September 11, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 122) • Page Image 10
…- ing phones. Clerical & computer experience is preferred. Interested candidates 'should contact Tim Wade at 936-5386 or Kim New- man at 936-5402. TWO ADORABLE BOYS need fun friend to babysit. Flexible…
… FLOPPY 8086 PC $50 OBO. Dot matrix printer $40 OBO. Call 994-4421. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS. Apple powerbook 140, 4/40, $1900 w/ Hypercard/ System 7. Compaq Lte 386sx/20. Factory sealed 2/60 VGA $1600, 2…
…/84 VGA $1700. New/used computer systems available. Com- tmu Cycle. Inc. 1-800-854-2677. by Josh Dubow Daily Football Writer QUARTERBACK: This is a marquee matchup between two of the nation's top…