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March 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 114) • Page Image 7

… SERVICE to the spot under the Wolverines(Da 10 21Es iet in the final standings. '2 Strange as it may seem, Ohio M NOTICE State, whose victory was gained l WE BUY USED CLOTHING over Minnesota, was the only…

March 12, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

… LEAGUET TO GO TO RAYS Wolverine Track Squad Leaves for Champaign To rw;v Lineup Indefini . :A contingent of Michigan track * estars will leave Ann Arbor tomor- - row morning at 9:30 bound for Champaign…

…'to put in their bid for honor positions at the annual Uni- versity of Illinois Rey Carnival which will be held there Gaturday. Although the definite entries for the Wolverines have not been an- nounced as…

… t F 1 l tunity again. to try a shot all over What golfer wouldn't?" GYM TEAM ExDRILLS FR0 BIG TEN MEET Neither Coach Nor Team Ex.pect WOLVERINE SOUAD EXPECTEDTO JIN Wildcats Have Largest Number…

… mainly composed of sophomores and they recently suf- fered a crushing defeat at the hands ofthe powerful Wolverine aggregation under the tutelage of Coach Matt Mann. Michigan, with only 12 men en- tered…

… Half. IWho will carry the colors of the .ee u Wolverines into both the diving The Maize and Blue will put the iand 50-yard free style events in the final touches on their first season i Western…

March 12, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

… the field of qualifiers entering the semi-finals of the Western Conference wrest- ling championsiips arLer yester- day's preliminary bouts. M\ichigan qualified four out of the five Wolverine matmen…

… Drysdale clipped seven-tenths of a second off the old 150-yard back- stroke record when he finished in 1:42.3 and the Wolverine medley relay team composed of Drysdale, Lemak and Kennedy set a mark of 3…

… placed four men and one team; Northwestern eight men and a relay team; Iowa three and one; Ohio two and one; Illinois one and one; Chicago, one inan, and Purdue, one.relay team. The Wolverines will have a…

… places ir liminary heats at the Univ of Chicago field house tonig Following the Wolverine: Ohio State with six places. ana, counted as Michigan's gest threat, was third witl Chicago, Illinois, and Iowa…

… four each. Wisconsin and MV sota placed three and Ngrthw and Purdue, one each. Starting with the first ever 60-yard dash in which they .1 three men, the Wolverines le parade all the way. Jack Car and Don…

March 12, 1935 (vol. 45, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

Wolverine camp of Vic Heyliger, the end and exhibited his old form. duplicated in the finals when Stan rookie outfielder, who is slated to win Seymour Rubin, '35, of Chicago, re- Birleson was stuck behind the…

…Collum at defense, were the three Wolverines who won first team honors.j Johnny Jewell, goalie, and Larry David, defenseman, were placed on the second team. Sherf besides being unanimously chosen at left wing…

…. Freshman Defeat Indiana, 54 -491/ Coach Ken Doherty's freshman track team defeated the Indiana yearlings, 541/2 to 49/2 in the tele graphic meet staged all through las week. The Wolverine frosh showe marked…

… improvement over their per formance a week before against Ohi State's freshmen. The outstanding Wolverine per formance was John Townsend's heav of forty-four feet in the shot event Hicks of Indiana turned in a…

March 12, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…. they know our service is so private. Maybe cash will help you'if it will, write, 'phone or better still COME IN TODAY. 2nd Floor Wolverine Bldg. Room 208 208 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Plone 4000-4001 Cor. 4…

March 12, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…, victory is likely to be fought out between the Hoosiers and Wolverines in the longer runs. It is considered probable that Charley Fenske, sensational Wiscon- sin sophomore, will be the only man not running…

… carry the Wolverine distance hopes. Trials in the hurdles are to be held Saturday afternoon. Bob Os- good, defending champion, should have no trouble in qualifying and is expected to repeat his 1935…

… Michigan is due for a trimming. Iowa is the team to turn the trick, these prognosticators are saying, bait after watching the Wolverines in action this week and noticing the improvement made in the two weeks…

… since Iowa was defeated here 43 to 41, this writer does not see any possibility other than a sixth consecutive championship for Capt Frank Fehsenfeld's squad. It appears to us that the Wolverines will…

