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October 12, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

… SPORTSWEAR - swimwear, bodywear, footwear, Factory close-outs, 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State Street. cFtc ABORTION INFO-Lifespan Resource Library. Call 769-0625 10-12 or 1-3 M-W-F. cFtc WIN AN APPLE Ie…


…. QUICK QUILL 665-6157 80J0109 COMPUT;5& SUPPLIES stems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave. - A A - Cal1996-0942 This Week's Specials Verbatim MD 525…

… Daily. We've got two free tickets to the State Theater for you. dJ1012 SEvicESS COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by MBL Systems featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used just south of main campus 1217 Prospect Ave…

… Reasonable Rates Career Dimensions 761-2458 cJtc COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB. 280-0180. 191021 IMPRESS A DATE RENT University Limousine 455…

… Sandy's line Kind of roster Problem for Cinderella Slosh, in a way There, in Spain 65 66 67 68 Fish pen Spelunker Knights' contest Big Apple, for short 17 - one's ways 18 Felix's friend 19 Go quickly…

October 12, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 32) • Page Image 8

… up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, M*cIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 33*S. State. cBtc, USED TIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup, light truck, odd sizes. Largest supply in area. Wmels…

… INTERVIEWERS FOR MARKETING RESEARCH FIRM. Some typing required; computer terminal experience helpful. Part-time hours; day and evening flexibility necessary. $3.50/hour. Call 973-9033 during business hours. 45H…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

… "Computer Kickoff '87" sale in September, the University sold Apple, Zenith, and IBM computers to students and faculty at 50 percent off retail prices. Those computers were Pedraza-Baily said Limon will be…

… Rackham graduate student, work at the University Computer Kickoff at the Sports Coliseum which sold more than 2400 computers this weekend. 'U' distributes 3000 computers By STEPHEN GREGORY Yesterday…

… weekend, the Univer- sity conducted its second major computer sale, delivering 3,000 computers to students, faculty, and staff, and making the event the largest on-campus sale in the country. During its…

… University of Texas to conduct research at the Stanford Center for the Humanities. distributed at the Coliseum Friday and Saturday. With 1,400 sales, Apple beat out the others in volume, but IBM attracted the…

… most attention with its new model that can display up to 256 different colors on the screen at a time. The University invited local computer stores to sell software merchandise and peripherals at the…

… pick-up. The invitations were an effort by the University to quiet complaints that its sale was taking an unfair chunk out of local computer business. Jeff Inwood, president of ComputerLand in Ann Arbor…

October 12, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 23) • Page Image 11

…--Mtg, Huron Valley Rose Soc, 7:30 pm, Aud, 1800 N Dixboro. ICEC/Apple Computer--Competition make-up sess, "Design the Personal Computer of the Year 2000" & "ICEC/Apple Fellowship Program," 7 pm, Chrysler Ctr…

… the Mexican Southwest,"3:30-5 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm; recep follows. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; Using MTS Message System & Remote Mail, 10:30 am-12…

… Answers," 7 pm, Glacier Hills Retirement Home. Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, "35mm Slide Production," 7-10:30 pm, Mich Media, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-0505. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm…

…, "The History of AAUP at the University of Michigan, 1915-1987, 3 pm, Alum Ctr Nov 29 Committee for 'alestine--Mtg, 7 pm, Mich Union MUG. Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem, S Barlett, 4 pm, 1301 EECS Bldg…

… Neonatal Neurology," Towsley Ctr. 763-1400. Ctr for Res on Learning & Teaching--Workshop, "Using Personal Computers for Preparing Classroom Materials," 7-9 pm, 120 WEngr. Reg req, 764-0505. Ctr for Res on…

… Learning & Teaching--TA workshop, "35mm Slide Production," 7-10:30 pm, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-6840. Computing Ctr--Courses. In Rm 3001 SEB: Lotus 1-2-3, Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: Intro to…

Computing, 9-11 am. In Rm 2065A Frieze Bldg: Intro to TEXTEDIT, Pt 4, 1:30-3 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Using Program Function Keys in MTS, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763- 7630. Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users…

… avail $1), 802 Monroe St. 662-5189. Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: MS-DOS Basic Skills, 8:30-11:30 am; Microsoft Word, Pt 2 (Macintosh), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; MTS Basic Skills, noon-3 pm. In Rm 4212…

… SEB: Microsoft Word Lec/Demo (Macintosh), 11 am- noon; Preparing Data for Transfer Between Applications & Computers, 1-4 pm. Reg req. 763-7630. *United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn-- Hayride…

October 12, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…. From Bivouac. 744-9532. SINGLE IN SOUTH QUAD Must sell '89-90 lease. Call Renee @ 930- 6662, anytime & leave a message. SOLA ELECTRIC MCR Computer regula- tor, total power regulation, dedicated Ime…

… South Forest. FOUR COLLEGE WORK STUDY students needed in Internal Medicine-Hem./Onc. for Fall/Winter 89/90. Office work, computer experience desirable, great pay. Inquire at 936-5290. FULL TIME DISHWASHER…

… organization needed to promote our Spring B reak trips. Eam money, free trips and valuable work experience. APPL NOW!! Call Inter-Campus Programs: 1-800- 327-6013. TH INK SPRING - Out-going? Well-orga- nized…

… week. Computer skills helpful. all Valerie at 936-8085 for info. WANTED: U-M Students to orient newstu- dents. Go Ahead...MAKE THEIR DAY!!BE A SUMMER ORIENTATION LEADER.3000 Michigan Union. WARM AND…

… monochrome rarely used$1150 or b/o.764- 8659 or 995-3016 anytime.Citizen printer incl. COMPUTER TERMINAL with modem, like new $390. Ta cebacku for IBM PS/2, new in the box, $350. Call 747-9400, 9-5. -W Buy a…

Computer at the Kickoff? We'll Help You Set It Up! 10 yrs Combined Experience With Micros Hourly Rates Call RJ Consulting 665-6508 Ask for Ron or Jim Sell it in. The Daily Achieve the LSAT Store You Need…

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