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November 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…Voc. 1III.-No. 3i. UNIVERSITY OF HIGUIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1892. PtTtts- its /ti ~F r~ It has givei some of the greatestI THE LEHIGH GAME. ,M[IC HAiIMT1H ITSCARMS1 works foi the first time in the state, __! otbytelasaono -'utTrain for Toledo Leaves at 10 a M. ''- An Historical Resume of the['lhere is a possibility thta I)dor~k's Psi41 Arranements ave Been ~ Career of the Choral nion. "etiien Mss my gve a t____hetfinal concert in tie serie...…

November 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -zC. of /,vl 1$'1f). Publishedl Daily (Sndays excepted) duriug the Collee year, by j THE LATEST PLAN. Some Suggestionts as to the New Method of Reserving S. L. A., Seats. * FINE AND ELEGANT ,. Of ktfiit hfal iids for Ladies anad Gentle- I fL . Jtis.svrtut~ enutteI IN The boards for reserving stats for itl ii(111 At the earnest solititation of a opend a C8:1,cStra morning,WA R & M L E number of students, we present to at...…

November 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE~ STUDENTS. -~T ~ T'T 2J'E AGE'NTS 1F01E---- G4ENTLEMEN:I We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class elothing. Young Mfens S7.7Z Z T' IIODGEMKN VS MACKIN TOSHES Are the finest in the World. Esxamin(e our new lint of FULL DRE~SS SHIRTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR made up~ with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes the ,-'{-..O1...…

November 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…'T HE L. 0FMK DAILY t~ooth lBrus hes? 001)D T1ILNQG ;ECKWEAR SALE + , y e Itzche, pi1 +~r + at NOBLES. .And the Bristles will not Cors jStrin ed e, nstrument, Out. -^-CIIICE of a window full of "lin-hands, Tcks a1nd( Puffs or CALKINS', WILSEY'S,y 34?? S. State Street. {AndLo ics 34 S. State Street. 148 t. 48 ets. 48 Cts. 4S ets. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, 0O- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, AND _OR_ OF1SATE ND kI 001 TaT'. luvresity Tcxt-Book-, Medical ...…

October 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…Adombu----d Awm tt A. l A VoL. 11.-No. 9. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. the S. C. A. makes itself useful to ET N TH AND students. The association has been very for- Refers to the S. C. A. of Michi- tunate in securing for its general secretary this year C. A. 1lowc, '92 gan University. fit, aid last year president of the Founced in 1 5-A Sketch of its Athletic Association. 'r. 1ossen History-The Bui...…

October 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Z C. of 1W1F. Tai V. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.511 per year, invariably nadeanee single copien s ents.tSubscrip- tirne may be left at the ofie of the DALY, at Stofiet's, with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the oftice by 7 o'clock P. m. if they are to apper the net riay. Address all matt...…

October 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. WE ARE AGENTS FOR GENTLEMALEN:- I li ag 3f ts We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that ou ,Sid VerqIaIR's$a s Stocik, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class cltig oug\e' ANt) ILODGEMIAN'S MACKINTOSlIES. EXQUISITE FURNISHIINGS. PERRI1IN"S GLOVES. We wish to announce that we are going out ot the Read}' Made made up with all the dletail, care and skill. whdch characte...…

October 11, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. JLJ3 THAT' SHABBY HAT-! RRKJ'D, dc -,ITieri n A" WILL SCARCELY DO IN AINN ARBOR. - r n hailthe line ofIYoutthtt glad to return, attd we. ate. certaitly pleased fto see yott, - bttvot know atppeatrate.s go a long ways. CA LK IN E'MUSICAL GOODS..} WTT MRO 3 'AI C H 10 C ES ALVI WILEY, 2] Years in the Busine$,. Excelsior Laundry, Fns rJIS. St tE r.O1 [ROR I M.CITY LAUNDRY.1 .t.urt oFAeRO tat t tt ote. t tlee~atuttt~t~.M.o M. ...…

May 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…Of WWI I Lu Vol- H.-No. 156. Voc.11.-o. 111. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1892. IsitTRECNS PRioE, THREE CENTS. THE SYMPHONY CONCERT. hy i close and intimate aeiluiintinie FRESHMAN BANQUET. with it that one can_ ever hotpe to- The Orchestra Were Greeted by a ii ii Arrangements are Complete andI OURt Large and Enthusiastic Audience. 'truly appreiait. ti ult Ninety-Five Will Have a Big -overfloswing wits melocdyagtanice Time Fr...…

May 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -'. f i ' * the field. :Princeton, they say, yr .t& i ~ ~ flc~L Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring Scatinon, tx-pitcher of thse 1tii- THE C.OF llNegeNDeNaSSCATOy Pnnyvniyvl cah Spca lditig's Rackets anad a Complete Line of Sportiig Goodls. TH U F .INEPNEN SSCITONithe leamnthte rest of the season. ~~O I ~ ~ T Subscription price bi5s per year, invariably -- f - Wholesale and Retail Agensts for Michigan. fu advance Sing...…

