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October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…cl bic Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom 4p Vol. XCVI - No. 26 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 10, 1985 Ten Pages Football player mistakenly detai 'ned By JOE EWING A Michigan football player was mistakenly detained by Ann Arbor police in connection with the armed robbery of the Comerica Bank at 777 N. University yesterday afternoon, the police and Michigan football of- ficials reported l...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…wI 4 Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 10, 1985 Battered women stage vigil By ROD COFFEE Co-sponsored by the Coalition for a GRETCHEN Broman shared her opened to the audience and women About 100 women gathered on the Grassroots Shelter and the Women's experiences of family violence with from the crowd shared their personal steps of the Federal Building last ,Crisis Center, the program began the crowd and then proceeded to lead...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

… The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 10, 1985 - Page 3 Alpha Xi Delta sorority comes back to campus By JOANNE CANNELLA There's a new sorority on campus, but oddly enough it's been here for 65 years. At last night's mass meeting, about 300 women gathered in the Michigan Union's Pendleton Room to learn more about the new Alpha Xi Delta sorority. PAHNELLENIC President Maggie Michaels said that the sorority needs "at least 100 members or it wi...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Thursday, October 10, 1985 The Michigan Daily 4 SDI director says Soviets have. shield Following last Friday night's conference on Star Wars and the Universities at Rackham auditorium, Daily opinion page editor Jody Becker had the following dialogue with James Ionson, a director of the Strategic Defense Initiative Office in Washington. Dialogue Daily: You said tonight that you have been misquoted as saying "This office ...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 5

…E b 't ri Percentage of hi BOSTON (AP) - The percentage of "I THINK there's been a general blacks entering U.S. medical schools shift in the social climate, and the im- has fallen during the past decade portance of achieving equality for ven though the percentage of minorities has diminshed on the ninority applicants and their test national agenda," said Dr. Steven cores have risen, according to a new Sheai, an internist at Columbia report. C...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 10, 1985 NEA recommends school AIDS guidelines WASHINGTON - The nation's largest teachers union recommended guidelines yesterday it said seek to deal fairly and safely with the problem of AIDS in public schools, in- cluding non-classroom instruction and medical evaluations. The proposals by the National Education Association come amid mounting public concern over acquired immune deficiency s...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Thursday, October 10, 1985 Page 7 a x 'Loot' sacks society's institutions By Noelle Brower M ONEY. What would you do to to attain it? Maybe you'd play hide-and-go-seek with your mother's freshly embalmed corpse? Or perhaps you're too moral, and would settle for flushing all of your religious ideals down the toilet? The characters in Joe Orton's macabre play Loot, performed by Suspension Theatre, do all of the ...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 10, 1985 OUTFITTED BY ESPRIT and UNION BAY II A coffee break with Duchable By Neil Galanter TT'S AMAZING how close you can Sget to a person after only an hour of friendly coffee conversation. This is what I decided after talking with I Francois Rene Duchable who is scheduled to perform an all Liszt piano recital this evening at Rackham Auditorium at 8 p.m. Duchable is an affectionate, an...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 9

…Hockey vs. Miami (OH) Tomorrow, 7:30 p.m. Yost Ice Arena SPORTS Field Hockey vs. Northwestern Tomorrow, 4 p.m. Ferry Field 'Me Michigan Daily Thursday, October 10, 1985 Page 9 White By JOE EWING -A year ago, the Michigan State of- fense did not need Lorenzo White to help it humiliate Michigan, 19-7, before a hometown crowd in Ann Ar- *or. -But that was a year ago. THIS YEAR the sophomore tailback is not only needed by the Spartans' of...…

October 10, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 26) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 10, 1985 Injured stickers stick together 4 By DAVE ARETHA Two weeks ago, junior midfielder Joan Taylor was the stick-handling wizard of the Michigan field hockey team. More recently, she stood uneasily inside the Michigan Fieldhouse, her left hand in a cast. She fidgeted along the sidelines, wat- ching her team prepare for an evening practice. Three weeks ago, junior midfielder Jane Nixon was ...…

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