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April 11, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…, modem + computer table. $700 o.b.o. 764-1960. MODEM/FAX MODEM 19,200 BAUDS new; for MAC; very fast; $90.00. 741-8542. STUDIO AVAIL. MAY 16. Apts. 741-4373. UNBELIEVABLE!- S. University location…

…., new appl., Ta Q 9 1{ i/d7-7A 2 BDRM. APT. Near central campus. H20 & heat incl. A/C. Priv. Parking. Hill & Fifth. SUPER SUNLIT summer sublet Quid '2 …

March 11, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 88) • Page Image 5

… the landscape architects have chosen to plant crab-apple trees. My parents have had a crab-apple tree in their yard for years. It has been a nothing but a nuisance. Sure it flowers, for at most two…

… weeks in spring. More often than not, it blooms for about three days. The rest of the year it is ugly. worse than that, it drops rock hard "apples" onto the yard, which in turn, rotted the grass…

… underneath if left for too long. Another unanticipated side effect is that the apples turn into dangerous projectiles when picked up and thrown by mischievous kids (we had a high school bus stop on our corner…

… - the kids loved to have crab-apple fights). Needless to say, I think panting crab-apple trees would be a mistake. It makes no sense to do so, considering the climate of SE Michigan will not allow the…

… trees to flower for long, and the apples will just be a source of trouble. ANDREA E. CROSS-DIAL ENGINEERING ALUM *bstinence can stop HIV TO THE DAILY: I am writing in response to Jean Twenge's column…

… printing in the ITD Campus Computing Sites now costs 4C per page. Printing charges are deducted from your UMCE computing allocation. Check your account balance regularly! Join the Technology Force of the…

… opportunity you need to meet the challenges you'll face. We are interested in interviewing students in Engineering, Computer Science, Geosciences and/or Applied Sciences. Schlumberger is an equal opportunity…

January 11, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

… communications slot for Ethernet or modem and it's PowerPC upgradeable. Great for people who need an all-around computer. EldfltoIh PerfoI ~ I Performa 6214/CD with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 1 GB Hard…

…, and sample media kit. Personal LaserWriter 300 Quality laser printer. Prints 4 pages per minute. $510 when you purchase any Apple computer! e. .4 kN All computers come with ClarlsWorks and RAM Doublerl…

… riter 2400 Apple computer! .3 pages per minute in color. rint: interface cable, ink cartridges, SThe Mihian Dily (IS N 74-967~) Is Publshned Monday tnrougn Friday during thfl aenctwinter termsby students…

…- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 11, 1996 r Performa 636/CD with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 500 MB Hard Drive Save an extra $150 if you purchase any Apple printer with the 636! $1…

…,282 AppleLoan $24/month*, a One of Apple's most affordable and flexible multimedia systems. Comes with a dual-speed CD-ROM player and lots of useful education and personal productivity software. There's a…

… Drive $1, 730 AppleLoan $33/month* The Performa 6214 includes all the advanced multimedia features of the 636 but with a PowerPC 603 processor, 1 gigabyte hard drive and quad-speed CD. Power Macintosh…

… 7200/75 with 15" Apple Color Monitor. 8 MB RAM, 500 MB Hard Drive $1,885 AppleLoan $36lmonth* Power features of the 7200 include the PowerPC 601 processor, built-in 10BaseT Ethernet, graphics accelerator…

…, 240 MB Hard Drive $1, 77 AppleLoan $34/month* A handy portable at a very affordable price. PowerPC upgradable. Available while supplies last. Mitterrand fans bid farewell to dead leader at rally PARIS…

… along with the still-rising number of dead. - from Daily wire services PowerBooK 5300/100 8 MB RAM, 500 MB Hard Drive $2,010v AppleLoan $38/montb* Latest PowerPC-based notebook with such new features as…

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