May 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 156) • Page Image 3


May 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.- - WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New Wart-ronnie", (Coineri of Alain and Libertyv Streets. I will "Open the 13,t1" by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- 1"ind 1vuusm''m 1c uoS c) -r, N5 South Foturth Avenue, City. w mcYOUR GIRL Albany Law School ESTARICI)i 1851. AWoildt aptreciate ia lox of tflits( C0UlLE, ene year. Tgihreelfal termis Januarny anid Marcel. Fine Cehoco...…

April 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.Of , t . 1a lb. VOL. II.-No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIIL 11, 1892. independent Association Meetinbt. Ztie regultir'anniilcmecting of theI IiiiejitndentXssoi ation iwasOicalled l to order at 2 ,o Siturilay'if ternoion. President (Cirtiss icailed MIr. W. Ei. {grifein to thetihaii and the .Assoria- tol jiroceedied to passcin the sevcral amieindmeints to lihi.coiistitiu-I .;nWiihehiad ii iiipropiosedi Tice dic sinontevaiu...…

April 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…THDE U. OF M. DAILY. . o ~ingof a ike naturethtli me m Qoay vvF R EE SECOITD SEMESTER° litemore than name. It is simly re, aiFrnhlGraan aheaia Pbished Daily (lind a~s ece'pted) urngjti slo enmandl that IGret, atsi Freeli Grmn adoatnmtia tieCotsllegei.J eae rjl y o oitols00'I xt-.- + Books, New and Secondhand at the I)s cs- staff should be given only ~~" + THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION : hs, 515lis tVC hm Subscription pnice'55.511 per te...…

April 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEjOD!NEW GOODS ! Oanr SIU NO txand SL"IiIE It SI'TIN GSare arriviny daily. See OU.R Line of Spring Overcoats We clailtio have the best selectedlline in the market, att the lowest fprices. 1)() not buy- a Sait. Single Pant, or Spring Ove-coat untll Befor Buyig. haveINseen 0o1r'lutie. A large line of Truiandltl1I lags always (H han11d at ~ T~T S~~SThe J. T. Jacobs Company, ANN ARBORf 27 and 29) MAIN STRfEET. TI T O TTNTOTGEO...…

April 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF Il. DAILY. __ WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. NewcV' arcroaeiis. Corrooof lai an od Libertyv'Sit'cets. I so ill 'Opioeo the Ball'" by placing a fine stock cif Guitars, Banjos, etc.T PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU." 25 Soutoh F oth Av enue,ity. For Fifty Qent§ 25 C=NTS =.ACH_ rye ® YOUR GIRL 'Wog l all '00210 a lixso(' 1000' Fine ehocola~eS Albany Law 8cliool HOSIERY COL ILI L, t11e5rear. 'tihree 1f1ll1terills See th...…

March 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…le . of Alt. W1i i p. Vo,..1I.-NVo. 1 14. O0ratorical contest. UNIVERSITY OF MICH-IGAN, FRIDAY, AIRCII Ili2 ...... ..... I Glee and Banjo Club. Democratic Society. in se osters are 5new out for the 1 Tie U'niversity Glee an(1 1anjo Ilast esensig thelDemiocratic soci- I II secndi annual scontest of the (Ora- (Clusivase their eighth aninual son- niey held its regular iioiuiliy itteetitig in ( ii Assocniattionii Alii iinusual cert attliver...…

March 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. the spring vacation, anl shall lholtd Qollege FOR IRE SECOITD SEMESTER1 '1 h ofie forane9getr hssletd+ 'Th nanain edto ha sle t ext i+Greek, LatintI, 'resich, Germsan, and Mteaia the Colege seas, by. Satarilay, April 9, as the day oil +t,. Books, News anti Secondhtand at whlich to told thte election atidl se I THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION thrfr;ansl rqetalpr llmtorttmiipee t2 ie ea, narabysois(lesirinmg to conmpete ...…

March 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SPRING HATS at The TwoSam~s. Open.-T E GREAT in9 day March i . Mr. Youmans, NONE ()G -FOURTH I OFF Knox and the Celebrated Silverman HIat. S.ALE Telephone 99c. AT THE TWO SAMS. The J. ANN ARBOR. Is still ragin g at the J. T. Jacobs Comn- On. Children's Suits. EVERtYTLI1I Nt goes. until March 1. Come and avail yourself of this gOldee opporttln n !/ T. Jacobs Company, 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. 1=== KEYTQ r=7 STTT7A=1T G O G L...…

March 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPAINY. Ne Warlsr om,,, C (anir of Alalilt and(1Liliort vStreets. I xwilli Open the Bfall" by placing a ine stock ofi tarxs anjos, etc. PRICES. THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. lf1le ~'Dul laip,' Find N7 TII.S 'S MSMC SacR, 25 south Fourth Avenue, City. 11AT$ 1-4.1.1IVf 141 -Al- '1 t E t1.11 t t11c 'fitlil YOUR GIRL .x WouldI appjllO itti I Fine Chouo ALAYLAW SCHOOL. 1 t 1ll1l k;LVIi SES...…

