November 10, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 54) • Page Image 3
…., 4 p.m. Ind. & Ops. Lng.: Z. Gackowski (visiting research scholar, Warsaw Univ. of Technol, Poland) "Quanti- tative Assessment of, Progress in Realization of Computerization Pro- jects," 229 W. Eng., 4…
…. Lawrence Livermore Labs., Calif. Summer program for undergradu- ates/graduates in the fields of phys- ics, computer programs, chemistry, engr. (various fields), environment- al research. Details and appls…
…. avail- able. Deadline, Dec. 1. Wayne County Community Col- lege - Openings for temporary sea- sonal positions cashier, computer terminal operator, warehouse aire, checker. Dead~line for applying' is Nov…