February 10, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 93) • Page Image 6
… professional typing at reasonable rates, cal 439-8957. LSAT The Stanley Kaplan Educational Center has early-bird classes for the June LSATexam forming now. Computerized diagnostic exam available for all students…
… MATE NEEDED. Cam- usBeg in May. Laura, 769-6251. Jane NEEDED: One female to share large, 4 bdrm. apt. One block fr. campus with 3 other females. Reasonable rent. 763-3897. COMPUTER MDSE. COMPUTERS…
… printers, modems. Specials this month oni200B Modem only $129. Call Automation Link, 747-9000. FOR SALE: Apple II SuperPilot program. Writes CAI lessons with graphics andrsound. Purchased for $175 and never…