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October 10, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

… ROTC Bldg. (H35 FEMALE WANTED to work breakfast and lunch in the Golden Apples room. Call for appointment, Mr. Mackie at NO 2-4531. )H36 MALE or FEMALE-part time help in photographic department. Photogra…

… engineering in such fields as Radar, Airborne Elec- tronics, Computers, Missile Electronics. For manu- facturing engineers, there are positions in quality; material or production control, test equipment design…

…, as well as radar, electron tubes, computers, and many other challenging fields. .. and you advance Small engineering groups mean recognition for initi- ative and ability, leading on to advancement that…

October 10, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 21) • Page Image 5

…; Further- con- sideration of solicitation proposal pending consultation with groups in- volved. Lectures Report of an On-the-Spot Evaluation of Soviet Computer Progress: The Dept. of Elec. Eng. and the Dept…

…. of Math. Seminar on Automatic Programming and Numerical. Analysis will sponsor a joint report of a 2-weeks' tour this fall of Soviet Digital Computing. Es- tablishments in Moscow, Kiev, and Leningrad…

… mathematicians. Assignments available in supersonic missile flight, anti-mis- sile missiles, weapon systems and ground environment integration, mis- sile guidance, computer programming, and other programs…

… LOST-One pair of charcoal horned glasses presumably in vicinity o P-Bell. Call NO 3-7019. d r of t] )A POTATOES-U.S. No. 1 $3.00 -- 100 lbs. Delivered C.O.D. Also Cabbage $1.00 Bu. - Tomatoes - Apples

October 10, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 32) • Page Image 8

…. 79C1010 sureia, do-n, porio- ( Ad hand reflexology. appled kines- I SPECIAL PHYSII DESK REI 1976 $10.95 If ordered by Oct. 15th, and paid in ad- vance. Mail your check today. Price is $11.50 plus…

…. All electric. Serving the academic. RECORDS hundreds and hundreds of them SLEEPING BAGS down and dacron ART PRINTS 40 high quality masters 1002 S. Forest - No. 1 Come anytime 54B1012 PDP-8 COMPUTER for…

October 10, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…F1010 JEWISH GRADS-APPLE PICKING!!! Our Second Annual Trip to the farms. Meet Sunday, Oct. 11 at 10:30 a.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill St., to carpool. Bring sack lunches, and please drive if you have a car. c…

… bookkeeping and general office skills. Call 995-4001. 77H1011 TYPESETTING: for input to computer typesetter. Day work for ,experienced keyboard operator. Knowledge of code commands for wide variety of…

October 10, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

… 19" frame w/computer $250. 663-6477 leave message. OOB1010 IS IT TRUE you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get the facts today! Call 1-312-742- 1142 Ext. 1137-A. 71B1009 APPLE WRITER…

… order sent t: Pen an Palette Box 1005 Cary, N.C. 27611 The Macintosh and MacPaint are trademarks licen- sed to Apple Computer, Inc. 10F1011 SIGMA KAPPA-THE NEW SORORITY ON CAM- PUS OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES IN…

… & water incl. $340. call 663-3050. 23B1017 DISCOUNT SOFTWARE up to 25% off. IBM, Apple, MacIntosh, etc. Call 996-0001. Armstrong Software, 332 S. State. cBtc USEDtTIRES $10 & up, mounted. Passenger, pickup…

… II-Word Processing Program for Apple II's. Still in unopened package. Retail $135.00 will take $75.00. Chris M. 761-5960. 04B1011 IS IT TRUE you can buy jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get…

October 10, 1988 (vol. 99, iss. 23) • Page Image 9

… Valaquen sees to it that the album contains more samples than a mix by local D.J. The Wizard. The computerization of Information Society doesn't stop with their music. The band has an } IBM compatible…

…--Pre-Interviews, Eli Lilly & Company, 4-6 pm, 1311 EECS; Apple Computer, 6-8 pm, 165 Chrysler. 763-5027. Hillel Fdn--Israeli Dancing, 7:30 pm, 339 E Liberty. 769-0500. MHRI--Sem, E Simon, "Recent Studies On Opioid…

computer disk which stores a zillion K worth of average buddy-cop or science fiction film; the special effects, for example, enhance, but do not detract from the story, which is a nice change. Though the…

…-7080. Computing Ctr--Courses Rm 3001 SEB: Lotus 1-2-3, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Macintosh Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; MS-DOS Basic Skills, 1-4 pm; Beginning Microsoft Word (Macintosh), 1-5 pm; In Rm 4003 SEB: Basic Concepts…

…-6675. computing Ctr--Courses Rm 3001 SEB: Advanced Lotus 1-2-3: Macros, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Microsoft Word Outlining & Style Sheets (Macintosh), 10 am- noon; Beginning Microsoft Word (IBM PC & Compatibles), 1-5 pm…

… Dow Bldg. *CEW--Wkshp, "Carrer Decision Making: The Step Before the Job Search," 7- 9:30 pm, CEW. 763-7080. Computing Ctr--Course, LaTeX Laboratory, 3-5 pm, 3001 SEB. Reg req, 763- 7630. U…

