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September 10, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

Apple Computer, IB brings you Compute C- ity of Michigan M, and Zenith Data Systems r Kickoff '87 -..._ A So that you may have the most convenient access to the power of computing, we are…

… offering a variety of systems at significant savings: *IBMs from $1,258.33 to $2,153.77 *Zenith Data Systems from $911.04 to $4,374.24 -Apple Macintoshes from $1,564.16 to $4,446.52 In addition, local Ann…

… Arbor computer dealers: ComputerLand, Inacomp Computer Center, Today's Business Computer and the Learning Center, Ltd., have joined the team with special prices on software and accessories. For more…

… information: *Booklets (including systems and prices) available at: *AII Campus Computing Sites *Campus Information Center *Computing Resource Center (formerly MEC) *Photo & Campus Services *Hands…

…-On Demonstration and Seminar Sunday, September 13 10:00 am-6:00 pm Michigan Union Ballroom Don't miss the computing season, …

September 10, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 1) • Page Image 34

… offices in the computing centers, Daily rnoto Dy yAN HABI An Apple Macintosh Plus computer in the Undergraduate Library's computing center welcomes users to come and explore the many ways this and the…

…Page 2 -The Michigan Daily, Thursday, September 10, 1987 Students turn to 'U' computers By HAL KANE The late nights spent in front of typewriters most students face when cranking out papers are…

… rapidly being replaced by late nights in front of computers. A trend due largely to the University's expan- sion of its microcomputing net- work. The 21 University computing centers - located throughout cam…

… they are pleased with the University facilities which combined provide an estimated 1,000 terminals. The largest center, located at 611 Church Street, has 161 computers. Hours at each of the centers vary…

computers to Uni- versity community members at approximately half of list price, and during a two-day promotion last spring, the University sold over 1,700 Macintosh Plus computers. Although there are many…

computers to work with, computer use on campus is by no means is and perhaps the most frightening problem with computer use is malfunction. Computer malfunction resulting in loss of data is a possibility for…

… any computer, and University computers are no exception. Caused by anything from dust in the auxiliary disk drive to wristwatch If you're careful, and you really know what you're doing, maybe only once…

… in a blue moon will you lose data. - Brian Wolfe, a consultant at the Computing Assistance Center but if not, they can always be reached by picking up the red phones in any of the centers and dialing…

… 4-HELP. But According to Brian Wolfe, a consultant at the Computing Assistance Center, said "If you're careful and you really know what you're doing, maybe only once in a blue moon will you lose data…

…." Consultants also teach courses covering computer use at the Microcomputer Education Center located in the School of Education building. But computer use on campus has not gained total popularity. Many students…

September 10, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

… 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Boord Wasserman Brave New BRACE YOUSELF, the computer age has hit the University full force this fall. It seems like CRISP and MTS…

…'s new computer, is currently the runt of the litter. But with $100 meals from each engineering student each term,.it is sure to sprint past MTS as the college's primary computer system. And for those of…

… gymnasium. Campus computers may take their knocks, but in the end students will be glad they are around. «.../ . .- /I Football fun with Bo's boys ANTICIPATION IS running high right about now. The…

… efforts to rid the stddiium of alcohol as we add- liquid that resehmleI water to the hot" apple cider bought on the way toward the gates. And we can forget about the group of friends who'll be sitting in…

September 10, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 3) • Page Image 11

… FinaIy.An Apple For The Student. Back to School Sale For a limited time only. An Apple Computer.. With its total versatility, built-in color graphics, and our complete selection of software programs, it…

… gives students a real edge in school- and for the rest of their lives. NEEDS PEOPLE The New Enhanced Apple lIe Complete Apple lIe Starter System .Apple lie - 64K Memory :Disk Drive with Controller & DOS…

… +80 Column Board "Monitor Ill eApple Stand 'Two Hour Training Class Writers, artists, layout help, advertising salespersons, circulation help, photo clip- pers, book stackers, worm farmers, dog…

September 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 2) • Page Image 18

… belted 22 home runs and led the Class AAA team with 82 RBI. Horton spent most of his time at the designated hitter post, but played several games at first base. U m4 Computer Mort of Ann Arbor announces…

… micro-computer pack- ages especially for students. Possible uses in- clude: Wordprocessing Accounting Electronic Spreadsheets Filing/ Record Keeping Programming Accessing Michigan Ter- minal System at…

… home ; We carry IMB-PC, Apple, Osborne, Sanyo, Com- modore, Ann Arbor Ter- w "90MMMO ', IMWIKM I …

September 10, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 2) • Page Image 26

… that the rate of defaults, or failure to pay back loans, has shar- ply declined since 1978. Two rates are computed by the government, a default rate for schools and a potential loss rate for the federal…

…" checks . . . FREE Fabulous HunphrFly4;rs . . . FREE Apples at Huron Valley National Bank SO DON'T FORGET WHIZZZ 0 CAMPUS OFFICE WILL BE OPEN SAT., SEPT. 11 9to 12 am w w - N OVER YOUR BSN IS WORTH…

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