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November 10, 2010 (vol. 121, iss. 45) • Page Image 6

… diner name H0p... 'What_ boy 65 Heany cousin 11 Foreslchoppems am 11' drinker 20 Soccer VIPs? 12 Unit of computer 21 Source of low- memory ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: alcohol wines 14lSlangy ussents 23…

… notably concemE 27 Diet successfully 26 Britishart I A S 28 Counsel institution T 0REEPOINTTURN 32"__Gold":Peter 29Apple MIA ORTS EERIE Fonda film touchscreen M A L L E I T 7 f E I G N 35Helper: Abbr…

…. computer MRFOX TOCT0 38 Lobbying gp. 30AnatoXmical M A C E NZ E8 R 39 Fill in at school pouches 43 Modem 31Return from a RI C0 SAME 44 Friend'spronoun cave? S K A U V E A S P I E L 45 "Then..." 32 Finds a…

November 10, 2005 (vol. 116, iss. 28) • Page Image 7

… geography that lead to differences in the cost of raw food. "You have to be careful that you're literally comparing apples to apples," he said. the michigan daily One of the reasons the University's room and…

… CCRB " Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus * Exercise Room, Rec. Room * Study Lounge w/ Computers " Models open Daily 741 E9300 EXTREMELY CLEAN! FURN…

… are likely today. Power outages and computer crashes dog your steps. (Groan.) CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might be surprised that the sup- port you expected from someone is not there today. This is…

November 10, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…- nished & contemporary in every way. Add FREE Internet, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ comput- ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi- dent shuttle to North Campus…

… and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. May & Fall. 741-9300. ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint…


… Display advertising, please call one 0 ur A0 t..rA.on Eeuivs0 71 11/09/04 1 12 1 ssification: D- Lost Found - For Sale - Parking - Automotive - Computers - Technology D - Furniture…

November 10, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

… Veterans Day parades, as reported by The Associated Press yesterday. Apple pie and the docudrama JOHANNA HANINK PARLANCE OF OUR TIMES patriotism and network televi- sion, like patrio- tism and country…

… this country who caught wind of the network's plans were less than pleased. Paranzino took it upon himself to lead their fight from his person- al computer. On Saturday, The New York Times ran an article…

… research that the forward-thinking nation of Israel has conducted. India too has engineered many advances in satellite technology, comput- ing and nautical methods, from which Israel's help at the time, it…

November 10, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 31) • Page Image 6

…, A/C, large kitchen, exercise & computer facilities, shuttle service, near CCRB. 741-9300. CENTRAL CAMPUS !!! 6/7 bedroom houses, furnished, parking, ethernet, washer/dryer. May to May lease. 734…

… for an appl. PART TIME LEASING/OFFICE HEL University Towers is a 240 unit stud housing property, looking for office help the weekends. Must be people oriented dependable. Saturday 10-5, Sunday…

… AGENT- part-time. Seeking friendly person with good people skills aid computer knowledge. Will train. Contact Carolyn at 668-1100. Leasing agents wanted Great pay, flexible hours, fun working environment…

November 10, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 46) • Page Image 5

… the American electorate, Michael Dukakis had swiped our baseball, eaten our apple pie, and smacked our mother, all in one shot. And, Tuesday night, they made their choice. But though they'll see George…

…- If good math grades are important '. try the Kemeny! to you.. The Computer Software Series (Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Probability, Discrete Math, Statistics and Algebra) was developed by math…

… professors at Dartmouth College. Used at hundreds of major universities, the software is designed to help students gain a better understanding of math concepts by using the computer. These best-selling Kurtz…

November 10, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 48) • Page Image 7

… Sch Ed. Register: 764-0505. Computer Vision Res Lab-Sem, I Sethi, "Temporal Seg- mentation of Image Sequences, "5 pm, 3427 EECS Bldg. Cognitive Sci & Machine Intelligence-Colloq, R Hogarth, "Risk…

… " (For women & men), 7:30 pm, Canterbury House, 218 N Division St. 475-1453, 761-9475. Computing Ctr-Course, B Blue, "Introduction to Tell-A- Graf (3rd sess), 7-9 pm, 1013 NUBS. Register: 747- 2424. Career…

…, Rackham Lee Hall. WEDNESDAY November 12 *AAFC-The Trip, 7 pm & Easy Rider, 8:45 pm, MLB 3. 769-7787. Sch Art-Panel disc, "Computer Graphics Enter a Brave New World," 7 pm, Chrysler Aud. *Mus Art-Lec, N…

…, Hillel Aud, 1429 Hill St. 663-3336. Sch Music-Recital, String students, 8 pm, Recital Hall. Mech Engr & Appl Mech-Sem, R Viskanta, "Freezing/ Melting, "4 pm, 2281 GG Brown Lab. Mich Gay Union-Soc/disc grp…

… Controlling Osteoporosis," 7:30 pm, M-CARE Hlth Ctr, Plymouth, 9398 Lilley Rd. Register: 459-0820. Undergrad Math Club-Lee, C Simon, "Dynamics and Chaos, "4 pm, 3212 Angell Hall. 769-0064. Computing Ctr…

…, U-M-DBN, 160 COB; U-M-F, Univ Ctr Kiva. Women/Univ Fac-Mtg, R Dunkle & E Dixon, "Micro- computers for Women, ", 6:30 pm (*Buffet dinner), Conf Rm, Mich League. iVDgg A v Guild House Camp Ministry…

November 10, 1978 (vol. 89, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

… main- taining such records on the computer. They also suggested that the city con- ceal data processing equipment to prevent vandalism, more carefully manage accounting procedures, keep a daily log on…

… & raspberry juice " SUNBURST yogurt & orange juice * APPLE BLOSSOM yogurt & apple juice * PINA COLADA yogurt & pina colada juice e PAPAYA yogurt & papaya juice * PROTEIN PLUS-a frozen yogurt shake with wheat…

November 10, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…., 4 p.m. Ind. & Ops. Lng.: Z. Gackowski (visiting research scholar, Warsaw Univ. of Technol, Poland) "Quanti- tative Assessment of, Progress in Realization of Computerization Pro- jects," 229 W. Eng., 4…

…. Lawrence Livermore Labs., Calif. Summer program for undergradu- ates/graduates in the fields of phys- ics, computer programs, chemistry, engr. (various fields), environment- al research. Details and appls

…. avail- able. Deadline, Dec. 1. Wayne County Community Col- lege - Openings for temporary sea- sonal positions cashier, computer terminal operator, warehouse aire, checker. Dead~line for applying' is Nov…

November 10, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

… to $120. 481-0666. 11I011 _ a tel__Be"toffe,_64-s791. mm0X $15_A ANN ARBOR based corp. operating out- WETHEADS. $18 Remington 600 hand LOST AND FOUND y Best-_ffer 4-9 DOCTORATE STUDENT in computer

…, accredit- - -- .- --- --- -- -needed for temporary employment. unique apple wine. Only $12 per case LOST: white hand-knit sweater 2 weeks ed by UM. 662-1775, 66-7348 till 11:00 WANTED female to take over my…

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