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April 11, 1989 (vol. 99, iss. 131) • Page Image 6

…- 800+mi. must sell call 930-0186 now. BRAND-NEW Ale Image-writer letter quality printer, $9Uneg. Call 764-1691. COMPUTER APPLE fic, monitor, and printer. Software included, with great word processor…

…, reference tables, electric typewriter secre- tary's desk, etc. Prefer evening cals. 885- 7856. TRIATHLON/RACING BIKE: Miyata 710 with accessories, including bike computer $350 Call John at 663-0483. MEN'S 12…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 7

…- 1370. COMPLETE TRAVEL:For Interviews Va- cations, Getting away! 1920 Pkrd. 761-5533. COMPUTER MDSE. WANTED: Used Apple "Macintosh Plus" computer in good condition. Call collect (616)755-6515. i.. We…

… Amiga 2000 Color system......... $1729 IBM-XT compatiables Herc-$799 EGA-$1099 Apple ][e/][c compatiable w/disk drive- Atari 1O4OST .. Mono-$850, Color Computer Consuftant's Surpfus 769-5 $489 -$999…

…, North Woodmere, NY, 11581. 800-421-4321. CO-ED Massachusetts summer camp seeks counselors. Call (914)762-2820. COMPUTER SALES POSITION with Au- tomation Link. Call 747-9400, Rafiq. CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMER…

… publication design skills, keyline ex enence, and good communication skills. Macintosh computer. experience is helpful. Send resume, salary expectations and availability date to Box 5, 2055-28th St., S…

… as subjects for a project examining the use of computers in writing. Experience usingcomputers for w ntmg re quired. $5.00/hr. for 6-9 hours over 4 ses- sions. Availability S ri term helpful. Call…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 9

… COLORS - CHECK OUT OUR FRESH SPRING MERCHANDISE! 20-50% off all merchandise *offer good April 18-29th, excludes Balfour jewelry, customized paddles and mugs. K 01988, Apple Computer, Inc. Apple and the…

Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Macintosh and Macintosh Plus are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. For more information contact: Computer Resource Center 3113 School of…

… Competitive Edge. MacintoshTM Plus reduced in price... f R SOME LIE] 1 l c ...just in time for graduation MacintoshTM Plus $1268.00 Apple 20Mb Hard Drive $725.00 ImageWriterIITM $456.00 SHOW YOUR TRUE…

April 11, 1986 (vol. 96, iss. 131) • Page Image 7

… from Slides p1NDLY S 9. GREAT COPY 'tk COPY N 110 E. Washington Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313] 994-0222 COMPUTER MDSE. FOR SALE: Brand new Apple Ile 80-column text card. Price negotiable.764-5937. 76T0414…

… Waterfront Activities - including Swimming, Skiing, Small Craft; plus Overnight Camping, Computers, Woodcraft and more. Inquire: J & D Camping, 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Phone (201) 429-8522. 23…

…. Call Ray Okonski. 353-2345. 23J0423 AUDIO PA AND DISCO systems. Electronic and computer repair. T shirts, posters, and mass quantities of sheet music. For the first name in music equipment, see ANN ARBOR…

April 11, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 153) • Page Image 8

…, $375. Call 662-6585. 93B0412 APPLE II-C starter systems $1199.00. 90 day warran- ty. Computer Reruns (used computers bought and sold), Tues.-Fri. 1-7, Sat. 10-5. 994-4949 anytime. 44B0413 1975 SUZUKI 550…

…0 FOR SALE BEEN WITHOUT A computer long enough? For sale: 1 Atari 800 system with a disk drive, printer, software including word processingandgames, plus many extras. $1250 but reasonable offers…

April 11, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 152) • Page Image 10

… Velvet Touch. No experience necessary, we will train. 215 S. Fourth Ave., 668-9755. 87H415 ANNIE'S DUGOUT. WAIT PERSON WANTED. 665-8644. 90H419 Computer People We're helping many companies in the area fill…

… negotiable. 994-0993. 88U413 LARGE 2 BDRM. May-August sublet. New furni- ture, carpeting, appl. Free laundry and parking, A/C. Balcony. 326 E. Madison. 663-5434. 96U412 Do a Tree a Favor: Recycle Your Daily…

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