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November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…Panel to consider cuts in, 'U, schools By ANDREW CHAPMAN The University has taken the first steps toward possible elimination of entire schools and colleges in light of financial troubles that may lie ahead. To accomplish this, a University budget ad- visory panel has established a subcommittee to consider guidelines and procedures for the discontinuation of any of the 17 schools and colleges at the University. THE SUBCOMMITTEE, which will...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…1 . .. r 1'0 Page 2-Wednesday, Novernber 11, 1981-The Michigan Daily Institute director defends research policies (Continued from Page 1) research, saying they felt research could be harmful to a student's education at the University. "Research is taking resources away from graduate and undergraduate education," MSA member Valerie Mims said. Gamota also told the Assembly that it was "too early" to consider student in- put into the propos...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

… Reagan delays tax hike The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1981-Page 3 Settlement reached in Mr. Bill case WASHINGTON (AP) - PresidenI Reagan said yesterday he is postponintg until January his plans for new tax in- creases and further cuts in benefit programs, and is determined to reject any spending bill that "abuses the limited resources of the taxpayers." Reagan, at a nationally broadcast news conference, declined to endorse a Sen...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…I ,4 OPINION z Page 4 Wednesday, November 11, 1981 The Michigan Daily Is smaller better? Is less more? things hire other people to remove hucksters' days called "the management team"-get We have to return toour purpose as a Univer- Bert Hornback crowded classrooms and fewer classes.advertisements from doors and Wi back to work professing something: teaching, sity where, living ,by what we know, we can If we didn't know how much the preside...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

….tARTS______ The Michigan Daily Wednesday, November 11, 1981 Pa 5 " wyv .r, 'Southern Comfort' Dixie ripoff By Adam Knee "NTOT SINCE Deliverance','claim the , 'advertisements for Walter Hill's Southern Comfort. Although the literal meaning of this phrase is abstruse, one thing is certainly clear: Southern Com- fort has been designed to do no more than to cash in on the popularity of the earlier movie. As is usually the case with a com- m...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…6-Wednesday, November 11, 1981--The Michigan Daily Listing of movies for a contest If you find your name and ad- dress in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies Ladies & Gentlemen, The Rolling Stones a filmed concert CANTERBURY TALES Listing of movies for a contest sponsored by STATE THEATRE MIDNIGHT SHOWS Fri. & Sat. Nov. 13-14 S WINNERS EVERY DAY:: No Contest To Ente...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

… The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1981-Page 7 Israelis police West Bank to quell merchants strike RAMALLAH, Occupied West Bank. (AP) - Israeli military authorities jailed' three influential Palestinians, confined others to their towns and dispatched troops to patrol streets of this restive Arab city yesterday to quell a planned merchants strike. Military, authorities imposed a cur- few on Qalqilya, a town 15 miles nor- theast of Tel...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…fA A G ACRt. 7 b SPORTS Page 8 Wednesday, November 11, 1981 The Michigan Daily Tight end speed Dunaway with U~ nf.-,., a..a nr 7ovy)ep t~) . T ECIKRICA -10z. e 4 3L~1.-1 1~ RN 3~2 of.. 5y*W M~1I 9WC , j i By DREW SHARP Michigan, was trying to put Michigan State away in the third quarter of its 1980 showdown in Ann Arbor. Wolverine quarterback John Wangler dropped back to the Michigan 35-yard line when he spotted his tight end Craig Duna...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

…I I 0,; The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1981-P'oge 9 H e Turner could be best guard in Big H Tepecotastns: Ten some tie says coach Frieder _ _____ _ _xv f }IY 9 CAi t IA t n.f cn na.w :.ea . - --..,......-'r ntiparrI~~~A~L Anti . ~tWAChanni By RON POLLACK During the latter part of last Thur- sday's Michigan pre-season basketball press luncheon, many of the Wolverine cagers were either aimlessly walking about or shooting jump...…

November 11, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

…4 ge 10--Wednesday, November 11, 1981-The Michigan Daily SPOR TS OF THE DAILY 11-8-1 season satisfies stickers By BARB BARKER With a 3-2 first round loss to Western linois in the AIAW Midwest Regional eld hockey tournament, the Michigan ickers wrapped up their season with -8-1 record. Although this year's won-loss record as almost identical to last year's 11-8 lark, Michigan head coach Candy ientek feels this year's team is better ian the ...…

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