February 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 92) • Page Image 6
… UNDERGRADU- ATE WOMEN'S CO-OP. Fall applications available: five mm. from Diag, piano, cable, parking, computer, meals. All for approx. $250/mo. and 5 hrs. work. Come by1330 Hill St. for an appl. OPEN HOUSE…
… SEIKO watch looks like Rolex. Btwn. SEB/MLB on Mon., Feb. 8REWARD. Please call Lisa 663-6397. FOR SALE HOME/CAR COMPONENTS & SPKRS. TV'S/VCR's. COMPUTERS. SUPER ,IRICES. 668-1011. MICHIGAN CO-ED NAKED…
…. Order in fishbowl- Thurs.Fri., Feb. 11 and 12. Delivery- Valentines's Day. Spon- sored by Pi Delta. COMPUTER WIZ WANTED Earn $ & re- sume reference. Benchmark and/or graphics knowledge helpful. More info…
…- versity 's personal outreach program, stop by 611 Church st., suite 304. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call 747-9400, Rafiq. EXPERIENCED MATURE BABYSITTER for infant and preschooler. 6…