… much for Harry Rieke of Michigan in the 150-yard back-stroke, but the Wolverine sophomore will come through over Westerfield of Iowa and Salie of Ohio State. Jewell of Northwestern looks like the fifth…

March 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

… Scores In 08:7 The Wolverines' crack hurdle pair of Gedeon and Kelley augmented by Sherman Olmsted completely domi- nated the timber event as Gedeon took his heat easily in :08.7 to tie with Bush Lamb of…

… recognized authori- The Wolverines received their ma- Cummins received the largest total ssty ongAustria, had predicted to the jor set-back and chief surprise of !o ffirsts, 87. Daily that Hitler would use…

March 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

… and hiis Wolverine wrestler took an: the list of qualifiers for Satuirday bs"u.e-,al la nlleCofrnc et o r igrain hat:>been (changed somewhait l I-~~~~~~~~he was, able to drag thebahu e…

… by a score of 4-2 fromI time and will be able to take in all J. Matlon of the Gophers. of the activities because of the pro- h i na rm o-m ef At 145 pounds the Wolverines ir'iin's three haour length…

… he vy- ~ too"I eavey n t hd a schan e t 130-Ypdlayed in practically every one of the weight wivision, Joe Savilla of the I throw any et." Whe-cupon le pro- D Ohio Statle; Heydt, Iowa; Brandt,'Wolverine

… tilts. IPersodnoatli'w eghtrimgems i aCOr Wolverines was defeated by Dowes sede totFrwneghtcenerCo. NEW YORK, March 11:--(')J--Max' Minnesota; Rieke, Michigan; Amii Paris Replaces Chatham o ob…

March 12, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

… meet. The last Wolverine squad to feel the masterful touch of Coach B. Hoyt demonstrated its amazing bal- ance by amassing points in all but one of the 10 events to mount up 41% points, 17 more than…

… relinquished its Big Ten wrest- ling title today as Indiana rolled upj 27 points to win by a comfortable margin over the Wolverines and Illi- nois, tied for second with 19 points. Minnesota was fourth with 12…

… brothers were the only Wolverine entries to reach the finals but Bill Combs, sophomore Oat 155 pounds, and Butch Jordan in the heavyweight class, survived a series of bouts and added second place points to…

… the Michigan total. Don Nichols was the third second place winner for the Wolverines. Jim Mer- icka's third place in the 136 pound cass completed the Michigan scor- ing. Butch Jordan enabled the Wolver…

… place. Traicoff, of Indiana, 155 pounder, was finally adjudged the winner of a (Continued on Page 7) Help Give Wolverines Championships - - Squads Natators Easily Vanquish Buckeyes, Nearest Rival, As…

… event, the 300-yard medley which was won by Ohio. From then on, the meet was never in doubt as the Wolverines took first and second in every free style event except the hundred in which they won first and…

March 12, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…-room apartments furnished, conveniently located. Apply 209 South State. St. Michi- gan Wolverine. 438 LAUNDRIES LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 LOST LOST - A tame blue parakeet. TYPING…

March 12, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

… point ahead of burg. Clark up to the last two dives but The World Champions offered a Clark hit both to get the Wolverine piecework lineup which included pinion out 6 points, only three regulars of last…

…; second, Quayle, Ohio1 hundred and then Barker started to State; third, Holmes, Michigan; move. At the last turn the Wolverine fourth, Johnson, Ohio State; fifth,Y sophomore was still a yard behind Surles…

… Chadwick was instrumental in helping Hillberg with one of his tal- lies. Breaks Even Not only did this win put a pleas- ing finish to Cooke and Hillberg's ca- reer, but it also made the Wolverines break even…

… for the season in the win and loss column. Coming out fast in the opening period, the Wolverines made the first score of the night, when, after a few minutes of play Cooke, on a pass from Hillberg, put…

March 12, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 116) • Page Image 7

…MARCH 12, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Track Team Captuses Sixth Straight Indoo r Title Cinder Squad Retams Crown By Big Margin Michigan Scores In Nine Of Ten Events To Gaiii Overwhelming…

… last lap to insure second place. Heyl coasted in a surprise third to add three more points to the Wolverine's mounting tctal. In the 60 yard dash, defending title holder Davenport was far back in fifth…

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