February 01, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 84) • Page Image 7
… 1512 Rackham Bldg, UM. COMPUTER MERCHANDISE XT COMPATIBLE 640K 20meg, HD with software monitor. $545.665-6843. - MACINTOSH SERVICES - Individual traiing -production. PageMaker, Word 4.0, etc. Facuty…
…, staff students. The- ses, slides, overheads. Certified Apple-Mac Trainer. 663-8942. CA-SIFIED ADS 764-0557 HELP WANTED $6.00/HOUR NEED A WORKSTUDY Stu- dent to work 10-20 hrs. per week doifiling…
… & computer work. Flexible hours. 76Z496.- Wanted: Student To Do Research on Divorce in Western Cultures Contact Stuart W. Cochran, C.E.O. Design Time Inc. 1-800-338-8904 Ext. 210 *30 SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE…