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May 11, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…Wbe '.of 9 4..MENM1 ) f VOL. IX, No. 163. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY,'MAY 11, 1899. THREE CENTS I G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We...…

May 11, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…c e . v VoL. VIII. No. 166. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1898 PRicE-3 CENTF. At Wild's Spring selections-just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our.:.... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO.108 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy - IS NOW.-- Wilder's Pharmacy' The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Precsrip- tions a specialty. Geo. P. Wilder. PIPE S A:LEI FOR T...…

May 11, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…,ALA S4% 7UESDAY, MAY 11, 1897. Foum PAGES-3 CE-NTS. VOL. VII. No. 166. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Z VOL.VII No.166 ANNARBR, MCHIAN, Received a full line of Novel ties for Spring Suits-' and Trouserings 1897 U,. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. s---- #SWEET S T Lowney's and Plows Cho- S colates either in bulk or Ill / pound and half pound ^a eE # Packages, strictly fresh, 60 V1 PALMER'S PHARMACY..- 46 S. STATE ST. $ We take care to buy only_ such...…

May 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…tt* AI VOL. VI. No. 1w). ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, N\1IAY, IMAYM1 sO Foit P AGES- 3 CENTS. CI JICAGO 7, Ml duGAN 3 Itolliles and llloolltmtntoic tilled 1theLIN\YiiEI111) .101 eT 'v t IMI4 e IS in h'*( first ptl't of the sixth, > Ntr ~ o 'Varsity Defeltel~ in a Hard- lilt itit'"lil'it ttite' 1111 wIt' out Good Sho in Made r~l in' Most ot.G ll 5-50 (1zltr> Fougoht Battle. Cl. t 'nittg io gt the Events. ', w e N t C lose OuLt f l g.Mx ii iaogtir ...…

May 11, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…tt* At SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1895. PRICE-THRE~E CENTS. VoL. V. No. 156. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANI,. i MICHIGAN YS. ILLINOIS. GAME TO BE CALLED PROMPTLY AT 3:30 THIS AFTERNOON. Huff, of Dartmouth, Captains the Illinois Men. Who Have Improved Sinoe the Former Game With Us -U. of M Batting Order. This nafternoi itt3:31) th(e 'varsity) tealm will mieet the Unit:esity of Illi- niois nine. The visiting teaim is strop;i; this siiason, aost a sthartp c...…

May 11, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…c je tt. of, AM A VOL. IV.-No. 159. ILLINOIS TOMORROW. Make-up of Both Teams.- Illinois Has Strengthened Since We Met Them. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock our team meets the University of Illinois team for the second time this season and will endeavor to better the score of 12-8, by which we defeated them on the southern trip. Illinois has put a strong team in the field this year, as she always does. She has excellent material; although H...…

May 11, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III.-No. 158. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGA AT.L N, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. FRIDAY'S FIELD DAY. triecl their luck against the 'Varsity THE LAWS DEBATE. The Sophomores and Freshmen boys with fair success. sWithout !Once More the Jeffersonians Win Will Meet on the Athl etic doubt the scores will hr (nose in sit' from the Websters in tne Field, Tomorrow,. ftsscgnc Joint Debate. The second annual field and ti r i ci vtefrack ...…

May 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…Of WWI I Lu Vol- H.-No. 156. Voc.11.-o. 111. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1892. IsitTRECNS PRioE, THREE CENTS. THE SYMPHONY CONCERT. hy i close and intimate aeiluiintinie FRESHMAN BANQUET. with it that one can_ ever hotpe to- The Orchestra Were Greeted by a ii ii Arrangements are Complete andI OURt Large and Enthusiastic Audience. 'truly appreiait. ti ult Ninety-Five Will Have a Big -overfloswing wits melocdyagtanice Time Fr...…

May 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…of Al . W1ail ,o1..1-No. 1,5 ,. UN\IVEIZSITY OF MlICHIGAN, MONDAY, MANY 11, Pi,)I. itiis, I r aiI ,E CENTS. ~ ~~tiIlG~ motT~ ion, nwhirs ia-rounnd in the oxbesly and lacik. aisficet hits, E X"L\Gthite expiience tof College steps one loot out and throws the Pearson, btack and lturros.s AlMen whtoiknows and appreciate sillto rt . ti iab lk pure andi Passedit llbait lsi. Stsrnik out, by- theicarefliiscrititinofC ollege tu- simspits ins thtet5rune...…

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