February 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…40 1,4% 'o, r Akl Of , 1. 1a 1 . Yoor. I.--No.cN IJNWNERSITY OF AI, CEIIGAN, THURSD)AY, FEBRUARY 115 1892). Paderewski. to the highest pitch hy all that hadot fr omnthe lfirstlbut after the(ConceritoI lii.. etsN ok N olilhasthefol leen said of \lI adeirewskisi 5plse- had1lien iniislhed in smasteirly styl lowino to say otfP derewski the soiea iiliiii s ti I'sitiiChiiielitii ioait 01i thioroughly eized. l lire-te hialla'de suid the ( ohairp ...…

February 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M.- DAILY. ' (. ofj slhowtedlthat the class full y apptreci- . t ate(1 the lgteat interest swhich Prof. 'sttitet taly b asay erepet tsena Know]lton takes in all things tenoding the Colteg ear , by to benefit the dlepartmseat. ieI spoke in gTreat braise of the work of tihe THE U. OF M,. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION conitttee.landl emphtasizedl the fact, ______- that this ssas entirely ass affair of the Su scrin price g2.501 per year, invr...…

February 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THE J. OF M. DAILY. it Will Pay You AT THE TWO SAMS. ' Otte Huntdred Fine Overcoats Rledede. A lsootiery Prince .Albert Coats anti Vests. THIS WEEK. PEACE WIT/I CHILI. 1 Bttstillee'acnthepetiee of Clothing, Bst 1s a (,loves, Nittenetc. tc.T h its wi atenounoce to tite public tatvtouo fourthe ott sale, o everytittg int oer lDoubtle Stoe, cto- tiittts IN1l KMARCH i, wviichletcantsaome tings at less thtan actual tost. At tlte titte tltewater'pt...…

February 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THlE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. eN nX' ~o sX' o nj 1) 1(1of' .91ia di o .1leirt5' St 'ere. I wtill "'ii the Bal'l"iy placig a finie stock of Gu ittar's, lai~iXos. 'IC. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH you HATS) ONLY $3L79 Fid - -="xx. s's vs i'G' T CFW ., 2 " t"Le h toe ('ySee tte ('oikscrew Pata(loonsX. P r-- A LBANY LAW SCHOOL. W'i(IOW Ili jib. One-hlf Prig. Fresh C(X2?l 8Lt, oneW) Cal Threeiu'ell termsi,~ Clea...…

January 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…4cbe o ~n. Wa~Ijj. VO. 1.N . ( UNIVERS[TY OF MICHJIGAN, AMONIJAY, JANIJAIY:11 158=?. Athletic D~irectors' Meeting. rent the rink for in-door practice,( gant phrase, "'to base a little fan. butt as there is no other place in Last Satturday evening nearly evers The athiletircilirectors meint t ows available for the puirptose, it i s number oisthse programs was enroreid 01 I Aiphia N LI IHall Sattirtlay mtoring. hoped thsat the oswner of thse...…

January 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. W'J. o ~ ~ Yale, its closest competitors,, and ,"1'~4 its tgrowtht is therefore the more re- markable and significant. Wetdo tulshedt Daily Itiandays excepted) daring(leietesae d- not desire to dcietesaeei thae Callegre y ear', by THE . O M.INDPENENTASSOCIATION lairs. We wislt merely to so c them THE I. OFM. IDEPEDENTthe t-niversity, to prove to thtetm that it is ii granid institu~tiosn, and naiwanptionaprine tt.3(t iter ...…

January 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF 11. DAILY. WEDNESDAY MORNING, -- AT THE TWO All On" Fine Ovrcoatiits, All Onir Vle Suits, Ail Our Gloves, All Our Hats anid Caps, (Ecp on truact lats.) GREA T CL EA RING SA LE S AM S Of OvercoatS and U];ters. We liars'madle a treinensdolus cut ins prices all along the l ie of tien's an(] Boys' Orerenas and 17sters, whirls will enable uts to 1 -4 close them ntsout5155. WhsetsEs(LA IPPE vis Sol ltrSIint, to itasll souldlgo ntsusnsles...…

January 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WEARE THE PEOPLE.- - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, - ~ 1W V~l~li~ulO, - - Formerl1y Allmending'er Piano and Or-gan Company. C1~ J to I wil Openothe Bll"i'by placing a f1ne0stocL o1 (ioitl'sa njos.iii etc.1 PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU-, F'ol'C2ind tM:c STQIm-, - 25) South Follrth AvernueC.(I NT FOR ONI j4 Overcoat. (-arbo('ents «orth i S12 .t1 to b.i Take a Camera with YOU tS'I'AIII.15-11i1) 1 11 IALBANY LAW S...…

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