjg tar...…

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