…. 936-1809. *Mich League--Africa, 4:30-7:30 pm, League Buffet. Archery--See OCTOBER 10. Tau Beta Pi/Eta Kappa Nu--See OCTOBER 10. Computing Ctr--Courses in 3001 SEB: dBASE Ill Plus Pt 2, 8:30 am-12:30 pm…

…; MTS Basic Skills, 1-4 pm; Excel Basic Skills, 1-5 pm; In 4003 SEB: Text Formatting with LaTeX, 9 am-noon; In 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of Data hboxCommunications, 10 am-noon; Intro to Computing, 1-3 pm…

…. Computing Ctr--Courses in 3001 SEB: dBASE III Plus Programming: Intermediate Topics, 9 am-noon; Microsoft Word Glossaries & Macros (IBM PC & Compatibles), 1-3 pm; Printing MS-DOS Microsoft Word Files on the…

… Xerox 9700, 3-5 pm; In 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of Computer hboxGraphics, 10 am-noon; In 4003 SEB: Intro to Authoring Systems for the Macintosh, 10 am-noon. Reg req. 763-7630. Hosp Arts Prog…

October 10, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

… you can eat hot dogs, apple cider, & marshmallows. See why people like ours the best. Only 14 miles from Ann Arbor. Small & large groups welcome. 'a after 6 pm 428-9100. TYPING- Resumes, cover letters…

…. Flexible schedule. $51hr. Will train. Call 994-0003. OVERSEAS JOBS. $900-2000 mo. Summer, yr. round, All countries, All fields. Free info. Write IC, P.O. Box 52 - Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. PART-TIME Computer

October 10, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 25) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, October 10, 1990 r ZENITH1 data systems Groupe Bull The Change'll Do You Good! 0 Attention, Apple(tm), IBM(tm), and Zenith Data Systems(tm) Computer Kick…

…-Off Customers! If you placed your Computer Kick-Off order before the September 27th deadline, you can change your order without penalty. Why Change Your Kick-Off Order? Zenith Data Systems announces new lower…

… prices on its line of desktop computers based on the Intel 80386DX and 80386SX microprocessor. If you ordered a Zenith Data Systems Z-386SX desktop or Z-386/25 computer system through the Computer Kick…

… ... by just changing your order! How Do I Change My Order? Fill out the form below, or fill out a new Computer Kick-Off order with the necessary information, and deliver it to the Photo and Campus Services…

… Lower! Item Z3 Kick-Off Price $2,391 ff _ .. _ i. . ._ .r «.h 11 ', . l' \ :i j I 'I -.. 4- .-- ~ ~ _ -. Put the computing power you want on your desk now with the terrific value offered by Zenith…

…/25 delivers! Zenith Data Systems loads your computer with 4 Megabytes of Random Access Memory to make short work of your advanced Graphical User Interface application software. Your "Seamless Solution" bundle…

… offered on Zenith Data Systems 80386-based Computer Kick-Off systems. I understand that I can change my order without penalty. I also understand that the systems listed below will be shipped exactly as…

… described in the Computer Kick-Off booklet published by the University of Michigan. Name: School ID#: Mailing Address: Daytime Phone: Signature X Change my order to the configuration Initialed Below: (please…

October 10, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, October 10, 1991 Cl JASSJFJD ADS 764 -0557 ..................R ........ ....A L .......... APPLE IMAGEWRITER II PRINTER with computer paper. Call 662…

… AVAIL- ABLE with Ann Arbor computer firm. Responsibilities include direct participation in development of marketing plan. Specific projects will be designing seminars and ad copy for mailings…

… Health Analysis and Modeling Group to maintain its tape and health libraries. Computer experience preferred, but not necessary. Applicants selected will be subjected to a security in- vestigation and must…

… & Orders Call Mercy Kasle- 996-4047 I NEED ROOMMATES! 312 Catherine, prkg., newly dec., near Kerrytown. 449-4797. ZENITH SUPERSPORT LAPTOP COMPUTER, 20MB hard disk, mouse, modem, printer, external monitor…

October 10, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

… to 4. Requires a friendly and attentive attitude. Exp. with little kids is a plus. Loc. on Scio Church Rd., a 10 min. drive west of UM Stadium. To obtain an appl. call 734- 665-5175 or write…

…-8789, Attention: Personnel. DATA PROCESSOR, forward/typists needed. High income potential. Flexible hours. Basic computer skills required. Sales positions also open. 800-990-9835 or 941-351-5514 or visit www…

… person Mon.-Fri. 3PM-7PM for answering multi-line photo system, filing and general office duties. Computer exp. and exc. communication skills required. Call 665-3686 x55. PHONE, RECEPTIONIST- Aardvark, a…

October 10, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

… will help set its new service apart from a bevy of other digital music retailers that have launched since April, when Apple Computer Inc. introduced its iTunes Music Store. Also vying for a piece of the…

… referendum for a consti- tutional amendment that defines marriage as being between one man and See MARRIAGE, Page 3 I JEFF LEHNEK/Daily Lawrence Riddle picks an apple from a tree at Wiard's Orchards on…

… Merrit Road in Ypsilanti yesterday. Riddle said he will use the apples to make cider. THE SOUND OF MUSIC Band practce compels former 'U' prof to change city nois'e ordi'zance By Michael Kan Daily Staff…

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