October 12, 2006
(vol. 117, iss. 28)
• Page Image 6
…-994-8733. www.treecityproperties.conm TWO-BDRM. APT. SPACE-APPL.+ wshr./dryer. Easy walk to U of M hos- pital and downtown. AATA @ door. $900/mo. 734-996-3996 after 6 pm. ~ CENTRAL CAMPUS- 6/7 BDRM. HOUSES…
…-12/hr. Computer proficiency, orga- nization, office book-keeping skills, and reliable trans. req. Resume to Su- san Monaghan. Fax 734-662-9724 or smonaghan@ozonehouse.org No calls. SEARCH program…
… Sale ncy and Bulk contracts are available- 025 - Parking may receivea 20% discount when 030 - Automotive tudent ID (non-organizational, non- 040- Computers repaid unless prior billing privileges 045…